Gabion Tender Results
Gabion Tender Results
Public Works Department - PWD Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: Flood Protection and Training works at Basgo Nallah by way of channelization E/W and construction of Gabion
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4 Million (USD 49 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Public Works Department - PWD Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: Flood Protection and Training works at Basgo Nallah by way of channelization E/W and construction of Gabion
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4 Million (USD 48.9 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Public Works Department - PWD Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: Training works of Phyang Nallah by way of Channalization ,Earth work and construction of wall by way of Gabion
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4.5 Million (USD 54.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: RCC Hume Pipe NP4 Length 2.5 Mtr Inner Dia 1.2 Mtr Outer
Dia 1.50mtr Thickness 150mm , Boulders 150 350mm , RR
Stone 150mm to 350mm , Stone Aggregate 40mm , Binding
Wire , Collapsible Galvanized Iron Wire Mesh Crate of size
2.5 Mtr length x 2.4 Mtr width x 1.5 Mtr height Gabions ,
Cement , Sand , Aggregate 20mm , Sign Boards Caution
Boards , Collapsible Galvanized Iron Wire Mesh Crate of size
3 Mtr x 2.4 Mtr x 0.5 Mtr Gabions
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 5.3 Million (USD 63.6 K)
1691-1700 of 1865 active Tender Results