Tender Results of Forests And Environment Department
Tender Results of Forests And Environment Department
Forests And Environment Department Tender Result
Consultancy Services...+1Other Consultancy Services
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Forest area plot Block Boundary Survey and Demarcation
with DGPS , Contour Survey using GPS and total station with
grid marking , Multi colour ploting Printing A0 Size , Multi
colour ploting Printing A1 Size , Multi colour ploting Printing
A2 Size , Multi colour ploting Printing A3 Size , Multi colour
ploting Printing A4 Size , Colour Scanning Work A0 Size ,
Colour Scanning Work A1 Size , Colour Scanning Work A2
Size , Colour Scanning Work A3 Size , Colour Scanning Work
A4 Size , Land and Road Survey as per DILR Guidelines
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 96.25 (USD 1.1492323)
Forests And Environment Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Hiring Of Loader Crane For Loading Of Logs On Trucks At Various Log Depots In South Andaman Forest Division
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1 K (USD 12.053933)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Forests And Environment Department Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 1 ,
Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 2 ,
Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 3 ,
Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 4 ,
Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 5 ,
Cement piles of different sizes shall be given with details of
dimensions of vibrated piles and internal grooves 6 , Barbed
Wire ISI Marked , wire pin
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.7 K (USD 21.169754)
2921-2930 of 3480 active Tender Results