Tender Results of European Environment Agency Eea

Tender Results of European Environment Agency Eea

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date30 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 150 K (USD 21.2 K)
Ensure the seamless continuation of high-resolution snow and ice (HR-S&I, Part 1) products and services currently executed under the framework contract EEA/DIS/R0/18/014.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date24 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 184.9 K (USD 26.1 K)
Based on the EEA-Eionet Strategy 2021-2030, EEA will ‘monitor progress of Europe’s transition towards a circular economy and assess Europe’s efforts towards reducing the impacts caused by our society’s consumption and production of raw materials, products, services and waste’. For the Western Balkans to unlock capacities needed to achieve circularity under the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, there is a need to intensify efficient information and knowledge sharing with EU member countries, which EEA will facilitate through increased engagement of Western Balkans in Eionet, as well as tailor made capacity building programme for local experts.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 150 K (USD 21.2 K)
Knowledge development for the European Climate and Health Observatory (ETC/CA).

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 240 K (USD 33.9 K)
Provision of language training services for the staff members of the European Environment Agency.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date20 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 1 Million (USD 141.3 K)
The subject of this call for tenders is the provision of writing services and editing and proofreading services. Writing will include: writing and re-writing of scientific content, as well as providing advice and consultations on the content of the scientific publications, drafting key messages and fine-tuning tone and content adjusting it to the audiences required. Editing and proofreading covers services in English language editing and proofreading for EEA publications. These may include reports, briefings, web reports and indicators. The texts to be edited will mainly be for publication on the web.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 5.4 Million (USD 763.2 K)
Provision of support to the EEA’s and the European Commission's (notably Directorate-General for Climate Action (CLIMA)) roles in the transition of Europe to a carbon neutral and climate resilient economy. The services requested under this contract will then support EEA and CLIMA in providing data/information and assessments to support EU climate policies and facilitating interactions with EU, national and subnational stakeholders from an overarching perspective on climate mitigation and climate adaptation. This will cover topics such as climate neutrality, climate change resilience and adaptation, climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks, just transition and just resilience, climate finance, and behaviour change, climate action at subnational level, and the role the agri-food/land use system and the energy and mobility system.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 449.7 K (USD 63.5 K)
Support to the Work package 1-2-3 of the REGIND SLA – Art. 5.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date7 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 260 K (USD 36.7 K)
Purchase of a HubSpot license and provision of ancillary services to the European Environment Agency Implementation of an integrated customer relations management and email marketing solution.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date24 Feb 2023
Contract AmountDKK 500 K (USD 70.6 K)
The subject of this call for tenders is the establishment of framework service contracts with economic operators to provide predominantly intra-muros (at the EEA’s premises) and to a limited extent extra-muros (at the contractor’s premises or elsewhere) consultancy services in support of the implementation of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) and the Copernicus cross-service in situ coordination. The intra-muros experts are requested to cooperate on a daily basis with the EEA Copernicus team in different areas and performing mainly the following tasks: designing concepts supporting calls for tender, supporting the management of production contracts, and assessing the quality of deliverables. This call for tenders is divided into two lots: — lot no 1: thematic consultancy services, — lot no 2: administrative consultancy services.

European Environment Agency EEA - EEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Feb 2023
Contract AmountDKK 800 K (USD 113 K)
The supply of audio-visual equipment and consumables, and the provision of ancillary services such as installation, maintenance, repair, on-site technical support as well as consultancy services, to ensure quality AV equipment is set up in the Agency’s Headquarters located at Kongens Nytorv No 6 & 8, 1050 Copenhagen K.
11-20 of 25 active Tender Results