Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Maritime Affairs And Fisheries Mare , Mare A 4 Economic Analysis, Markets And Impact Assessment
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Maritime Affairs And Fisheries Mare , Mare A 4 Economic Analysis, Markets And Impact Assessment
European Commission, Directorate General For Maritime Affairs And Fisheries MARE , MARE A 4 Economic Analysis, Markets And Impact Assessment Tender Result
Contract Date11 Dec 2023
Contract AmountEUR 270 K (USD 296.5 K)
The subject of this call for tenders is to procure similar services complementary to the Information System on Commercial Designations for Fishery and Aquaculture Products (FAPs) to integrating the new sustainability indicators (SI), previously referenced as marketing standards. To this aim, the information system on commercial designations will adapt, update and maintain the necessary changes, including the mobile app. The system will support a publicly accessible IT tool for the grading of fisheries based on, at least initially, two indicators: status of targeted stock and impact on the seabed. The development of the tool will include the required database to be built, updated and maintained. The information system is ultimately aimed at being a simple and accessible means to promote a responsible and sustainable fishery and consumption of FAPs.
European Commission, Directorate General For Maritime Affairs And Fisheries Mare , Mare A 4 Economic Analysis, Markets And Impact Assessment Tender Result
Contract Date14 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 700 K (USD 737.7 K)
The subject of this call for tenders is the running and maintenance of an the information system on commercial designations for fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs). This information system is a database of all information related to commercial designations of fishery and aquaculture products, and an expert system which enables the analysis of the consistency of the various data and their extraction in all Community languages. The data are publicly made available by the European Commission on a dedicated web page. It provides the European consumer and, more generally, all EU and non-EU stakeholders (producers, fishmongers, processors, importers, retailers, customs and sanitary services) guarantees of transparency and accuracy as regards one of the key elements of the labelling of FAPs. The information system is ultimately aimed at being a simple and accessible means to promote a responsible and sustainable fishery and consumption of FAPs.
European Commission, Directorate General For Maritime Affairs And Fisheries Mare , Mare A 4 Economic Analysis, Markets And Impact Assessment Tender Result
Contract Date13 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 14.5 Million (USD 15.3 Million)
Ensure the continuity of the activities and services currently delivered by the European Union Market Observatory for fisheries and aquaculture products (EUMOFA) and to implement, run and maintain a fully-fledged market intelligence service on EU fisheries and aquaculture markets.