Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Energy Ener , Ener A 4 Chief Economist
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Energy Ener , Ener A 4 Chief Economist
European Commission, Directorate General For Energy ENER , ENER A 4 Chief Economist Tender Result
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountEUR 2.3 Million (USD 2.5 Million)
METIS is a mathematical model simulating the operation of the European electricity and gas systems and markets on an hourly basis over a year. The addition of hydrogen as an energy carrier have allowed using the model in the Impact Assessment for revised gas markets and hydrogen directive and regulation. Further ongoing developments address the better integration of demand with supply sectors and a finer regional granularity. In order to secure the model in future policy cycles, extensions would be necessary along the following three dimensions: 1. a representation of energy markets including the behaviour of buyers and sellers; 2. the inclusion of all demand sectors including a linkage of demand in these sectors to economic activity as represented by macro-economic models; 3. the interaction with energy systems outside the EU that have a key impact on the EU energy system, e.g. via exports of electricity, gas and hydrogen.
European Commission, Directorate General For Energy ENER , ENER A 4 Chief Economist Tender Result
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountEUR 3.5 Million (USD 3.8 Million)
Modelling is a prerequisite for consistent energy projections and for answering questions on the effects of policies. The modelling contract comprises scenarios on current trends and policies (‘baseline’) and scenarios and variants, reflecting alternative policies (e.g. on RES, energy efficiency, nuclear, etc.) or framework conditions (energy import prices, macroeconomic developments). Given the long lifetime of energy investment and the long-term impacts of energy use the time horizon for the modelling should be at least up to 2050. The framework contract, with duration of 4 years, defines the types of modelling services and their conditions for delivery without details on the content. In order to ensure better communication with country energy experts, the modelling should be undertaken country by country. For this reason, a regional disaggregation of all results at EU level and for neighbouring regions, notably the Energy Community, will be provided.