Tender Results of Employment And Training Department
Tender Results of Employment And Training Department
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Education And Training Services
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Supply Of Shoes To The Trainees Undergoing Training At Government And Government Aided Private Industrial Training Institutes Functioning At Various Places In Tamil Nadu State
Contract Date30 Nov 2023
Contract AmountINR 9 Million (USD 109.7 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Supply, Erection And Commissioning Of Machineries And Equipment
Contract Date29 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 250.1 K (USD 3 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Diode 5822 and Different nos , Diode MBR 340 , Zenner
Diode 12V , LED , General Purpose PCB , Battery 9v , Bread
Board , IC 732 , IC LM317 , IC 2576 , Battery 3V , Battery 6V
, LED Bulb 25watt , LED Bulb 35watt , LED Bulb 15watt ,
Cell AA , Cell Pencil type AAA , Cutting oil coolant , Cotton
waste or old dhoti , Washing Soap , Grease mechanical
machine , Grease Electical motors , File Handle 6 INCH ,
Emary Paper , Lubricating oil , Power saw blade , Hexa
blade , Carbide bit , Electrode 4 mm , Electrode 3 mm ,
Tungsten electrode , CCMS Filler rod , Steno Note Book ,
Wire Clip , Gang Box 6A , Gang Box 16A , Testers , PVC
Head Nails , Pendent holder , Batten holder , PVC tape ,
Single way switch , Two way switch , 5 Pin socket , Steel
screw , PVC Gitti Assorted Size , PVC Multi strand copper
wire , Plug three pin , Cobalt bit , Nylon Brush 4 inch ,
Grinding Wheel , Machine reamer , Markeen cloth , Drill Bit
3mm , Drill Bit 6mm , Drill Bit 8mm , Drill Bit 10mm , Drill
Bit 12mm , Drill Bit 14mm , Wooden screw , Mica sheet ,
Nails , PVC CASING CAPING , End Mill cutter , Transformer ,
Capacitor , Resistance , Soldring Iron Bit , Inductor Coil ,
Potatiomter , Transistor , Conecting Wire , Veriable
Resistance 1K , Veriable Resistance 2K , Solder wire ,
Soldering paste , Distilled water , Hydraulic oil , Hand
Gloves, leather , PVC clip Assorted sizes , High speed steel
Assorted , LED Street Light , Grinding Wheel 4inch , Cutting
Wheel 4inch , Marker White board , Bucket Plastic 20 ltr ,
Candle 20 cm , Cello tape , Plastic Toilet Brush , Pencil HB ,
Eraser , Coloured chalk , Brown Tape , Highlighter pen ,
Permanent Marker Pen , Correction whitener Pen , Dak Pad
full cloth , Thread Ball of Cotton , Dusting cloths , Paper G
clip box , File cover cloth , Envelope , Laminated Envelope ,
A4 White Paper RIM , Plastic pin Cushion , Alpin with , Ball
pen Blue and Red , Binder clip , File Tags cotton , Glue Stick
, Gum Bottle 700 ml , Cash Book 200 pages , 11-C Register ,
Dispatch Register 500 pages , Diary Register 500 pages ,
Blue carbon paper pack of 100 sheets , Ruled Register 120
pages , Ruled Register 160 pages , Ruled Register 240
pages , Duplicate notebook 50 page , Rubber Band 500 gm
Pkt , Scale Plastic 12 inch , Sealing wax , knurling tool 6
roller Top Brand , Naphthalene Tablet , Coconut Broom
good quality , No dust Floor broom , Colour Flag , Dustbin
small 10 Litre , Floor cleaner , Toilet cleaner , Lock big
70mm , Lock big 100mm , Paper Tray Plastic , Paper weight
, Attendance register , Sponge with box , Stamp Pad small
size , Stamp Pad medium size , Stamp Pad , Paper knife
medium size , Kangaro Stapler , Stapler pin , Stapler Pin ,
Towel white Large size , Kangaro Stapler Machine , Office
Table leather organisers , Stapler Pin for Big , Ring File Big
Contract Date18 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1 Million (USD 12 K)
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
T-wooden Board,t-wooden Board,kerosene Oil,soldring Iron,two Way Switch,pvc Tape,capacitor,electric CATEGORY: T-wooden board , Kerosene Oil , Soldring Iron , Two way
Switch , PVC Tape , Capacitor , Electric Bulb , DC 2 Point
Starter , DC 3 Point Starter , DC 4 Point Starter , Cleaning
Brush , TW Board , Hydrometer , Annabond tube , Dustbin
plastic with lid big size , Capacitor 2.5 mfd , Cleaning Brush
2 Inch , Cleaning Brush 4 Inch , Digital Energy meter 230v-
10A , Electrolight , Electronics Fan Regulator 230 V , LED
Tube light 12 volt DC 5 Watt , M seal , Machine Screw 1 Inch
, Machine Screw 1.5 Inch , Network Cable Tester RJ 45,RJ11
, One way switch 6 Amp , PVC Foot pad 6x4 Foot , PVC Gitti
2 Inch , PVC Gitti 1 Inch , PVC Gitti 1.5 Inch , PVC modular
power board 7x4 , PVC Sadel 2.5 mm , PVC Sadel 4 mm ,
PVC Sadel 6mm , PVC Sadel 8mm , PVC Sadel 10 mm , PVC
Sadel 12 mm , PVC Tape 18 mm x .125mm x7.5mm , Rawl
plug 1.50 inch , Rawl Plug 2 Inch , Solar Charger Controller
40Amp , Three pin top 6 Amp , Wooden Screw full thread 1
Inch , Wooden Screw full thread 1.5 Inch , Wooden Screw
full thread 0.05 Inch , Battery 12 Volt 40 Ah
Contract Date9 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 75.9 K (USD 913.1794)
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor,capacitor CATEGORY: Capacitor , IC , Transistor , Sensor , Resistance , Preset ,
LED , LED Different color , Wire Flexible 0.5 Red Blue Black ,
Glue gun stick , SMD Small , LED Street Light
Contract Date3 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 32.2 K (USD 387.3584)
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Led Lamp 9, 12 W,switch,socket,switch With Socket,insulation Tape,wire Multistand,wire Multistand,p CATEGORY: LED LAMP 9, 12 W , Switch , Socket , Switch with socket ,
Insulation Tape , Wire Multistand , Pendent holder , Button
Holder , Soldering wire , Pest soldering , Sunmica Sheet ,
Steel Box , Cilling rose , Cassing capping , IC 555 , IC 7805 ,
IC 7908 , Bread Board , LDR , Different type of LED ,
Transistor , BT176 TRIAC , Relay , Tranformer ,
Semiconductor Diode IN 4007 , Dry cell , Electrolytic
Capacitor Different value , Soldering Iron , MS Flat , ARC
welding Electrod , Hacksaw Blade , White Board marker ,
Duster for white board , Rowel Plug , Gang box ,
Transformer , Plug Top , MS Rod , Dusting Cloth Cotton ,
Pencil H,HB , Sharpner , Eraser , Engine Oil , Grees , Old
Dhoti , Seek Jharu , Phiyanal , Nepthalene Ball , Ponchha
Contract Date30 Oct 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 198.6 K (USD 2.3 K)
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Fan Regulator Modular,fan Regulator Double Modular,usb Cahrger Adapter,bell Push Button,mcb Channel CATEGORY: Fan Regulator Modular , Fan Regulator double modular , Usb
cahrger adapter , Bell push button , MCB Channel , Modular
Switch , Modular Socket , Multimeter Digital , Transistor ,
Multicolour LED , MCB , 3 Pin top , 2 way Switch , Socket 5
Pin , PVC Gang Box , Gitti Plastic , Rechargable Torch , Tube
Light , Sunmica Sheet , RCCB , PVC Tape , LED Bulb Raw
material , Male Female Plug , Street Light complete Set , L-
Shape Pipe for Light , Hole Pass , Hook Button
Contract Date30 Oct 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 115 K (USD 1.3 K)
Employment And Training Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Ups For Pc,split Ac Up To 2 Ton,amplifier With Usb Sd Card Bluetooth And Fm Inputs,wireless Microph CATEGORY: UPS FOR PC , Split AC up to 2 TON , AMPLIFIER WITH USB SD
Contract Date14 Oct 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 410.8 K (USD 4.9 K)
71-80 of 155 active Tender Results