Electrical Wire Tender Results
Electrical Wire Tender Results
Health And Family Welfare Department - HFWD Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Description: Electrical Repairing of Rewiring work at Zanana Hospital Udaipur (Strengthening works) Distt.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4 Million (USD 49 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: MCB - Miniature Circuit - Breakers for A.C. Operation as per
IS / IEC 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , Non - Modular Piano Type
Domestic Electrical Switches as per IS 3854 (Q3) , Piano
Type Non Modular Domestic Electrical sockets - IS 1293 (Q3)
, PVC Copper wire single core FRLSH 1 point 5 sqmm dla 100
mtr roll , Galvalume Roof sheet Corrugated 0 point 5mm
thick , Pendant Holder , Plug Top 16 A , Call Bell Ding Dong ,
Readymade Top of Teapoy Verandah of size 900mm X
450mm , Switch Socket Combination with box 5or6 Pin 5or6
Amps White , Switch Socket Combination with box 5 or 6 Pin
15 or 16 Amps White Make Anchor or Havells or Legrand ,
Fan Regulator step type 2 module White , PVC Board
4inchX4inch , PVC Board 4inchX7inch , PVC Board
8inchX10inch , Chain link fencing 4mm 83inchx3inch ,
Square Box
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4 Million (USD 48.8 K)
Lucknow University Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: Electrical Wiring work at C.S.A. Hostel, University of Lucknow.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4.1 Million (USD 50 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Skill Development And Technical Education Department Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Pre Built Modular Cupboard And Credenza , Pre Built
Modular Ready To Fix Metal Celling With All Accessories ,
UPVC Window With Two Tracks Etc 1800mm x 1500mm ,
Roller Blinds 1900mm x 1600mm , 32mm Flush Door
Shutter , Epoxy floring , Electrical Point with wiring and
cable , Colour with Putty , Exterior Colour paint , Light Point
Wiring with all accessories , Wall Fan Point , 2 Ton Inverter
Air Conditioner With 5KW STABILIZER , 36 Watt LED Light
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4.1 Million (USD 49.8 K)
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical and Electronics, Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: out expulsion fuse assembly with fuse carrier triple pole HT
11000 Volts 200 Amps Total Each 1 Qty , Custom Bid for
Services - Item 52 of BOQ Disconnecting and removing
Existing unserviceable Lightening arrestors Expulsion type
Supply and Fix of Lightening arrestors Expulsion type
complete with all fitting Total Each set of 03 Qty , Custom
Bid for Services - Item 53 of BOQ Disconnecting and
removing Existing unserviceable HT 11 KV grade barrel fuse
40 A Supply and Fix of HT 11 KV grade barrel fuse of
capacity upto 40 Amps Total Each 3 Qty , Custom Bid for
Services - Item 54 of BOQ Disconnecting and removing
Existing unserviceable HT 11 KV grade barrel fuse 50 A
Supply and Fix of HT 11 KV grade barrel fuse of capacity
upto 50 Amps Total Each 3 Qty , Custom Bid for Services -
Item 55 of BOQ Taking out existing old unserviceableburnt
gang operated switches or DO fuse assys complete all as
directed by the EngrinCharge Total Each 1 Qty , Custom Bid
for Services - Item 56 of BOQ Supply and Replacement of
Switch air break gang operated out door type triple pole HT
11000 volts 400 Amps vertical type with 3 insulators
mounted with fixed contacts of phospor bronze as directed
by Engineer .. , Custom Bid for Services - Item 57 of BOQ
Supply and lay graded stone aggregate of 40mm size
spread and levelled around 4 pole 2 pole structure
transformer sub stn panel board yard complete all as
directed Total 10 CUM Qty , Custom Bid for Services - Item
58 of BOQ Supply and fixing HT tape roll 35mm width Appx
5 mtr length completed all as specified and as directed Total
Each 04Qty , Custom Bid for Services - Item 59 of BOQ
Taking out existing old unserviceableburnt Surge arrester 9
KV 10 KV S F Surge arrester 9 KV 10 KV suitable for
RMUVCB complete all as specified and as directed Total
Each 06 Qty , Custom Bid for Services - Item 60 of BOQ
Taking out existing old unserviceableburnt tinned copper
fuse wire Supply and fix tinned copper fuse wire of 18 SWG
to 38 SWG approx in roll of 100150 200 grms Total 05 KG
Qty , Custom Bid for Services - Item 61 of BOQ Supply only
Electrical Rubber hand gloves as per ISI specification for
operating voltage 11 KV complete all as specified and as
directed Total Set of Two 02 Qty , Custom Bid for Services -
Item 62 of BOQ M and L painting using heat resisting paint
in two coats one as finishing over one coat of red oxide zinc
chrome primer on external surface of two pole structure
complete using Ist quality paint Total Each .. , Custom Bid
for Services - Item 63 of BOQ Taking out existing old
unserviceableburnt Maximum demand controller Supply and
fix testing commissioning of Maximum demand controller
High Low recording VLL VLN A Hz W VA PF VAR value
storage Total Each s..
Contract DateNA
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 4.2 Million (USD 50.6 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre - BARC Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Technical Bid Opening
Description: Maintenance on Electrical internal wiring system of service, utility and process buildings, KARP Kalpakkam
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 4.3 Million (USD 51.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
9961-9970 of 10000 active Tender Results