Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
CATEGORY: Aluminium Alloy Connector Plug Crimp type straight for
Heat shrinkable boot with Olive drab Chromate over
Cadmium Plate Commawith protective cap X21 569 28
21SN Comma JSS 50860 Socket Type , Aluminium Alloy
Connector Receptacle rear mount Crimp type straight for
Heat shrinkable boot with Olive drab chromate over
Cadmium Plate , Electrical Cable Comma Copper Multi
Strands Silver Plated ETFE Insulated Comma shielded with
ETFE Jacket X10 501 1x0 Point 62 Comma 19x0
Point203mm Comma 0 Point 62mm sq , Electrical Cable
CommaCopper Multi Strands Silver Plated ETFE
Fluoropolymer Insulated medium weight X10 608 Comma
10 343 850 Comma 20AWG Comma 19x0 Point32AWG
Comma 0 Point61mmSq , Electrical Cable Comma Copper
Multi Strands Silver Plated ETFE Fluoropolymer Insulated
medium weight X10 608 Comma 10 343 888 Comma
16AWG 19x0 Point29AWG , Boots Comma Heat shrinkable
Comma strain Relief Right Angle Comma with meltable
Innerwall for Adhesive properties X12 429 Comma 10 359
158 , Boots Comma Heat shrinkable Comma strain Relief
Straight with meltable Innerwall for Adhesive properties X12
430 Comma 10 359 164 , Tubing Heat shrinkable with
melttable Innerwall for Adhesive properties Black X13 405
Comma 10 341 912 Comma 24 by8 mm , Tubing Heat
Shrinkable Black X13 404 Comma 10 341 903 Comma 19 by
9 Point 5mm , Splice Heat Shrinkable XK11 2003 Comma14
000 767 Comma 4 Point 57mm dia , Marker sleeve Blanks
HS yellow U3 59 1 by8 , HS sleeve Clear U3 59 1 by8 ,
Insulating sleeve PVC Yellow 16mm dia , HS sleeve Clear 16
by32mm , Nylon Tie 125mm long , Looming steel wire 0
Point 5mm dia with Black PVC insulated , Solder Soft 16
SWG Sn 63 Percent Pb 37 Percent , Solder Flux , ISO Prophyl
Alcohol IPA , Adhesive Quickfix 10 Ml , Plastic Cover Comma
80 Microns Clear 65 inches x 6 inches , Permanent Marker
Pen Black No 1523
8041-8050 of 8051 active Tender Results