Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aluminium Alloy Connector Plug With Straight Hood And Boot Adopter_ Olive Drab Chromate Cadmium Pla CATEGORY: Aluminium Alloy Connector plug with straight hood and boot
adopter_ Olive drab chromate Cadmium Plated with
protective cap 3 Pin connector , Electrical Cable Copper
Multi Conductor PTFE Insulated red _19by0 point 18mm 0
point 5 Sq mm _Single Core_ , Electrical Cable Copper Multi
Conductor PTFE Insulated black _19by0 point 18mm 0 point
5 Sq mm _Single Core_ , Heat shrinkable moulded boot
straight fluid resistance modified elastomer black with inner
wall gluebyadhesive properties 202_K_121 _RAYCHEM_ ,
Tubing Heat shrinkable with Meltable Inner wall for Adhesive
Properties_6by12mm _RAYCHEM_ , Copper Ring Terminal
Double Splitter_0 point 5 Sq mm X 4 point 3mm dia , Copper
braid tin coated _6 x 10mm , Copper braid tin coated 3 x
6mm , HS Sleeve Yellow 3by6mm , HS Sleeve Clear
3by6mm , HS Sleeve black 3by6mm , HS Sleeve yellow
4by8mm , HS Sleeve Clear 4by8mm , HS Sleeve black
4by8mm , HS Sleeve black 5by10mm , HS Sleeve Red
5by10mm , Locking Wire Steel 0 point 5mm , ATC Binding
Wire 0 point 5mm dia , Quick Fix 20ML , Adhesive
_Reychem_ 50 gms S1125_KIT_8 , Solder Soft 16 SWG Sn
63percent Pb 37percent , Solder flux , ISO Prophyl Alchohol
_IPA_ , Plastic Cover_ 80 microns 18inch x 12inch ,
Permanent marker pen black
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
8031-8040 of 8050 active Tender Results