Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
Ministry Of Home Affairs - MHA Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
G.i Pipe 65 Mm Dia, Two And Half Inch, As Per Is 1239, Part 1 Weighing 6.42 Kg Per Mtr, Plain End,, CATEGORY: G.I Pipe 65 mm dia, two and half inch, as per IS 1239, Part 1
weighing 6.42 kg per mtr, Plain end, , 32 mm GI Pipe bend
of 1 mtr length with 2 clamps fabricated suitable for
clamping on pole, to fix LED light set on pole, one side 65
mm dia and other side 32 to 40 mm dia , XLPE,
PVCweatherproof, insulated 2 Core, Gauge 0.140, Multi
stranded Aluminum conductor size 10 sq mm dia
unarmoured flat cable HRFS IS 694 , PVC Pipe 3 inch dia,
Plain ended, working pressure Class 2, 0.4 Mpa or higher,
Conforming To Indian Standard IS 4985 Latest, Marking As
Per IS Specification, length - 6 meter. , P.V.C Insulated
weather proof Multi Stranded Aluminum twin core 6 sq mm
dia twin core flat cable HRFS IS 694 , 24W LED street light,
polycarbonate cover, adjustable bracket of dia 32 to 40mm.
2 yrs replaceable warranty, Luminaire System Efficacy
Lumen Watt - 130 Lm per Watt. IP65, SMD LED Chip, 6500K
, 35WLED street light, polycarbonate cover, adjustable
bracket of dia 32 to 40mm. 2 yrs replaceable warranty,
Luminaire System Efficacy - 130 Lm per Watt. IP65, SMD
LED Chip, 6500K , 70 WLED street light, polycarbonate
cover, adjustable bracket of dia 32 to 40mm. 2 yrs
replaceable warranty, Luminaire System Efficacy Lumen
Watt - 130 Lm per Watt. IP65, SMD LED Chip, 6500K , PVC
Electrical Insulation tape 1 wide, 10 mtr long
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Aluminium Alloy Connector Straight Plug Type With Olive Drab Chromite Over Cadmium Plated With Rubb CATEGORY: Ring terminal Tin coated for 1 Sq mm wire 4.2mm ID x 8mm
OD x 0.8mm thk , Cotton Tape White 19 mm width ,
Electrical cable 6 core copper wire of 19_32 AWG yellow_
green_ blue and orange. Overall SPC braided and black
PTFE sheathed , Electrical cable copper multi strands silver
coated_ PTEF insulated_ Brown 19 x 32 AWG , Electrical
cable copper multi strands Tin Coated Plasticized PVC
Insulated White with Varnished Cotton Yarn braiding with
Screened 0.75 Sq mm_ Spec _ 911_ SCD , Electrical cable
copper multi strands Tin Coated Plasticized PVC Insulated
White with Varnished Cotton Yarn braiding with Screened 10
Sq mm_ Spec _ 911_ SCD , Head Bush Steel_ As per Drg No
A4 _ 50977 As per Sample , Head Nut Steel_ As per Drg No
A4 _ 50979 As per Sample , Heat Shrink sleeve Black
12_4mm , Heat Shrink sleeve Clear 12_04 mm , Heat Shrink
sleeveYellow 20_10mm , Heat Shrink Tube Black 3_1.5mm ,
Heat Shrink Tube Clear 32 x 16 mm , Insulating Bush Teflon
PTFE As per Drg No A4 _ 50975 As per Sample , Insulating
sleeve PVC white 10mm ID x 0.6mm thk , Insulating sleeve
PVC white 12mm ID x 0.6mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC
white 2.5mm ID x 0.5mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC white
20mm ID x 1mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC white 3mm ID
x 0.5mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC white 5mm ID x 0.5mm
thk , Insulating sleeve PVC white 6mm ID x 0.5mm thk ,
Insulating sleeve PVC white 8 mm ID x 0.6 mm thk ,
Insulation Film tape soft 10 microns 25mm width , Insulation
Tape PVC black 19 mm width , Nut Steel_ As per Drg No A4
_ 50978 As per Sample , Protective Spring Braid_ As per Drg
No A4 _ 50973 As per Sample , Spring Small_ As per Drg No
A4 _ 50974 As per Sample , Tinned copper Round Braid 10 x
16mm , Tinned copper Round Braid 16 x 24 mm , Tinned
copper Round Braid 6 x 10 mm , Tinned copper shielding
round braid flexible 19.5mm ID , Washer Copper Tin
Coated_ As per Drg No A4 _ 50980 As per Sample ,
Adhesive Quick fix 20 ML , Permanent Marker Pen Black
No_1523 , Plastic cover 80 microns Size 18inches x
12inches , Plastic Cover clear_ 80 Microns 24inches x
24inches , Nylon Thread White 0.5mm dia , ATC Binding
Wire 0.3 mm dia , Locking wire steel 0.5mm dia , Solder flux
, Solder soft 16 SWG Sn_63 percent_ Pb_37 percent ,
Adhesive Tape white 3M 25 mm width , Fast drying
insulating Varnish Elmo luft 1A golden , ISO Prophyl alcohol
, Potting compound Anabond 909
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Aluminium Alloy Connector Plug 602gb _ 05e4_04sn_ 792 _ 4 Pin Female Connector,aluminium Alloy Conn CATEGORY: Aluminium alloy connector plug 602GB _ 05E4_04SN_ 792 _
4 pin female connector , Aluminium Alloy Connector Plug
2RMD 24KPN 10G5V1 JSS _ 50860 , Aluminium Alloy
Connector Plug 2RM 22KPN 10G1V1 JSS _ 50860 , Elect
cable copper multi strands Tin coated cable 11 mm outer
dia_ 2_5 sq mm x 2 core , Electrical Cable Copper multi
strand 8 Core 0_35 sq mm _ Ref _ sample , Electrical Cable
Copper multi strands PVC Insulated Red 0_35 sq mm _437_ ,
Boot _ 3 way _heat shrinkable strain relief with meltable
inner wall for adhesive 382 A 012 , Boot heat shrinkable
strain relief with meltable inner wall for adhesive Bofors x
12_429_157 _ 222K 163_ , Copper ring terminal with yellow
insulation 8_5 mm ID X 1_8 mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC
White 0_35 sq mm _437_ , Insulating sleeve PVC White 12
mm dia , Plastic grip parallel splice wire crimp terminal
yellow 10 AWG , H S Sleeve Clear 6_12 mm , Insulating
sleeve PVC White 2 mm dia , HS Sleeve clear 2_5_5 mm , HS
Sleeve Yellow 6_12 mm , HS Sleeve Black 5_10 mm , HS
Sleeve red 5_10 mm , HS Sleeve red 3_6 mm , HS Sleeve
black 3_6 mm , Nylon thread white 01 mm dia , ATC Binding
wire 0_3 mm dia , Locking wire 0_5 mm dia , Solder Soft 16
SWG Sn 63percent_ Pb 37percent , Solder Flux , Aluminium
clad sheet 0_5 mm thk IS _ 737 110X440MM _Sht 01_ , ISO
Propyl Alcohol IPA , Potting compound ana bond , Cotton
tape 20 mm width , Insulation tape PVC Black 18 mm width
, Plastic cover clear 80 microns 12x18 inches , Permanent
Marker Pen black , Plastic cover 80 microns 24inches x
7811-7820 of 8023 active Tender Results