Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive Drab Chromate Over Cadmium Plate With Copper Bush And Protecti CATEGORY: Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab chromate over
Cadmium Plate with Copper Bush and Protective Cap _
Copper inner outer bush_comma_ 4 pin female with staight
hood phenolic connector , Aluminium Alloy Connector With
yellow anodizing with Copper ring and Protective Cap_PC4TB
JSS_isto_ 50860 as per sample , Aluminium Clad Sheet
0_point_5mm Thk x 1200 x 700 mm , ATC Binding
Wire_0_point_5mm dia , Copper Tin Braid_6 X 10 mm ,
Cotton Tape_20mm Width , Electrical Cable_comma_Copper
Multi Conductor_comma_single core PVC and fibrous
insulated flexible hookup wire _Hookup wire__0_point_35 Sq
mm Specn_437 , Heat Shrink Tube Black_9by3 mm , Heat
Shrink Tube Clear_6by3 mm , Heat Shrink Tube Yellow_6by3
mm , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_2 mm dia , Insulating
PVC Sleeve White_12 mm dia , Insulation Tape PVC Black_18
mm width , ISO Propyl Alcohol_IPA , Locking
Wire_0_point_5mm dia , Nylon Thread White_0_point_5mm
dia , Permanent Marker Pen Black , Plastic cover Clear 80
microns_8_inches_ x 10_inches , Plastic Cover_comma_ 80
Microns _18_inches_X12_inches , Potting Compound_Ana
bond 909 , RF Co_Axial cable_comma_ Copper Multi
strands_comma_ Flame tardant_comma_ _Cable outer dia _
5_point_20 mm__RG_58_comma_ Cbyu as per Sample , RF
Connector TNC Male plug crimp Type_comma_ connector
dia 14mm with PVC Protective cap Radial Type _
R143_082_000_comma_ Telegartner
Type_J_01010_A_2255_comma_ Amphenol
Type_31_2367_Asper Sample , Solder flux , Solder Soft 16
SWG_Sn , Surgical Tape _Adhesive tape USP
Leukoplast__20mm Width
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive Drab Chromate Over Cadmium Plate With Copper Bush_ And Protect CATEGORY: Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab chromate over
Cadmium Plate with Copper Bush_ and protective Cap SHR
55PK 31ESH5_ JSS_50860 , Aluminium Alloy Connector With
Olive drab chromate over Cadmium Plate with Copper Bush_
and protective Cap_2RM 18KPE 7G1V1_ JSS_50860 ,
Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab chromate over
Cadmium Plate with Copper Bush_ and protective
Cap_2RMD 36KPE 20G6V1_ JSS_50860 , Aluminium Alloy
Connector With Olive drab chromate over Cadmium Plate
with Copper Bush_ and protective Cap _SHR 28U 4ESH3_
JSS_50860 , Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab
chromate over Cadmium Plate with Protective cap_PWA 20
PIN_ JSS_50860 , Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab
chromate over Cadmium Plate with Protective cap_PWA 6
PIN_ JSS_50860 , Electrical Cable_Copper Multi Conductor
Tin Coated_Film and PVC insulated Flexible Hookup Wire
Screaned_Single Core_0_5 Sq mm_ Spec_437_SCD ,
Electrical Cable_Copper Multi Conductor Tin Coated_Film
and PVCinsulated Flexible Hookup Wire Screaned_Single
Core_0_75 Sq mm _ Spec_437_SCD , Electrical
Cable_Copper Multi Conductor Tin Coated_Film and
PVCinsulated Flexible Hookup Wire Single Core_0_75 Sq
mm_ Spec_437_ , Electrical Cable_Copper Multi Conductor
Tin Coated_ Plasticized PVC insulated Over Varnished
Cottonyard braiding with Screaned Single Core _0_75 Sq
mm_ Spec_911_SCD , Electrical Cable_Copper Multi
Conductor Tin Coated_ PlasticizedPVC insulated Over
Varnished Cottonyard braiding with Screaned single
Core_1_5 Sq mm_ Spec_911_SCD , Electrical Cable_Copper
Multi Conductor Tin Coated_ Plasticized PVC insulated Over
Varnished Cotton yard braiding single Core_1 Sq mm_
Spec_911 , Electrical Cable_Copper Multi Conductor Tin
Coated_ PlasticizedPVC insulated Over Varnished Cotton
yard braiding single Core_10 Sq mm_ Spec_911 , Copper
Ring Terminal_Double Splitter_1sq mmX5_4mm dia , Copper
Ring Terminal_Double Splitter_1sq mmX6_5mm dia , Copper
Tin Braid_6 X 10 mm , Copper Tin Braid_10 X 16 mm ,
Copper Tin Braid_16 X 24 mm , Insulating PVC Sleeve
White_05 mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_06 mm dia ,
Insulating PVC Sleeve White_08 mm dia , Insulating PVC
Sleeve White_10 mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_12
mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_18 mm dia ,
Insulating PVC Sleeve White_24 mm dia , Insulating PVC
Sleeve White_30 mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_02
mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White _2_5mm dia ,
Insulating PVC Sleeve White_03 mm dia , Locking Wire
Steel_0_5mm dia , ATC Binding Wire_0_5mm dia , ATC
Binding Wire_0_3mm dia , Insulation Tape PVC_ Black_18
mm width , Cotton Tape_20 mm width , Surgical Tape_20
mm width , Paper Adhesive Tape_20 mm Width , Nylon
thread White_0_5 mm dia , ISO Prophyl Alcohol_IPA , Paint
Enamel Red , Potting Compound_Ana bond 909 , Solder Soft
16 SWG_Sn_63__ Pb_37_ , Solder Flux , Aluminium Clad
Sheet 0_5mm Thk 110 x 960 mm_IS_ 737 , Plastic Cover_
80 Microns_18_X24_ , Permanent Marker Pen Black_
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Aluminium Alloy Connector Straight Plug 2rm_22kpn_10g1v1_ 2rmd_22kpe_10g1v1_ Hitech_ 10 Pin Type_ J CATEGORY: Aluminium alloy Connector Straight Plug
2RM_22KPN_10G1V1_ 2RMD_22KPE_10G1V1_ HITECH_ 10
Pin Type_ JSS_ 50860 asper Sample , Aluminium Alloy
Connector Plug 2RMT 22KPN 10G1V1 JSS 50860 , Aluminium
Alloy Connector Plug 2RMD 24KPN 10G5V1 JSS 50860 ,
Electrical Cable Copper Conductor Fibrous PVC Insulated 8
Core_0_35 Sq mm SCD , Electrical Cable Copper Conductor
PVC Insulated_ Blue Single Core 0_35 Sq mm_437_ ,
Electrical Cable Copper multi strands Tin coated 0_35 Sq
mm_ Specn _ 437_ SCD , Heat Shrink Tube Black 12_6 mm ,
Heat Shrink Tube Black 20_10 mm , Heat Shrink Tube Clear
20_10 mm , Heat Shrink Tube Clear 5_2_5 mm , HS Tube
black 18_9 mm , Insulating PVC sleeve white 2 mm dia ,
Insulating PVC sleeve white 12 mm dia , Insulating sleeve
PVC white 10mm ID x 0_6mm thk , Insulating sleeve PVC
white 2mm ID x 0_5mm thk , Insulation Tape PVC black 19
mm width , Tinned copper shilded round Braid 12 mm ID ,
Nylon thread 1 mm dia , Aluminium clad sheet 0_5 mm thk
IS _ 737 _110 x 1440 MM , ATC Binding Wire 0_3 mm dia ,
Locking wire 0_5 mm dia , Solder flux , Solder soft 16 SWG
Sn_63percent_ Pb_37percent , ISO Prophyl Alcohal IPA ,
Cotton tape 20 mm width , Potting compound Anabond 909
, Adhesive Quick fix 10 ml tube , Insulation PVC tape black
18 mm width , Permanent marker pen black , Plastic cover
80 microns Size 18inches x 12inches
7681-7690 of 8045 active Tender Results