Electrical Cable Tender Results

Electrical Cable Tender Results

Department Of Atomic Energy - DAE Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Instrument Table 1,instrument Table 2,large Instrument Table 3,large Instrument Table 3,large Instr CATEGORY: Instrument Table 1 , Instrument Table 2 , Large Instrument Table 3 , Large Instrument Corner Bench , Instrument Table , Large Instrument Table , Shift Chemist Table , Fume Hood , Glassware Storage Cabinet , Key Holder Cabinet , Personal Locker , Laboratory Almira , Chemical Storage Cabinet , Data Station Table , Safety Shower , Wall Mounted Cabinet , Island Bench IB 2 , Anti-Vibration Table , Acrylic Table Top Display Stand , Large Size Monograms , Medium Size Monograms , Small Size Monograms , Laboratory Chairs , Corner Toughen Glass top , Toughen Glass top , Supply and lying of Electrical cabling , Supply and lying of DM water , Supply and lying of Instrument Air , Supply and lying of Domestic Water , Supply and lying of Drain pipe lines , Needle valve and Fittings , Supply of exhaust ducting , Island Bench IB1
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Ministry Of Railways Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Extra Electrical Cable for Air Conditioners (Accessories)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Cable Trunking and Ducting system for Electrical Installations (Wiring duct),Cable Trunking and Duc
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Ministry Of Chemicals And Fertilizers Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: IS 7098 PART 2 ELECTRICAL CABLE 3.3kV /3.3kV 150MVA HT 3X400sq. mm, Aluminium
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Prime Ministers Office - PMO Tender Result

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Air Conditioner,DRAIN PIPE FOR AIR CONDITIONERS (Accessories),Extra Electrical Cable for Air Conditi
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Ministry Of Steel Tender Result

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: modular electrical enclosure switch board boxes for modular type accessories,telecommunication cable
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam - UPRNN Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
5 years ago
Description: Supply of electrical wires and cables
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Public Works Department - PWD Tender Result

Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
10 years ago
Description: (SH Installation of Electrical Accessories and Laying of Cable for load distribution ACs).
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive Drab Chromate Over Cadmium Plated With Copper Bush And Protect CATEGORY: Aluminium alloy connector with olive drab chromate over cadmium plated with copper bush and protective cap_2RM 39KPE 45G2V1 JSS _ 50860 , Aluminium alloy connector with olive drab chromate over cadmium plated with copper bush and protective cap_2RM 24KPE 19G1V1 JSS _ 50860 , Aluminium alloy connector with olive drab chromate over cadmium plated with copper bush and protective cap_2RM 24KPE 19SH1V1 JSS _ 50860 , Electrical cable copper multi conductor tin coated film and PVC insulated flexible hookup wire single core _0_35 sq mm Spec _ 437 , Electrical cable copper multi conductor tin coated plastozised PVC insulated over varnished cotton yarn braided with screaned single core_0_35 sq mm Spec _ 911 , Copper tin braid_16 x 24 mm , Insulating sleeve PVC white_24 mm dia , Insulating sleeve PVC white_16 mm dia , Insulating sleeve PVC white_2 mm dia , HS Sleeve White_9_3 mm , Locking wire steel_0_5 mm dia , ATC Binding wire_0_5 mm dia , Surgical tape cloth type_20 mm width , Cotton tape_0_5 mm dia , Insulation tape PVC black_18 mm width , Poly propylane film 25 microns_50 mm width , ISO prophylalcohol_IPA , Solder soft 16 SWG_Sn 63_ Pb37_ , Solder flux_ , Aluminum clad sheet 0_5 mm thk 110 x 150 mm_IS _ 737 , Nylon thread white_1 mm dia , Plastic cover 80 microns_Size 18_ x 24_ , Permanent marker pen black_ , Potting compound _Anabond 909
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive Drab Chromate Over Cadmium Plate With Copper Bush And Protecti CATEGORY: Aluminium Alloy Connector With Olive drab chromate over Cadmium Plate with Copper Bush and Protective Cap _ Copper inner outer bush_comma_ 4 pin female with staight hood phenolic connector , Aluminium Alloy Connector With yellow anodizing with Copper ring and Protective Cap_PC4TB JSS_isto_ 50860 as per sample , Aluminium Clad Sheet 0_point_5mm Thk x 1200 x 700 mm , ATC Binding Wire_0_point_5mm dia , Copper Tin Braid_6 X 10 mm , Cotton Tape_20mm Width , Electrical Cable_comma_Copper Multi Conductor_comma_single core PVC and fibrous insulated flexible hookup wire _Hookup wire__0_point_35 Sq mm Specn_437 , Heat Shrink Tube Black_9by3 mm , Heat Shrink Tube Clear_6by3 mm , Heat Shrink Tube Yellow_6by3 mm , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_2 mm dia , Insulating PVC Sleeve White_12 mm dia , Insulation Tape PVC Black_18 mm width , ISO Propyl Alcohol_IPA , Locking Wire_0_point_5mm dia , Nylon Thread White_0_point_5mm dia , Permanent Marker Pen Black , Plastic cover Clear 80 microns_8_inches_ x 10_inches , Plastic Cover_comma_ 80 Microns _18_inches_X12_inches , Potting Compound_Ana bond 909 , RF Co_Axial cable_comma_ Copper Multi strands_comma_ Flame tardant_comma_ _Cable outer dia _ 5_point_20 mm__RG_58_comma_ Cbyu as per Sample , RF Connector TNC Male plug crimp Type_comma_ connector dia 14mm with PVC Protective cap Radial Type _ R143_082_000_comma_ Telegartner Type_J_01010_A_2255_comma_ Amphenol Type_31_2367_Asper Sample , Solder flux , Solder Soft 16 SWG_Sn , Surgical Tape _Adhesive tape USP Leukoplast__20mm Width
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 
7671-7680 of 8044 active Tender Results