Tender Results of Education Procurement Service Eps
Tender Results of Education Procurement Service Eps
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
DCU RFT for the Supply of Laboratory equipment for the Terahertz Transmission and Characterisation Facility (3 Lots)-Tenders are sought for the supply and delivery of Laboratory equipment for the Terahertz Transmission and Characterisation Facility. The Facility will consist of a high speed electrical signal generator and oscilloscope, and up/down conversion equipment to generate and detect THz signals in the 100 – 500 GHZ range.This tender consists of 3 lots, Tenderers can submit proposal for multiple or individual lots.oLot 1Electrical Signal GeneratoroLot 2THz up/down convertoroLot 3 Real Time Oscilloscope
Contract Date2 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNA
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The HSE is seeking to enter a contract with a competent provider for the provision of a SaaS cloud-based hosting, maintenance support, development and upkeep of the Koha library management system. The proposed solution MUST meet the requirement of the HSE with regard to cyber safety.
Contract Date2 Jun 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
LA2430C - UCD - RFT for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of an NMR Spectrometer for University College Dublin-Tenderers are sought for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of a 600 MHz NMR with 4 channels console upgrade suitable to the 600MHz magnet that the UCD school of Chemistry currently have In-Situ. It should also include a sample changer, and 2 probes.
Contract Date31 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Tenderers are sought for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of a 600 MHz NMR with 4 channels console upgrade suitable to the 600MHz magnet that the UCD school of Chemistry currently have In-Situ. It should also include a sample changer, and 2 probes.
Contract Date22 May 2023
Contract AmountEUR 325.2 K (USD 342.7 K)
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Teagasc - Supply, Delivery & Commissioning of One Continuous Centrifuge & Separation Unit-This competition is for the purchase of a small continuous centrifuge and separation unit.The unit must be operable by one person and must allow for effective separation of a range of liquid food products and suspended solutions.
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
The State Laboratory - RFT for the supply of an Automated Sample Preparation System-Tenders are sought for the supply and installation of an automated sample preparation system for the cleanup of samples for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) analysis. The technology should be well established and have reference labs to support the use of this equipment.
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
LA2022C - For the Provision of Five (5) Benchtop Haematology Analysers for the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM)-The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenderers for the supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of five (5) benchtop haematology fully automated analysers. These must be capable of performing Complete Blood Count (CBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC) differentials in animal species. A summary of the tests and species required is provided at the end of this document.This competition is being run for the overall purchase of five units (5). These quantities are strictly res...
Contract Date15 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Tenders are sought for Calibration Service for pipettes, balances, temperature mapping and thermocyclers for DAFM laboratories. Location: Backweston Campus Celbridge, Co. Kildare and Regional Locations including Cork, limerick, Kilkenny, Sligo, and Athlone. Lot 1 – Balances Lot 2 – Temperature Mapping Lot 3 – Pipettes Lot 4 – Thermocyclers
Contract Date9 May 2023
Contract AmountEUR 14.8 K (USD 15.6 K)
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenderers for the supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of five (5) benchtop haematology fully automated analysers. These must be capable of performing Complete Blood Count (CBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC) differentials in animal species. A summary of the tests and species required is provided at the end of this document. This competition is being run for the overall purchase of five units (5). These quantities are strictly reserved for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine only
Contract Date9 May 2023
Contract AmountEUR 38 K (USD 40 K)
Education Procurement Service EPS Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
LA1800C - EPA - Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Automatic Particulate Matter (PM) Analysers for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 10 Stations/Locations in the Republic of Ireland-The Contracting Authority invites tenders for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Automatic Particulate Matter (PM) Analysers at 10 Stations/Locations in the Republic of Ireland. CEN equivalent dual channel automatic PM2.5 and PM10 Analysers with stand-alone weatherproof enclosures (Where required) across 10 stations/locations in the Republic of Ireland. The EPA may require a maximum/potential requirement for up to 20 stations/locations, over the lifetime of the contract over a period of f...
Contract Date8 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 377.7 K (USD 460.3 K)
61-70 of 138 active Tender Results