Tender Results of Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps

Tender Results of Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date21 Nov 2015
Contract AmountEUR 1.3 Million (USD 1.4 Million)
Acquisition of different items of basic regulatory uniformity and new currencies, for the National Police Corps officials, consisting of 14 independent lots, for the years 2015 and 2016.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Nov 2015
Contract AmountEUR 688.2 K (USD 732.4 K)
Contratación de una póliza de seguro de accidentes en acto de servicio de todo el personal perteneciente a la Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad, así como de las Direcciones, las Subdirecciones Generales y la Gerencia de Infraestructuras y Equipamiento de la Seguridad del Estado, tal como se contempla en los artículos 1.6 y 2 del RD 400/2012 de 17 de febrero, excluido el personal destinado en la Secretaría General de Instituciones Penitenciarias, de una póliza de seguro de accidentes para los conductores habilitados de los vehículos de la Dirección General de la Policía y la Dirección General de la Guardia Civil, de una póliza de seguro de accidentes para los tripulantes, de responsabilidad civil de aeronaves (helicópteros y aviones) y de los vehículos de arrastre aeroportuarios ubicados en los aeropuertos e instalaciones donde operan la Dirección General de la Policía y la Dirección General de la Guardia Civil y de una póliza de seguro de accidentes para los tripulantes, responsabilidad civil y daños para las embarcaciones del Servicio Marítimo de la Dirección General de la Guardia Civil.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date24 Sep 2015
Contract AmountEUR 1.4 Million (USD 1.4 Million)
Conduct of medical examinations within the health monitoring programme for public police and non-police employees serving in the General Police Directorate.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Sep 2015
Contract AmountEUR 36.1 Million (USD 38.5 Million)
Provision, under lease, of a minimum of 779 radio-patrulla cars type Z, new, in production at the time of the contract, of a single brand and model, with corresponding police kits and unlimited mileage to the Directorate General of the Police.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Sep 2015
Contract AmountEUR 150.2 K (USD 159.9 K)
Acquisition of two consoles for the homogenization of the gyrostabilized image capture systems and their accessories, for the National Police Corps.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Sep 2015
Contract AmountEUR 184.9 K (USD 196.8 K)
Acquisition of 20 gas extraction cabinets.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Sep 2015
Contract AmountEUR 486.3 K (USD 517.6 K)
Cleaning, disinfection, disinsectation and detachment services related to the expansion of the surface to be cleaned in the buildings of the Directorate General of Police corresponding to lots 2 and 3 (ext. 38/2013).

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date26 Aug 2015
Contract AmountEUR 144.5 K (USD 153.8 K)
Execution of preventive, corrective and technical-legal maintenance services in properties available to the Directorate-General of the Police and the elements and facilities inherent to them.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Apr 2015
Contract AmountEUR 185 K (USD 196.8 K)
Acquisition of toilet paper to meet the needs of various police units throughout the national territory.

Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Apr 2015
Contract AmountEUR 415 K (USD 441.6 K)
Recruitment of services necessary for the conduct of the electoral process, for the election of representatives to the Police Council.
201-210 of 317 active Tender Results