Tender Results of Dumfries And Galloway Council
Tender Results of Dumfries And Galloway Council
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 412.5 K (USD 502.8 K)
22EED018 – Springholm Primary School – Nursery External Works.-SPD 4D.1 (Quality Assurance) Tenderers must hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third-party certification of compliance with BS EN ISO 14001 (or equivalent) or a valid EMAS (or equivalent) certificate or Procedures for dealing with waste (eg waste management plans, waste segregation, recycling etc.) Tenderers unable to demonstrate that they have required Quality Management certification, procedures etc. may be assessed as a FAIL and excluded from the procurement process. SPD...
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 40 K (USD 48.7 K)
LHEES-(SC Ref:730828) To support Dumfries and Galloway Council with the strategic development of LHEES and lead on the data analysis and subsequent strategy development. Responses should be structured to show the support and development across the LHEES prescribed stages. With the expectation that the data analysis is completed initially and is used to inform latter stage development. Response should include how suppliers would identify and engage key council departments and external stakeh...
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 590.2 K (USD 719.3 K)
Dumfries and Galloway Individual and Collective Advocacy Service-Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership require individual and collective advocacy services in Dumfries and Galloway that: - are independent and professional - provide individual (one-to-one) advocacy that is issue focused - provide collective advocacy that is issue focussed; and - meet statutory requirements and Scottish Government priorities. The specification covers such services under the following categories adult advocacy in terms of the Me...
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date27 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 490.2 K (USD 597.4 K)
Dumfries and Galloway Individual and Collective Advocacy Service-Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership require individual and collective advocacy services in Dumfries and Galloway. (SC Ref:730564)
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date27 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 490.2 K (USD 597.4 K)
Dumfries and Galloway Individual and Collective Advocacy Service-(SC Ref:730564) Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership require individual and collective advocacy services in Dumfries and Galloway.
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 100 K (USD 121.8 K)
Parking Commission Consultancy-(SC Ref:730231) Parking Commission Consultancy
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 369.1 K (USD 449.8 K)
Brow Well Bridge Replacement Scheme-(SC Ref:730232) Bridge replacement scheme.
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 62.6 K (USD 76.2 K)
Planned Preventative Maintenance of Air Conditioning-Environmental Management: Tenderers must hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third-party certification of compliance with BS EN ISO 14001 (or equivalent) or a valid EMAS (or equivalent) certificate. Or Procedures for dealing with waste (e.g., waste management plans, waste segregation, recycling etc.,) And Documented arrangements for ensuring that any supplier the bidder engages apply environmental protection measures that are appropriate to the work for which they are be...
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 75 K (USD 91.4 K)
Dumfries Cinema Options and Market Testing-(SC Ref:729863) The Council are seeking to commission consultant support for Dumfries cinema options and market testing.
Dumfries And Galloway Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date28 May 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Roadstone Framework Agreement
121-130 of 243 active Tender Results