Tender Results of Dr
Tender Results of Dr
DR - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
DR udbyder samtlige til stedet hørende cateringydelser. Opgaven udbydes som to delaftaler: Delaftale 1 - Kantinedrift (DR Byen og DR Aarhus) og Mødeservice (DR Byen og DR Aarhus) - Café-tilbud (i DR Byen) og Automater (DR Byen og DR Aarhus) - Ad hoc catering til DR Koncerthuset ved udvalgte, større arrangementer Delaftale 2 - Menuer til Koncerthusets restaurant (ikke drikkevarer og bardrift) - Catering til mindre events og arrangementer (op til 200 personer) Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/219086033.aspx
Contract Date10 Dec 2023
Contract AmountDKK 6 Million (USD 885.6 K)
DR - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The public service provider DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) is Denmark’s oldest and largest electronic media enterprise, weekly reaching 96 % of the Danish population. These tender procedure concerns purchase of a Quality of Experience (QoE) Solution. The scope is to provide a real-time QoE Solution for DR which is used for streaming measurement on DR’s streaming platforms. For DR to improve users experience on streaming TV and Radio, learning more about the user streaming experience has become significantly important. We see data as the foundation for building better user experiences both on our streaming TV and Radio platforms. DR needs a QoE Solution for collecting data as Real User Monitoring (RUM) in DRs apps (frontend players) for TV and Radio. Probes are not in scope for this offering. Also, please be advised that the estimated total value below cf. section II.1.5) and II.2.6) is for the whole contract period of 7 years, cf. including the possible renewal terms.
Contract Date24 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 1 Million (USD 143.3 K)