Tender Results of District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw
Tender Results of District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw
District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Implementation of the renovation and investment project entitled Reconstruction and thermal modernization of the District Prosecutor's Office building in Strzelin at 6 Bolka I Świdnickiego Street
Contract Date29 Oct 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents
District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest świadczenie usług porządkowych w budynkach Prokuratury Okręgowej we Wrocławiu przy ul. Podwale 30 i Sądowej 1A, w budynku 1 Wydziału Prokuratury Okręgowej i Prokuratur Rejonowych dla miasta Wrocławia przy ul. Podwale 27, w budynku Prokuratury Rejonowej dla Wrocławia – Krzyki Wschód przy ul. Piłsudskiego 38b we Wrocławiu, w budynku Prokuratury Rejonowej dla Wrocławia - Krzyki Zachód przy ul. Powstańców Śląskich 161, w budynku Prokuratury Rejonowej w Oleśnicy przy ul. Chopina 2 oraz w budynku Prokuratury Rejonowej w Wołowie przy ul. Wojska Polskiego 2, z podziałem na 7 zadań
Contract Date28 Dec 2023
Contract AmountPLN 86.1 K (USD 21.9 K)
District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
As a result of moving, the archive and documentation of the current location to the new headquarters of the District Procurator and the procurator of the region's administrative regions
Contract Date17 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 41.5 Million (USD 9.5 Million)
District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
post-governmental services in the construction of the District Prosecutor and subordinates of its procurator area located in the town of Wrocław and in the building of the Rejonowa building in Volowie, with a division of 5 tasks
Contract Date23 Dec 2022
Contract AmountRefer Documents
District Prosecutor's Office In Wroclaw Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Orders in the constructions of the District Prosecutor and the subordinates of its procurator area located in the town of Wrocław and in the building of the Recuratorium building in Volowie, divided into 5 districts
Contract Date22 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 22.2 Million (USD 5.1 Million)
1-10 of 11 active Tender Results