Tender Results of Directorate General Of Employment And Training
Tender Results of Directorate General Of Employment And Training
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Security Manpower Service (Version 2.0) -
Office/Commercial/Institutions/ Residential; Unarmed
Security Guard
Contract Date4 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 204.2 Million (USD 2.4 Million)
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Digital Light Processing Printer , Printer component , 3D
Printer component , DLP Printer component , component of
3D Printer
Contract Date4 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 805.6 K (USD 9.6 K)
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Aerospace and Defence
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Sextant , Parallel scales , Pelorus , Azimuth mirrors ,
Magnetic compass , Binocular , Telescope , Self igniting light
, Magnetic board for ROR , Patent Log , Small Admiralty
stock anchor , Mast head light side lights , Diving set , Jet
nozzle and coupling , Hydrostatic release gear unit ,
Inflatable life Raft for demonstration purpose , Block models
, Anemometer , Rule of the Road display board , DCP
Portable fire extinguisher , AFFF Mechanical foam Portable
Fire extinguisher , WaterCo2 portable type extinguisher ,
AFFF Mechanical foam Fire extinguisher , Lifebuoy , Life
jackets , Navigational charts of East and West coast of India
, Chart tables , Instructional charts , Various display boards
for position fixing and signals , Emergency Position
Indicating Radio Beacon EPIRB , Search and Rescue Radar
Transponders SART , Self contained breathing apparatus ,
International shore connection , Chronometer , GPS ,
Adjustable net making stand provided with cup hooks ,
Different type of live models in glass showcase Live models
representing stern trawling and Mid water trawling
operation , A live model of purseseine net with facilities to
operational technique such as pursing the net as in original
operation , A live model trawl net fixed with TED Turtle
Excluder Device , Live model nets of different type of trawl
nets like two seam trawl four seam trawl multi seam trawl
and rope trawl Different sizes of live model of gill nets and
purseseine nets , Different type of live model of Otter
boards like flat rectangular wooden otter board oval otter
board V shape otter board steel etc , One unit of Tuna long
line gear with all accessories like float float linemain line
branch line snap clip swivel sekiyama snood wire and tuna
hook , Different type of fishing hooks like mustad tuna
hooks shark hooks kalava hooks etc , Samples of different
type of twines and ropes like PP rope PE rope HDPE ropes PE
twines HDPE twines Nylon twines with different
specifications , Modern classification of fishing gear and
indigenous fishing gear , Classification of fishing gear
materials , Display showing Tailoring like point cut bar cut
mesh cut or T cut etc , Display showing baiting creasing and
Fly mesh etc , Display showing different type of mountings
splicing like eye splice long splice short splice etc , Twine
twister machine , Twine wounding spool , Live models of fish
trap lobster trap Fyke Nets , Spotters like artificial jigs G link
assembly shackle Swivels different type of sinkers different
type of floats like aluminium glass rubber sponge corks PVC
floats etc , Different type of net making needles and mesh
Contract Date3 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 5.8 Million (USD 69.6 K)
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Hammer Ball pein , Chisel cold flat , Steel rule , Screw
Driver , Spanner DE , Pliers Combination , Center Punch ,
Hand File Flat , Ring Spanner , Steel Toolbox with locks and
Key , Safety goggles , Safety helmets , Hand gloves Leather
, Steel Rule , Divider Spring , Prick Punch , Chisel cross cut ,
Hammer ball Pein , Hammer copper , Engineer square ,
Scriber , Universal Scriber block , Marking out tables ,
Surface plate , Angle Plate , Hacksaw frame , Vee block with
clamp , Punch hollow , Number Punch , Letter Punch , Hand
vice , Screw driver Electrician , File flat , File flat safe edge ,
File triangular , File half round , File round , File square ,
Screw Pitch Gauge of BSW BSP BSF and Metric , Drill twist ,
Taps and Dies complete , High Speed Steel Hand reamer ,
Scraper flat , Scraper half round , Scraper triangular ,
Micrometer outside , Micrometer Inside , Vernier caliper
depth to read both inches and mm , Hammer planishing ,
Setting Hammer , Mallet wooden , Trammel , Blow lamp ,
Soldering Iron , Soldering Iron Copper , Pilers Nose Round
and Straight , Snip Straight , Pot Melting , Poker , Open
Spanners , Spanners double off set double , Double open
ended ignition spanner of BA , Adjustable Spanner , Box
spanner , Spanner ring , Spanner for spark plug , Pipe
Ranches Stillson type , Set of Allen Key , Double open ended
spanner , Torque Wrench , Drill Drift , Grease Gun , Oil Can ,
Chain block , Tray cleaning , Drilling machine pillar type
capacity up to 20mm dia with motor , Valve Grinding Stick ,
Valve seat cutting tools complete with guide and pilot bar all
angle in a box , Extractor stud ezy out Type , Compression
gauge , Oil Stone , Piston Ring Remover and compressing
tool , Fire Extinguisher , Tachometer counting type , Puller
set , Lifting jack mechanical , Injection testing set Hand
operated , Injection cleaning kit , Tube Expander with cutter
for copper tubes , Bench Grinder , Arbor press hand
operated , Diesel engine cut away model two show working
parts for demonstration , Diesel engine 4 stroke Multi
cylinder , Petrol engine Running condition car type Indian
make , Diesel engine Running condition Stationary type ,
Petrol engine vertical 2 stroke , Portable Hand Blower
Electrically Operated , Battery charger , Hydrometer
consumable tool , Work bench with 4 vices 12cm Jaw ,
Trainees locker
Contract Date3 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.2 Million (USD 14.5 K)
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Desktop Computers , Projector , smart board , Laptop ,
Laser jet Printer , Assembled Computer
Contract Date2 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 6.3 Million (USD 76.1 K)
Directorate General Of Employment And Training - DGET Tender Result
Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Multi-
tasking Staff; High School
Contract Date2 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountNA
161-170 of 738 active Tender Results