Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 1.6 Million (USD 1.7 Million)
Conducting major inspections and updating existing inventory of step works within the State Road Network management system. 9th itinerary-north zone. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date16 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 165.9 K (USD 176.6 K)
Responsable de seguridad en fase de explotación para los túneles existentes en la Red de Carreteras del Estado en Madrid, Extremadura y Castilla-La Mancha.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date16 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 373.3 K (USD 397.3 K)
Coordination in the field of safety and health, in the activities of conservation and exploitation in the State Road Network in Castilla y León Oriental. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 522 K (USD 555.5 K)
Conduct of annual monitoring reports on comprehensive maintenance contracts in the northern part of the State Road Network. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 139.8 K (USD 148.8 K)
Responsible for security in the phase of exploitation for the tunnels existing in the Network of State Roads in the Valencian Community and Murcia. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 224.3 K (USD 238.7 K)
Responsable de seguridad en fase de explotación para los túneles existentes en la Red de Carreteras del Estado en las Demarcaciones de Castilla y León Occidental, Castilla y León Oriental y La Rioja. Coeficiente de mayoración de la puntuación económica: 1,5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 278.2 K (USD 296.1 K)
Responsible for security in the phase of exploitation for the tunnels existing in the State Roads Network in Cantabria. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 482.5 K (USD 513.5 K)
Coordination in the field of safety and health, in conservation and exploitation activities in the State Road Network in Western Andalusia. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 698.9 K (USD 743.8 K)
Inspections of public works concession contracts for the conservation and exploitation of the first generation motorway: A-31 motorway, pp.kk. 124,000 to 235,400, stage: Bonete-Alicante. Provinces: Albacete and Alicante. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Apr 2014
Contract AmountEUR 496.1 K (USD 528 K)
Coordination in the field of safety and health, in the activities of conservation and exploitation in the State Road Network in Catalonia. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.
411-420 of 548 active Tender Results