Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date6 Dec 2014
Contract AmountEUR 367.1 K (USD 390.7 K)
Advice and coordination on safety and health related to construction works in the State Roads Demarcation in Asturias. Province of Asturias. Technical position: 0.30. Economic position: 0.70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date6 Dec 2014
Contract AmountEUR 25.5 Million (USD 27.2 Million)
SE-40 East Highway. Tramo: Alcalá de Guadaira (A 376)- Two Sisters (A-4). Subtract I: from p.k. 0+000 to p.k.4+100. Province of Seville. Technical position: 0,40. Economic position: 0.60.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date2 Dec 2014
Contract AmountEUR 1.3 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
Drafting of the Inspection and Maintenance Plan and carrying out various structural studies related to the works of the new access to Cadiz. Tram: Bridge over the Bay. Province of Cadiz. Technical position: 0.30. Economic position: 0.70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date27 Nov 2014
Contract AmountEUR 2 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
Control and monitoring of the works for the inspection of the works related to the concession: Execution, conservation and exploitation of the Autovía de la Plata (A-66) between Benavente and Zamora. We brought: A-6 (Castrogonzalo)-Santovenia del Esla, Santovenia del Esla-Fontanillas de Castro and Fontanillas de Castro-Zamora. Province of Zamora. Technical position: 0.30. Economic position: 0.70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date27 Nov 2014
Contract AmountEUR 117.8 Million (USD 125.4 Million)
New South, railway and road access to the Port of Barcelona. Viario axis. Province of Barcelona. Technical position: 0,40. Economic position: 0.60.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date25 Oct 2014
Contract AmountEUR 13.5 Million (USD 14.4 Million)
Execution of various road maintenance and operation operations. N-141, conventional, from Bossost to the French border (Portillón gate), pk. 0,000 to 8,350 and N-230, conventional, border of province of Huesca to the French border, pk. 117,363 to 187,090. Province of Lleida. Technical position: 30. Economic position: 70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date17 Sep 2014
Contract AmountEUR 416.9 K (USD 443.7 K)
Responsible for security in the phase of exploitation for the tunnels existing in the State Roads Network in Catalonia. Higher economic score ratio: 1.5.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Sep 2014
Contract AmountEUR 15.3 Million (USD 16.3 Million)
Implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations in the MA-1 sector. Province of Malaga. Technical position: 30. Economic position: 70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Sep 2014
Contract AmountEUR 8.5 Million (USD 9.1 Million)
Implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations in sector P-2. Province of Palencia. Technical position: 30. Economic position: 70.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Sep 2014
Contract AmountEUR 10 Million (USD 10.7 Million)
Implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations in the GR-3 and GR-1 sectors. Province of Granada. Technical position: 30. Economic position: 70.
361-370 of 551 active Tender Results