Tender Results of Derry City And Strabane District Council

Tender Results of Derry City And Strabane District Council

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T22-142ENV Legionella Risk Assessment and Control Procedures along with Written Schemes and Remedial Works-Derry City and Strabane District Council wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Firm to complete Legionella Written Control Schemes, Risk Assessments, monitoring procedures and Cleaning and Descaling of all outlets inc. Cold Water Storage Tank. Services shall be provided in accordance with the minimum standards defined in ACOP L8 The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems [L8], together with the enhanced standards as defined in this document. At present the scope of work...
Contract Date1 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T22-119CAP Springhill Park Strabane Consultants PQQ Application-Derry City and Strabane District Council (The Employer) seeks to appoint an Economic Operator to provide the services of an Integrated Consultant Team (ICT) to undertake all RIBA Stage 0 to RIBA Stage 7 services, Inc. concept design, options appraisals, planning submission, statutory approvals, detailed design, IST procurement, Tender and contract administration. Whilst the ICT procurement and appointment will be intended for completion of all RIBA services stages 0 to 7, as noted earlier in ...
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T22-119CAP Springhill Park Strabane Consultants PQQ Application-Derry City and Strabane District Council (The Employer) seeks to appoint an Economic Operator to provide the services of an Integrated Consultant Team (ICT) to undertake all RIBA Stage 0 to RIBA Stage 7 services, Inc. concept design, options appraisals, planning submission, statutory approvals, detailed design, IST procurement, Tender and contract administration. Whilst the ICT procurement and appointment will be intended for completion of all RIBA services stages 0 to 7, as noted earlier in 7.3...
Contract Date18 May 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T23-061CRO Provision of Employee Health Care Cash Plan and Employee Assistance Services for DCSDC Employees-Derry City and Strabane District Council invites applications from suitably experienced and qualified providers for the provision of an Employee Health Care Cash Plan and Employee Assistance Programme services across the City and District. Derry City and Strabane District Council currently employs approximately 1000 staff including members of staff living in cross border areas. The Provider (Tenderer) will be responsible for ensuring a smooth transition of service and working with Derry City ...
Contract Date5 May 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T HCO21-158 Integrated Leisure Management Software Solution Tender-DCSDC runs 10 leisure centres in district area. It is anticipated that the implementation of the new system will improve the customer experience by providing an online self-service portal facilitating joining, bookings, payment administration (including direct debit management), account management, and will permit access to these facilities using a range of devices including smartphones. The new system must also provide statistical analysis reports and intelligent marketing. Of particular int...
Contract Date29 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
T HCO21-158 Integrated Leisure Management Software Solution Tender-DCSDC runs 10 leisure centres in district area. It is anticipated that the implementation of the new system will improve the customer experience by providing an online self-service portal facilitating joining, bookings, payment administration (including direct debit management), account management, and will permit access to these facilities using a range of devices including smartphones. The new system must also provide statistical analysis reports and intelligent marketing. Of particular intere...
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Supply of Animation for Events 2020/2023
Contract Date7 May 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Event Management Support Services
Contract Date30 Apr 2020
Contract AmountNA 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Provision of Employment Agency Services
Contract Date30 Mar 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Derry City And Strabane District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Provision of Healthcare Cash Plan and Employee Assistance Programme
Contract Date30 Mar 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
61-70 of 124 active Tender Results