Tender Results of Derry City And Strabane Council

Tender Results of Derry City And Strabane Council

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-120BUS PEACEPLUS Street Art Reimaging-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Street Art Reimaging. This project is a reimaging programme using non-political, cultural graffiti art (or similar styles). It will remove unsightly graffiti and paramilitary linked messages and replace them with inclusive, non-political art on the theme of sport (or anything non-contentious agreed in advance with the PEACE Team). It has a specific geographic focus in the Moor DEA (Including Creggan, Brandywell,...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 49.9 K (USD 63.1 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-122BUS PEACEPLUS Be Driven Project-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Be Driven project. This project focuses on a Driver Training Programme, designed to enhance capacity and connectivity in the rural District Electoral Areas (DEAs) of Faughan, Sperrin, and Derg. These areas currently face a significant challenge due to the shortage of qualified mini-bus drivers, which hinders accessible transportation for residents. This initiative aims to address this gap by training six indiv...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 55 K (USD 69.7 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-126BUS PEACEPLUS Reimage-Recycle-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Reimage-Recycle. This project is a soft-skills, environmental 1 year initiative (approximately) working with 80 adults on a cross-community basis on the topic of recycling, upcycling and zero-waste. Its key focus is within the Foyleside District Electoral Area (DEA) geographically but will require cross-community linkages elsewhere across the wider city and district to ensure the cross-community balance is achie...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 56 K (USD 70.8 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-134BUS PEACEPLUS The Exodus Project-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus The Exodus project. This tender is for a project researching and sharing the recent history of the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist identities in Londonderry (from the outbreak of ‘The Troubles’ to present day with a specific focus on ‘The Exodus’ / migration of the Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist community from the west bank of the city / cityside) within context of the wider history of the era and the area a...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 69.3 K (USD 87.7 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-128BUS PEACEPLUS Art: Recovery to Discovery-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Art: Recovery to Discovery. This project is an adult focused, mental health, community arts programme with the aim of building stronger community relations in shared spaces and places which have the potential to become more shared. It will utilise the active engagement in Community Arts as a vehicle to introducing marginalised isolated adults from all backgrounds to new and welcoming shared spaces. Those spaces ...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 72.9 K (USD 92.3 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-131BUS PEACEPLUS Forward Thinking-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Forward Thinking. This is an adult dialogue project around the future of North-South and East-West (N-S and E-W) relationships. It includes exploring constitutional questions and challenges (e.g. calls for a border poll, impact of Brexit etc) from a diverse range of perspectives. It is one of the key dialogue based projects within the council PEACEPLUS programme. The local co-design process showed that this topi...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 79.3 K (USD 100.3 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-152BUS PEACEPLUS Urban Social Farm Reissue-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Urban Social Farm Reissue. The Urban Social Farm Project will use social farming to support people with disabilities (particularly learning disabilities) and mental illness through a therapeutic programme. Arising from the Moor District Electoral Area (DEA) co-design process it will contribute to community regeneration in that area (and beyond) through purchase and installation of an accessible portacabin (at ...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 120 K (USD 151.9 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T24-155BUS PEACEPLUS Unlocking Silent Heritage Reissue-Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Unlocking Silent Heritage Reissue. The purpose of this tender is to deliver a cross-community engagement programme to complement a capital project led by Derry City and Strabane District Council. The project has a history and heritage focus, based around cemeteries (rural and urban) across the geographic spread of the council area. It will be important that it is treated as a district level project with particip...
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 126.5 K (USD 160.1 K)

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
T23-118ENV Protective Clothing (2yr Contract)-Derry City and Strabane District Council has a requirement for Protective Clothing for a period of 24 months from April 2024 to March 2026. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Derry City And Strabane Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Design Services for Strabane Public Realm - SCM ID: 082/13/SEC-The Strabane Public Realm project is for the implementation of a high public realm within the Strabane Town Centre. Derry City and Strabane District Council is the Contracting Authority. The appointed Consultancy Team is required to: i.Prepare a comprehensive and detailed public realm strategy and outline proposals to concept design (RIBA Stage C), for Strabane Town Centre and the towns main entry points reflecting the ambition to build on what has already been achieved. The scheme should refle...
Contract Date24 Feb 2025
Contract AmountGBP 190.7 K (USD 241.5 K)
1-10 of 27 active Tender Results