Tender Results of Deputy Commissioner Office
Tender Results of Deputy Commissioner Office
Deputy Commissioner Office Tender Result
Agriculture or Forestry Works...+2Building Construction, Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Leasing Of Outsources Langar/kitchen At Sh. Chamunda Nandikeshwar Temple Both The Time/festivals Etc. As Desired By The Directions Of Temple Authority
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Deputy Commissioner Office Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Scanner (v2),desktop Computers,multifunction Machines Mfm CATEGORY: Scanner (V2) (Q2) , Desktop Computers (Q2) , Multifunction
Machines MFM (Q2)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
131-140 of 138 active Tender Results