Denmark Tender Results

Denmark Tender Results

UNOPS - UNOPS Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date2 May 2024
Contract AmountUSD 362.9 K 
UNOPS is soliciting Consultancy Services for the preparation of a UNOPS Climate Strategy 1. Tender description: This is a RFQ/Secondary bidding process conducted with limited competition among the UNOPS LTAs suppliers for global consultant services. 2. Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here

UNOPS - UNOPS Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Apr 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
ITB/2024/50280​​: Acquisition of Medicines under Long-Term Agreements for the Honduran Institute of Social Security of Honduras 2024 - 139 Lots

UNOPS - UNOPS Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Mar 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply of Tanks and materials for rainwater storage system through Open Bid Agreement (BPA)

UNOPS - UNOPS Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Feb 2024
Contract AmountUSD 18 K 
Tender description: Request for Quotation for the Development of UNOPS Code of Ethics/Conduct as further described in Section II - Schedule of Requirement of this RFQ. ----- IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here

UNOPS - UNOPS Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date2 Feb 2024
Contract AmountUSD 172.5 K 
This tender relates to the provision of Business Travel and Expatriate Insurance Services for UNOPS managed Individual Contractors working for UNHCR IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:

Aalborg Universitet - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Jan 2024
Contract AmountDKK 2.7 Million (USD 393.9 K)
Udbud af dynamisk indkøbssystem indenfor IT-konsulenter, opdelt i 16 kategorier: 1A. Projektledelse, små opgaver 1B. Projektledelse, store opgaver 2A. Governance, små opgaver 2B. Governance, store opgaver 3A. Arkitektur, små opgaver 3B. Arkitektur, store opgaver 4. Sikkerhed og compliance 5A. Integration og tilpasning af standardsoftware, små opgaver 5B. Integration og tilpasning af standardsoftware, store opgaver 6A. Programmering af applikationer og services, små opgaver 6B. Programmering af applikationer og services, store opgaver 7. Bistand/assistance i forbindelse med indkøb 8A. Support & systemdrift, små opgaver 8B. Support & systemdrift, store opgaver 9A. Konsulentydelser inden for UX og usability, små opgaver 9B. Konsulentydelser inden for UX og usability, store opgaver.

K Thomsen Udbudsr Dgivning Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Jan 2024
Contract AmountDKK 3.6 Million (USD 525.2 K)
Arbejdsbeklædning og arbejdssko til ansatte på skoler under U/NORD. Desuden skal leverandør 2 gange årligt, stille op på minimum 2 skoler hvor elever vil komme forbi for at prøve og købe arbejdstøj på aftalelignende vilkår, hvor eleven skal faktureres individuelt uden om skolen og derfor indgår dette mersalg ikke rammeaftalens værdi. Aftalen skal indgås med en leverandør som har forståelse for de lokale behov U/NORD´s skoler har. Skolen skal have 2 prøvesortimenter på 2 forskellige skoler i Hillerød hvor det er muligt at prøve, føle og se tøjet.

Aalborg Universitet - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Jan 2024
Contract AmountDKK 36 Million (USD 5.2 Million)
Udbud af dynamisk indkøbssystem inden for IT-hardware, opdelt i 10 kategorier: 1A. PC 1B. PC med macOS 2. Håndholdte enheder 3. Tilbehør 4A. AV, Videokonference lokaler 4B. AV, Lokaler 4C. AV, Tilbehør 5. Datacenter 6. Netværk 7.Kopi og print

Aarhus Kommune, Teknik Og Milj Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Jan 2024
Contract AmountDKK 12.5 Million (USD 1.8 Million)
Udbuddet omfatter levering af skitseprojekt og miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) for BRT på Ringvejen, Aarhus Kommune.

Amgros I S - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Jan 2024
Contract AmountDKK 13.1 Million (USD 1.9 Million)
Amgros er et interessentskab med de 5 regioner som interessenter. Med henblik på at forsyne interessenternes sygehusapoteker med lægemidler samt enkelte interessenters videresalg til Færøerne og Grønland, ønsker Amgros I/S at indgå rammeaftaler for de i afsnit II.2.4 angivne lægemidler. Rammeaftalerne er ikke- eksklusive. Amgros I/S videresælger lægemidlerne til sygehusapotekerne til Amgros I/S' indkøbspris med et tillæg.Rammeaftaler indgås uden købepligt, og sygehusapotekerne er ikke forpligtet til at anvende Amgros' rammeaftaler.
11-20 of 3643 active Tender Results