Cupboard Tender Results

Cupboard Tender Results

National Institute Of Plant Health Management - NIPHM Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
3 years ago
Description: Laboratory Furniture and Fixtures Supply and fixing of laboratory metal cupboards at PFRAC Building of
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Municipal Corporation Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
8 years ago
Description: Supplying locker table chair cupboard providing fixing rubber mat GYM hall in Dr.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Corporation Of Chennai Tender Result

Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Construction of Providing Partition Cupboard Doors and Electrical Arramgements at Night Shelter 1 Kasturibai
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Nhs Greater Glasgow And Clyde Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Description: relevant pipe workShelving install (ward 5): install new shelving where required, install worktops & cupboards
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Drill Machine,metal Hand Saw,band Saw,mortuary Cooler,storage Tank,plastic Tank,meat Cutting Machin CATEGORY: Drill Machine , Metal Hand Saw , Band saw , Mortuary Cooler , Storage Tank , Plastic Tank , Meat Cutting Machine , Embalming machine , Dissection table , Anatomic model , Microscope binocular research , Anatomic charts , Microscopes Monocular , Dissection microsopce , Rotary Microscopes , Microtome sledge large cutting , Paraffin Embedding Bath , Hot Plate for flattening Sections , Articulated Skeletons , Articulated Skeleton set , Disarticulated bone set , Incubator , Hot air oven cover for drying slides , Balance Analytical 1 , Balance Analyitical , Dissection instrument , Distilled Water Plant , Student locker , LCD Projectors , Laptop , LCD Projector screen with stand , Refrigerator 310 liters , Desktop Computer , Printer , Laboratory analytical balance , Urinometer , Hot air oven , Digital colorimeter , Monocular microscope , Glucometer with strips , Thermometer , Semi auto analyser low end , Boiling water baths , Constant temperature water tank , Centrifuge , Digital pH meter , Fixed Volume Pipettes , Bottle Dispenser , Variable Volume Micropipettes , Elisa reader with Washer technical low end , Complete chromatographic unit for paper TLC , Complete Electrophoresis apparatus with power supply , Digital Vorex Meter , Fume Cupboard , Digital Analyitical Balance , Balance Micro , Digital spectrometer , Glassware of Different size , ABG machine , LCD projectors , LCD projector screen with stand , Monocular microscope high end , Demonstartion eye piece , Double Demonstartion eye piece , Stage incubator , Westergrens pipette for ESR on stand , Wintrobe pipette for ESR on stand , Haemoglobin meter Sahlis or Hellige , Haemocytometers , Tunning fork time marker , Electrodes , Spirit lamps , Mareys tambour , Perimeter Pristely Smith , Stethoscopes , Stethoscopes demonstartion with multiple ear pieces , Spirometer ordinary , Sherrington starting kymograph , Electromagnetic time marker , Douglas bag copmete , Basal metabolism apparatus , Mossos Ergo graph , Clinical thermometer mercury based instruments to be replaced with suitable alternatives , Compass aesthesiometer , Thermoaesthesiometer , Apparatus for passive movement , Knee hammer , Stethograph , Olfactometer , Ophalmoscope , Schematic eye , Phakoscope , Perimeter with Charts , Color percep on lantern dridge green , Maddox rod , Newtons color wheel , Tunning fork , Dynamometer , Otoscope , Stop watch , Multi Channel physiograpgh 3 channels complete with accessories , Centrifuge high speed with techno meter , colorimete photectric , Myography stand , pH meter electric , Electronic stimulator , Thermometer Balances micro slides and glassware , ECG machine , Upgradable advance spirometer , Color vision original ishihara , Chart with or without remote control , BP apparatus , Digital sphygmomanometer , Near vision chart with different languages , LCD projecor , Student Physiograph single channel with accessories , Gas analysis apparatus , Venous pressure apparatus
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - SSA Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Office Cupboard
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Municipal Council Tender Result

Paints and Enamels
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
7 years ago
Description: Renovation work like Oil Bound Distemper, Synthetic Enamel Paint, Exterior Paint, MS Sheet Cupboard Shutter
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Urban Development Department - UDD Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Weight Scalling Machine,flat Sagrigation Convayer Belt,fatka Machine,shredding Machine Shredder,hyd CATEGORY: Weight Scalling Machine , Flat Sagrigation Convayer Belt , Fatka Machine , Shredding Machine Shredder , Hydraulic Vel Press Machine , Tub 100 liter , PPE , FAN , PAN , 1.0 Cum storage container , Computer , Printer , Inverter AND battery , Fire extinguisher , Office table , Office chair , Cupboard , CCTV , STORAGE RACKS IRON
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Indian Army Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Cupboard Ms Knobs 40mm Dia ,aluminium 140mm Floor ...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Higher Education Department Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Steel Cupboard,Study Table
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
4271-4280 of 4355 active Tender Results