Tender Results of Chornobayiv Village Council
Tender Results of Chornobayiv Village Council
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Технічний нагляд за будівництвом об'єкту: "Капітальний ремонт житлового будинку, постраждалого внаслідок збройної агресії за адресою: Херсонська область, Херсонський район, Чорнобаївська територіальна громада, с. Благодатне, вул. Першотравнева, буд. 55" (Код за ДК 021:2015: 71520000-9 Послуги з нагляду за виконанням будівельних робіт)
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountUAH 2.8 K (USD 75.61248)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Технічний нагляд за будівництвом об'єкту: "Капітальний ремонт житлового будинку, постраждалого внаслідок збройної агресії за адресою: Херсонська область, Херсонський район, Чорнобаївська територіальна громада, с. Киселівка, вул. Освітянська, буд. 32" (Код за ДК 021:2015: 71520000-9 Послуги з нагляду за виконанням будівельних робіт)
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountUAH 2.9 K (USD 77.22945)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Технічний нагляд за будівництвом об'єкту: "Капітальний ремонт житлового будинку, постраждалого внаслідок збройної агресії за адресою: Херсонський район, Чорнобаївська територіальна громада, с. Киселівка, вул. Освітянська, буд. 64 (Код за ДК 021:2015: 71520000-9 Послуги з нагляду за виконанням будівельних робіт)
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountUAH 2.9 K (USD 78.98578)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Послуги з підключення до мережі Інтернет за адресою: Херсонська обл., с. Чорнобаївка, вул. Соборна, 42а (опора ЛЕП) та послуги з надання доступу до мережі Інтернет за адресою: Херсонська обл., с. Чорнобаївка, вул. Соборна, 42а (опора ЛЕП) на швидкості до 10 Мбіт/с (Код за ДК 021:2015: 72410000-7 Послуги провайдерів)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
Contract AmountUAH 900 (USD 24.517126)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Organisation of a structured cable network (DC code 021:2015: 45310000-3 Electrical installation works (45314310-7 Cable tabs) Procurement is carried out by the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of public procurement of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or abolition" in order to conclude cables to secure the Internet network. According to point 11 Features for procurement of goods and services (except for current repair services), the cost of which is less than 100,000 hryvnias, current repair services, the cost of which is less than 200,000 hryvnias, the cost of which is less than 1.5 million hryvnias, the customers can use an electronic procurement system according to the terms defined by the e-procurement system, including an electronic catalog for procuring goods. In the case of such procurements without the use of an electronic procurement system, the customer necessarily follows the principles of public procurement defined by the Law, introduces information on such a procurement to an annual plan and publishes according to the 38 chapter X "The End and Transitional Positions" of the Law in an electronic procurement system, a procurement treaty concluded without the use of an electronic procurement system.
Contract Date30 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 1.3 K (USD 35.413624)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Netis WF2409E 300 Mbit/s (DC code 021:2015: 32410000-0 Local networks (32413100-2 – Marshrutisers) Procurement is carried out by the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of public procurement of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or abolition" in order to conclude cables to secure the Internet network. According to point 11 Features for procurement of goods and services (except for current repair services), the cost of which is less than 100,000 hryvnias, current repair services, the cost of which is less than 200,000 hryvnias, the cost of which is less than 1.5 million hryvnias, the customers can use an electronic procurement system according to the terms defined by the e-procurement system, including an electronic catalog for procuring goods. In the case of such procurements without the use of an electronic procurement system, the customer necessarily follows the principles of public procurement defined by the Law, introduces information on such a procurement to an annual plan and publishes according to the 38 chapter X "The End and Transitional Positions" of the Law in an electronic procurement system, a procurement treaty concluded without the use of an electronic procurement system.
Contract Date30 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 2.6 K (USD 72.44565)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Internet resource access services at speeds up to 25 Mbit/s without traffic restrictions (DC code 021:2015: 72410000-7 Provider services) Procurement is carried out under the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of the implementation of public procurements of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or cancelation." According to point 11 Features for procurement of goods and services (except for current repair services), the cost of which is less than 100,000 hryvnias, current repair services, the cost of which is less than 200,000 hryvnias, the cost of which is less than 1.5 million hryvnias, the customers can use an electronic procurement system according to the terms defined by the e-procurement system, including an electronic catalog for procuring goods. In the case of such procurements without the use of an electronic procurement system, the customer necessarily follows the principles of public procurement defined by the Law, introduces information on such a procurement to an annual plan and publishes according to the 38 chapter X "The End and Transitional Positions" of the Law in an electronic procurement system, a procurement treaty concluded without the use of an electronic procurement system.
Contract Date27 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 1 K (USD 29.420551)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
WAXOYL, 5.0 L (DC code 021:2015: 24950000-8 - Specialized Chemical Products (24951000-5 - Lubricants and lubricants)) Procurement is carried out under the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of the implementation of public procurements of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or cancelation.".
Contract Date23 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 1.3 K (USD 35.413624)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Liten LT-43, 9 kg (Code for DC 021:2015:09210000-4 – Mastility) Procurement is carried out under the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of the implementation of public procurements of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or cancelation.".
Contract Date23 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 2.3 K (USD 64.28935)
Chornobayiv Village Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Organisation of a structured cable network (DC code 021:2015: 45310000-3 Electrical installation works (45314310-7 Cable tabs) Procurement is carried out under the 11th Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.10.2022 No 1178 "On approval of the peculiarities of the implementation of public procurement of goods, work and services for customers provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement", during the action of the legal regime of war in Ukraine and within 90 days from the day of its termination or abolition" in order to establish cables to secure the Internet in the simplest cover.
Contract Date20 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUAH 1.5 K (USD 40.861877)
21-30 of 202 active Tender Results