Tender Results of Celtic Sea Power Limited
Tender Results of Celtic Sea Power Limited
Celtic Sea Power Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
PROCUREMENT OF PEMBROKESHIRE DEMONSTRATION ZONE MULTI-CONNECTION OFFSHORE SUBSTATION PRE-FEED-Celtic Sea Power Limited (the "Authority") is issuing this invitation to tender ("ITT") in connection with the competitive procurement for the Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone Multi-connection Offshore Substations (“MOS”) Pre-FEED.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 590.1 K (USD 719.2 K)
Celtic Sea Power Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Invitation to Tender: Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone - MOS Onshore Surveys Procurement -Technical-Celtic Sea Power are looking to appoint a specialist to provide technical input into the scope of work for a later Onshore Surveys ITT which will be for a full suite of onshore surveys as set out in the Scoping report and response from NRW found at the following link https://publicregister.naturalresources.wales/Search/Download?RecordId=139646 The surveys routes are currently dependent on the output of the Electricity System Operators, Holistic Network Design Follow Up Exercise, which is due ...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Celtic Sea Power Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
ITT PDZ Project Evaluation and Summative Assessment-ERDF funded projects are contractually required to produce an evaluation in the form of a “Summative Assessment” at least three months prior to the final grant claim to demonstrate how the project has performed against its stated objectives, outputs and outcomes. A summative assessment plan is also required within the first three to six months of the grant funding agreement being signed; this has been prepared. The successful supplier will be required to deliver, within the guidance and times...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Celtic Sea Power Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Pembroke Demonstration Zone Preliminary Geophysical and Environmental Survey Campaign-Celtic Sea Power Limited (the Authority) is issuing this invitation to tender (ITT) in connection with the competitive procurement for the Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone Offshore Survey Campaign. CPV: 71313000, 76500000.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
11-20 of 14 active Tender Results