Cefas Tender Result
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Cefas Tender Result
Contract Date23 Aug 2023
Contract Period586 Days
Contract AmountGBP 50,000 (USD 62,082.34)
AOC Description
CEFAS23-86 contract for the supply of genomics to identify population structures-contract for the supply of genomics to identify population structures of herring, horse mackerel and sprat. Cefas has a Defra R&D proposal which will use genomics to identify population structures of herring, horse mackerel and sprat. A significant amount of work has been carried out by the Fishing Industry and ICES to identify populations using the FSHSTK1D array, with Cefas adding to the geographical scope of the objectives by analysing areas currently lacking any information. The an...
Award Id
9097f67e-6f53-3368-b774-b5a74b13c96fTender Id
9097f67e-6f53-3368-b774-b5a74b13c96fTender Authority
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AOC Documents
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99