Tender Results of Cefas

Tender Results of Cefas

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-56 Contract for Training(working in/on/near water & emergency first aid)-Cefas require essential training for fieldwork activities to include; Essentials of working in, on or near water (to include pool practical) Emergency First Aid
Contract Date20 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 40 K (USD 48.7 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-53 Contract for Annual hire charges & servicing of Guard Buoys-Cefas require hire and servicing of Guard buoys for 2 locations around the UK, these are essential as they provide another layer of protection for the Waveriders at these locations.
Contract Date16 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 28 K (USD 34.1 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-60 Contract for Service Desk Software subscription-Cefas require provision of Service Desk software subscription for continued delivery and support of internal and external customer systems.
Contract Date11 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 25 K (USD 30.4 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-55 Contract for library construction & Miseq sequencing-Cefas require services for: 1. Sample quality control. 2. Illumina Universal Tailed Amplicon library construction from 112 sample(s). 3. Sequencing of above libraries (112-plex) on 1 lane of the MiSeq v3 flow cell with 300bp PE reads.
Contract Date8 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-08 Contract for BEEMS ABR Maintenance & Monitoring at the Hinkley Point C Frontage-Cefas requires a suitable Supplier to undertake ad hoc Artificial Bunded Reservoir (ABR) maintenance and monitoring at the Hinkley Point C frontage. The ABR design was proposed by Cefas as a method to compensate for the water that was diverted away from unique and protected intertidal algal mats by damage caused by a walking jack-up barge, which interrupted the drainage network when it transited across the rocky foreshore while being used to construct a large aggregates jetty. The ABRs com...
Contract Date7 Mar 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-26 OWEC Flowers-Fisheries science and policy expert support for the Cefas OWEC project FLOWERS (Floating Offshore Wind Environmental Response to Stressors).
Contract Date1 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 20 K (USD 24.3 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS22-150 OWEC POSEIDON - LOT 5 (English Channel)-POSEIDON (Planning Offshore Wind Strategic Environmental Impact DecisiONs) is a Crown Estate-funded project (Offshore Wind Evidence & Change program (OWEC)) led by Natural England. The aim of the project is to provide tools to inform offshore wind planning, to minimise impacts on the natural environment through avoidance and early awareness of likely mitigation / compensation needs, allowing sustainable expansion of offshore wind. This will be achieved through the collection of strategic env...
Contract Date22 Feb 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS22-150 OWEC POSEIDON - LOT 3 (Celtic Sea)-POSEIDON (Planning Offshore Wind Strategic Environmental Impact DecisiONs) is a Crown Estate-funded project (Offshore Wind Evidence & Change program (OWEC)) led by Natural England. The aim of the project is to provide tools to inform offshore wind planning, to minimise impacts on the natural environment through avoidance and early awareness of likely mitigation / compensation needs, allowing sustainable expansion of offshore wind. This will be achieved through the collection of strategic env...
Contract Date22 Feb 2023
Contract AmountNA 

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
CEFAS23-16 Contract for services for Rock-Eval sample analysis (Cefas Direct Award)-The scope of the services required are; • Rock-Eval(6) analysis of 170 samples to include all 16 standard parameters and the extra C stability assessment (R and I indices).
Contract Date20 Feb 2023
Contract AmountGBP 11.9 K (USD 14.5 K)

Cefas Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
CEFAS22-166 Contract to conduct surveys and engagement on ALDFG in Sri Lanka-The Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) was announced in 2021 as a key bilateral aid programme under the £500m Blue Planet Fund. The OCPP is a UK Government-led programme delivered under the Blue Planet Fund. Through this programme, Cefas, in partnership with JNCC and MMO, provide technical assistance to support countries in tackling marine pollution, support sustainable seafood practices, and establish designated, well-managed and enforced MPAs. OCPP objectives are to support ...
Contract Date1 Feb 2023
Contract AmountGBP 80 K (USD 102 K)
171-180 of 215 active Tender Results