Bord Na Mona Tender Result
View complete overview of Bord Na Mona Tender Result
Bord Na Mona Tender Result
Contract Date15 May 2023
Contract Period90 Days
Contract AmountNA
AOC Description
Electrical Balance of Plant Services for Timahoe Solar Farm-The contracting entity intends to procure design and build services for the Timahoe solar farm grid connection works. The scope of works for the proposed contract shall include design, procurement, construction, testing, and commissioning pertaining to the grid connection works.Please note this Tender process is now complete.
Award Id
d51a171d-f62e-3489-ae7b-00cbd1472884Tender Id
d51a171d-f62e-3489-ae7b-00cbd1472884Tender Authority
Bord Na Mona ViewPurchaser Address
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99