Book Shelf Tender Results
Book Shelf Tender Results
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: The sikh world , tibet , The atlas of man kind , The god
delusions , This uniqe land , City of djinns , Vitamins and
herbals , India boarder , Elephant and kings , Colin powell ,
Sino india equation , Three cup of tea , The rule of flour , A
taste of india , Folk test of the india frontier , The ai qaeda
connection , wellington , Among warriours in iraq ,
Corporate abuse , The post american world , Insurgency
terrorism crime , Acts of War , The Tibetan book living and
dying , Seasons of Life , Alistair Cookie , The Induse Saga ,
The detox Miracle , Baba Banda Singh Bahadur , The Seven
Day Week End , The Hand book of Chines Horoscope ,
Militancy in Pakistan Afghanistan , Militancy Confidence
Building , Non Stop India , Handing of training Development
, A soildiers General , Naxal Violence , Durbar , book Shelf
Small for library , A4 Paper Rim
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 42.5 K (USD 507.4562)
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+3Electrical and Electronics, Furnitures and Fixtures, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Description: hdmi cable 20 mtr,8 port switch,book shelf,Notice board,Door curtain
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 43.8 K (USD 523.5723)
Indian Army Tender Result
Food Products
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Strategy by B H LIDDEL Hart , History greatest military
blunders , The black banners by ali soufan , Alex rutherford
collection , Kashmir the vajpayee years by a s dulat ,
Emargency by kuldeep nayar , New rules of war by sean mc
fate , Geay zone warfare way ahea d for india , Into the
heart of himalayas by jono lineen , Dragon entangled ndo
china and the China vietnam war by stephen j hood , Jamu
and kashmir A compedium by jyoti kumar and Aarushi suri ,
Development of elite force in china by Dr Manish chandra ,
The code of the extraordinary mind by vishen lakhiani , The
geopolitics of south asia by graham p chapman , Empire of
the sun by j g ballard , Prisoner of geography , Team of
teams , India china war , Book shelf
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 50 K (USD 597.0038)
681-690 of 916 active Tender Results