Bench Tender Results
Bench Tender Results
National Health Mission - NHM Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Thermometer , Weighing ScalesInfants and children 1 Each ,
Stethoscope Peadiatric , Stadiometer , Infant Meter ,
Measuring Tape , Spatula Multiple , Torch , Otoscope ,
Resescitation Kit , Direct Opthalmoscope , Paediatric
Auroscope , Ear Speculum , Magnifying Glass , Knee
Hammer , Muac Tapes , Dolls And Breast Models , Steel
Bowl , Spoon , Oxygen Concentrator , Oxygen Cylinder with
Regulator , Pressure Gauge and Flow Meter , Suction Pumps
Foot Opearted , Nebuliser , Infusion Pumps , Laryngoscope
with Blades , Pulse Oxymeter , Bedside, Neonatal
Monitoring , x Ray view Box , Traction for Plaster Room ,
Retinoscope , Refraction Kit , Tonometer , Distant Vision
Chart , Color Vision Chart , Audiometer , Head Light , Tuning
Fork , Bronchoscope , Dental Chair , Air Rotor , Endodontic
Set , Extraction Forceps , Short Way Diathermy , Exercise
Table , Refrigerator , Crash Cart , Instrument Trolley ,
Dressing Trolley , Buckets for mopping , Autoclave Machine
, Spot Light , Electrical Fixture for Equipments , Doctors
Chair , Patient Stool , Examination Table , Attendant Chair ,
Table , Foot Step , Cupborad , Stadiometer for Height ,
Infantometer for Length , Pediatric and Adult Stethoscope ,
Hand Held Pulse Oximeter , BP Appratus with Pediatric Cuff ,
Multipara Monitor , Spacer with Mask , Opthalmoscope ,
Dressing Tray , Glucometer , Portable X Ray 100ma , ET
Tubes Diff Sizes , Mops , Duster , Waste Trolley , Deck Brush
, Prop Up Facility Bed , Hospital Graded Mattress , Bed Rail ,
Bed Pan , Cool White CFL , Cupboard , Table for Preparation
of Medicine , Chairs , Call Bell , Functional Room Heaters ,
Open Care System Radiant Warmer , Phototherapy Unit ,
Resuscitator, hand operated, neonate, 250 ml ,
Resuscitator, hand operated, neonate, 500 ml ,
Laryngoscope set, neonate , Suction Pumps Portable 220 v ,
Syringe Pump 10,20, 50 ml Single Phase , Oxygen Hood, S
and M, Set of 3 each Including connetion tubes ,
Thermometer Clinicla Digital 32-43c , Electronic Baby
Weighing scale 10 kg , Pulse Oxymeter Bedside Neonatal ,
Stethoscope for Neonates - Binaural, , Sphygramanmeter,
Neonate, electronic , Light, Examination, moblie 220-12 v ,
Syringe hub cutter , Kidney basin, stainless steel, 825ml ,
Dressing Tray Stainless Steel, 300 x 200 x30 mm , Infusion
Stand with double hook on castors , Indicator TST Control ,
Irradiance meter for phototherapy units , ECG Unit 3
Channel , Infantometer Plexi 105cm , Transport Incubator
Basic with battery o2 , Autoclave Machine Steam Bench top
20 I electrial , Laundry Washer Dryer 5KG , Oxygen
flowmeter , CPAP , AC 0.5 Tonn , Room Heaters Oil , Spot
Lamps , wall clock with second hand , KMC Chair , Sterilizind
Drum 165 mm diameter , Electic Steriliser , Washing
Machine with Dryer , Gowns for sMother , Pair of Washable
slippers , Bilrirubinometer , Glucometer with Dextrostix , T
Piece Resuscitator , Stethoscope Pediatric and Adult ,
Dietary Scale to Weigh 5gms , Measuring Jars , Electric
Blender , Water Filter , Cupboard Small , Chair Office ,
Washable Toys Puzzles Blocks , Infrastructure Cost at DH ,
Bedside Locker , Nursing Counter , Suction Pump Foot
Operated , Digital Thermometer Clinical , Pulse Oxiemeter
monitor , Infusion Pump , Oxygen Hood , Furniture at Breast
Feeding Rooms , Infrastructure Cost at SDH Sawantwadi
Contract Date30 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 10.9 Million (USD 131.1 K)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - KVS Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Single Pole M C B Legrand make , Double Pole MCB Legrand
make , DPMetallic EnclosureLegrand make , SPN Double
Door MCB DB Legrand make , Double Pole MCB
IsolatorLegrand make , Double Pole 30 mA RCCBLegrand
make , Single Pole MCBLegrand make , Blank Plates for MCB
, PVCinsulatedcopperwire , PVCconduitmedium duty rigid ISI
marked , P V C conduit medium duty rigid ISI marked , SP
modularswitch , 3pinmodularsocket , PVCsurfaceboxrefer
pdf file , PVCinsulated FRLS Copper wireFinolex make , Bare
Copper wire for earth connection , Aluminium armoured
cable Gloster make , Bare copper wire for earth connection ,
30cmlong25x3mmCopperStripearthbench ,
20cmlong25x3mmcopperEarthBench , TriplePoleMCB ,
NEWBUILDING , Labour charges for fixing 32 ASPMCB ,
Labour charges for fixing 32A DP MCB isolator , Labour
Charges for shifting UPS , Labour Chargesfor fixing 8way
SPN MCBDB , Labour Charges for wiring 2RX6 sqmm Wire ,
Labour Chargesfor wiring2RX6sqmmwire , Labour
Chargesfor fixingswitchboard and connections , Labour
Charges for wiring2.25sqmmand 14 SWGcopperwire ,
PRIMARY BUILDING , Labour Charges forlaying 4x35
sqmm,Al armoured cable , Labour Charges for cable
termination4x35sqmm , Labour Charges for laying10swg
copperwire , Labour Charges for laying 6sqmm copperwire ,
Labour Charges for fixing30cm copper earth bench , Labour
Charges for fixing40A TPMCB , Labour Charges for wiring
4RX6sqmm copperwire , Labour Charges for wiring
2RX6sqmm copperwire , Labour charges for fixing 40 A DP
RCCB ETC.. , Labour Charges for wiring2.25sqmmand
14SWGcopperwire , Labour Charges for providing pipe
earthing , SECONDARY BUILDING , LabourLabour Charges
for fixing 32A SP MCB , Labour charges for fixing 32 A DP
MCB Isolator , Labour Charges for wiring 2RX6sqmm
copperwire for ups earth , Labour Charges for fixing 8W SPN
MCB DB , Labour Charges for fixing 20 cm copper earth
bench , Labour Charges for pipe earthing
Contract Date30 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 327.1 K (USD 3.9 K)
Indo Tibetan Border Police - ITBP Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Contract Date30 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.4 Million (USD 17.5 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
North Central Railway - NCR Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
India, India
Contract Date30 Aug 2022
Contract AmountINR 48.9 K (USD 587.2528)
9791-9800 of 10000 active Tender Results