Tender Results of Anna University
Tender Results of Anna University
Anna University Tender Result
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Supply and Installation of Fiber Coupled Flourometer with CCD Detector at an approximate cost of Rs. 22,00,000/- for the Professor and Head, Department of Medical Physics, Anna University, Chennai 600 025.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Supply and Installation of DSC-TGA Analyser at an approximate cost of Rs. 45,00,000/- for the Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Supply and Installation of TIG Welding Unit at an approximate cost of Rs. 12,00,000/- to the Prof and Head, Department of Production Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Supply and Installation of Wheeled Chassis Dynamometer at an approximate cost of Rs. 36,00,000/- for the Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai-600 044
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Supply and Installation of Protein Purification System with accessories at an app cost of Rs. 19,00,000/- for the Dept of Pharmaceutical Technology and Centre for Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research, Anna University, BIT Campus, Trichy - 24
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Supply and Installation of Pulsed laser system - Compact oscillator 10 Hz with 2W, 3W and 4W modules at approximate cost of Rs.20,00,000/- Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only for the Department of Electronics Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai-44
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Publishing and Printing
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Printer and Scanner, University Dept/Centres/Constituent Colleges under Rate Contract for a period of one year
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Anna University Tender Result
Security and Emergency Services
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Supply and Installation of CC TV Surveillance Camera-Annexe building 15nos and all the Zones of Anna University situated across the State 209nos with remoteview provisioning at O/o the Controller of Examinations at Rs. 20 Lakhs for COE,AU,Ch-25
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
461-470 of 471 active Tender Results