Tender Results of Anand Agricultural University
Tender Results of Anand Agricultural University
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Guest House Building 3 Kw,guest House Street Light 8 Kw,girls Hostel Polytechnic Mahisagar 8 Kw,boy
Contract Date6 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 7.6 Million (USD 87.1 K)
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Tribhuvan Farmers Hostel-20kw,sardar Smruti Kendra-5kw,institute Of Distance Education-15kw,aniket
Contract Date3 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 3.2 Million (USD 39.2 K)
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Laying Of Rubble Soiling Pebble Aggregate,laying Of Pcc,laying Of Reinforce Bar,laying Of Rcc,brick CATEGORY: Laying of Rubble soiling Pebble aggregate , Laying of PCC ,
Laying of Reinforce bar , Laying of RCC , Brick wall with
Contract Date3 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 212.5 K (USD 2.5 K)
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Tulsi Building-5kw,economics Department-8kw,extension Education-6kw,entomology-6kw,aicrp Weedmgt-3k
Contract Date3 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 13.8 Million (USD 157.9 K)
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Cement,sand,coarse Aggregate 10-20 Mm,coarse Aggregate 40-60 Mm,tmt Steel Bar Rod CATEGORY: Cement , Sand , Coarse Aggregate 10-20 mm , Coarse
Aggregate 40-60 mm , TMT Steel Bar Rod
Contract Date1 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 352.1 K (USD 4 K)
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Bglii, 10000 Units,hindiii-hf, 10000 Units,kpnl-hf, 4000 Units,mfei-hf, 20000 Units Per Ml,ncoi-hf, CATEGORY: BglII, 10000 Units , HindIII-HF, 10000 Units , Kpnl-HF, 4000
Units , MfeI-HF, 20000 Units per ml , NcoI-HF, 20000 Units
per ml , PmlI, 20000 Units per ml , SacI-HF, 20000 Units per
ml , SalI-HF, 20000 Units per ml , BamHI-HF, 10000 Units ,
Gibson Assembly Cloning Kit, Pack Size-10 reactions , 10
beta Competent E. coli, Pack Size-20 x 0.05 ml
Contract Date27 Oct 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 360.3 K (USD 4.3 K)
251-260 of 992 active Tender Results