Drawer Tenders

Drawer Tenders

Rail Coach Factory - RDF Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Kapurthala, Punjab
Details: Supply Of One Rake Set Of Seats Without Seat Fixing Profile For Trainset -18 As Per Specification Icf/md/spec-367 Rev-02 For Mc,tc,dtc,dtc2,ndtc Coaches & Icf/md/spe C-366 Rev-03 For Ndtc/ec & Ndtc/ec2 Coaches., As Per Drawing: Mplseatsts18 Version 6, Pack Ing Instruction: Chair Car Seat( Ac & Nac ) : I. All Protruding Portions Of The Chair Car Seat Should Be Protected With Plastic Cover. 2.then Complete Seat And Its Corners / Hand Re St/ Foot Rest Should Be Properly Wrapped With Biodegradable Air Bubble Sheet Of Thick Ness 30 Micron And Bubble Diameter 10mm. 3. The Full Seat Should Be Further Wrapped W Ith 3 Ply Corrugated Paper Sheet. 4. Each Individual Chair Should Be Covered All Aroun D With Transparent, Plain, Biodegradable, Polythene Sheet To Prevent Ingress Of Dust/ Water. 5. The Seat Bottom Frame Portion Should Be Fitted With M.s Supports For Its Bala Ncing, So That The Chair Can Rest On The Floor Without Tilting On Any Side. 6. The Overa Ll Packing Should Be Such That It Is Not Damaged During Transportation Of The Materia L, The Seats Should Be Tied Up In Pairs Only. 7. All Hardware/accessories/loose Items In O Ne Coach Set Should Be Separately Packed In Wooden Box Having Sufficient Strength. 8. A List Should Be Pasted On Each Box Showing Purchase Order No., Pl No., Description Of I Tem, Drg. No., Quantity, Firm Name, Address & Date Of Dispatch And Its Contents. Note : Q R Code Is To Be Affixed " Near Manufacturer Name Plate On Each Seat " On Top Of Packed Seat As Per Pi Mentioned Above " On Top Of Wooden Box For Sr.no.7 Qr Code Having Detai Ls As Listed Below : 1 Name Of The Manufacturer 2 Purchase Order Number 3 Purchase Order Date 4 Unique Serial Number (or Lot Number For Bulk I Tems) Of The Manufacturer Or 5 Date Of Manufacture 6 Delivery Challan No. 7 Delivery Challan Date The Qr C Ode Shall Be As Per Iso/iec18004 Model2 And The Data Shall Be Available As Xml Using Th E Tags Detailed Above. Incase The Above Details Are Not Available, Or The Qr Codes Are Not Readable, The Supplied Material Is Liable To Be Rejected. [ Warranty Period: 84 Months After The Date Of Delivery ]
Closing Date16 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 100 Cr 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences - AIIMS Tender

Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Model showing relation of fimbriae and ovary, 9 day human blastocyst, 12 day human blastocyst, 13 day human blastocyst, Preovulatory follicle, Ovulation, Corpus luteum, Transverse sections through at various stages of development set of 3 models (A), Transverse sections through at various stages of development set of 3 models (B), Dorsal view of human embryo showing somites set of 2 models (A), Lateral view of human embryo showing bulging pericardial area set of 3 models(A), Lateral view of human embryo showing bulging pericardial area set of 3 models(C), Transverse section showing mesodermal germ layer set of 4 models (A), Transverse section showing mesodermal germ layer set of 4 models (B), Transverse section showing mesodermal germ layer set of 4 models (C), Ovum with board, Development human embryo 22nd days, Ovary with child, Development embryonic ovulation set of 5 models, Embryonic placenta previa set of 3 models, Embryo neural groove 26 days, Development embryo set of 10 models, Development of embryonic early blastocyst set of 4 models, The uterus at the time of implementation, Primordial follicle consisting of a primary oocytes surrounded by a layer of flattened epithelial cells on board (A) Primordial follicle, Primordial follicle consisting of a primary oocytes surrounded by a layer of flattened epithelial cells on board(B) Growing follicle , Type a spermatogonia derived from the spermatogonal stem cell population represent the firstcells in the process of spermatgenesis set of 43 models on board, Abnormal germ cells primordial follicle with two oocytes , Abnormal germ cells trinucleated oocytes , Abnormal germ cells various types of abnormal spermatozoa set of 5 models on board, Development of dizygotic twins normally each embryo has its own amnion chorion and placenta set of 8 models on board, Possible relations of fetal membranes in monozygotic twins set of 12 models on board, Fertilization pathway a succession of steps After a sperm binds to the zona pellucida set of five models on board, Development of embryo showing structures Passing through the primitive umbilical ring A) 5-week embryo , The intraembryonic coelom prior to body folding set of 5 model (3d), Successive stages in development of the respiratory four gut. (3d) a. at the end of the third week , uccessive stages in development of the respiratory four gut. (3d) forth week , Development of the chief branchi of the human lungs set of 6 models on board, Histological and functional , Various types of esophageal , Successive stages in development , Ventral view of coronal section of heart at level of atrioventricular canal showing development of veinous valves a, b, Development of conotruncal ridge & closure of interventricular foramen a , Development of viteline vein, umbilical vein a , c (2d), Development of viteline vein, umbilical vein a , b, c, d (3d), Development of inferior vena cava, Development of inferior vena cava, Development of inferior vena cava, Development heart 7 somites embryo, Development heart (set of 11 models) on the stand (3d), Transformation of the pericardioperitoneal canals into the pleural cavities set of 2 models (A), Embryonic aortic arch set of 3 models on stand (3d), Developments of the inferior vena cava azygos vein &superior (3d) vena cava Seventh week , Developments of the inferior vena cava azygos vein &superior (3d) vena cava The venous system at birth , Developments of the inferior vena cava azygos vein &superior (3d) vena cava Double inferior vena cava at the lumber level (clinical correlate) , Developments of the inferior vena cava azygos vein &superior (3d) Absent inferior vena cava (clinical correlate), Fetal circulation before birth (3D), Human circulation after birth (3D), Embryonic aortic arches 4th & 6th week a b, Embryonic aortic arch set of 3 models on board (2D), Primitive dosal & ventral mesentery (3d), Anterior view of intestinal loop showing coiling of small intestine set of 2 models, Rotation of midgut set of 7 models a, b, c, d, e, f, g, (big size) on stand (3d), Development of pancreas set of 5 models with stand, Development of embryo 4th and 5th weeks set of 2 models a b on stand (3d), Development stomuch embryo with pancreas and gall bladder (3d), Stomach nerve cutting section, Development of diaphragm set of 3 models A, Development of diaphragm set of 3 models B, Folding of caudal end of the embryo a b c, Body folding changes the shape of the intraembryonic coelom a, b, c, Separates the pericardial cavity from pleural cavity a, b, c, In the future thoracic region the septum transversum froms a ventral portion, Development of Digestive System , Intermediate mesoderm of pronephric, Relation of hindgut & cloaca (3d), Genital duct in male and female a, c with board, Sagittal section showing formation of uterus & vagina a b c, Vesico urethral portion of endodermal cloaca showing the sinus tubercle & fused paramesonephric duct (3d), Development of urogenital sinuss & formation of trigone of the bladder a, b, c, d (3d), Development of renal pelvis (kideny) set of 4 models a b d on stand (3d), Divisions of the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and ano rectal canal set of 3 models on stand (3d), The urethra is open on the ventral surface of the penis, Development of the external genitalia in the female & in the new born set of 2 models on board, Development of the external genitalia in the female on board., Development of the peritoneum (3d), Ascent of the kidney set of 3 models with stand a b c (3d), Indifferent stages of the external genitalia a b, Development of external genitalia in the male at 10 weeks set of 7 models, Hypospadias showing the various locations of abnormal urethral, Development of the external genitalia in the female at 5 months a b, Urorectal & rectovaginal fistulas set of 4 model, Pharyngeal arches with board, Frontal view of embryo showing stomodeum nasal placodes on frontonasal process A, Development of face a , c, d with board, Development of palate & roof of mouth set of 6 model (A,C,D,E,F), Frontal aspect of face showing nasal prominence maxillary prominence (A), Development of face cut section showing pharyngeal archs (3d), Development of the pharyngeal arches (a, b) , Thyroglossal cyst, Frontal section through the head of a 6.5 week embryo a b, Frontal section through the head of a 7.5 week embryo a b, Frontal section through the head of a 10 week embryo a b, Intermaxillary segment and maxillary processes a b, Development brain embryo -3D, Development of human brain (embryo) about mm (3d), Development brain (embryo) three month old(3d), Development brain (embryo) 13.6 mm long medial surface (3d), Development brain (embryo) about 10.2 mm (3d), Development brain (embryo) 13.6 mm long hind brain (3d), Development brain (embryo) set of 6 models (3d) A,B,D,E, Drawings illustration a variety of NTDS involving the spinal cord a b c d e, Neural crest cells penetrating the fetal cortex of the suprarenal gland a b, Sagittal section through the cephalic part of a 6 week embryo & 11TH & 16th week a b c, Formation of Ventral motor & dorsal sensory horns A B on board, Formation of the vertebral column at various stages of development a b c, Ventrolateral view of the optic cup & optic stalk of a 6 week embryo a b c
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 11 Lac 
2251-2260 of 2252 archived Tenders