Desk Tenders
Desk Tenders
Indian Army Tender
Publishing and Printing
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 3.7 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: CATEGORY: Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) ,
Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375
(Q4) , Eraser (Q4) , Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office
Paste Type as per IS 2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) ,
Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , stamp pads (Q4) ,
Document Folder (Q4) , Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Binder
Clips (V2) (Q3) , Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS
14490 (Q4) , Flexible transparent sheet (Q3) , Manual Pencil
Sharpener (V2) (Q3) , Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) ,
Sticky Notepad (Q3) , Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) ,
Laminating Pouch (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499
(Q4) , Binding Covers (Q4) , Satin Ribbon (V2) (Q4) , Metric
Steel Scales (V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , Tape Dispensers (V2)
(Q3) , knife blades (Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Pins, Paper,
Straight as per IS 5653 (Q4) , Carbon Papers as per IS 1551
(Q4) , Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Ink Refills (V2) (Q4) ,
Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Markers for White Board
(V2) (Q4) , Desktop Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , scissors
(Q4) , Exam Pad (V2) (Q3) , Photography Paper (V2) (Q4) ,
Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Register (V2) (Q4)
Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited - ONGC Tender
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Closing Date11 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: CATEGORY: Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) , binding
punch machine (Q3) , Eraser (Q4) , File Folder Cover (V2)
(Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) ,
Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) , Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum
and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Desk Pads
- Writing (V2) (Q4) , Packaging Tape (Q4) , Transparent Tape
(V2) (Q4) , Box File (Q4) , Pen Stand (V2) (Q4) , Markers for
White Board (V2) (Q4) , Desktop Calculator - Electronics
(Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) ,
Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Manual Pencil Sharpener (V2)
(Q3) , Stamp - Pad Ink as per IS 393 (Q4) , Paper weights
(Q4) , scissors (Q4) , knife blades (Q4) , Metric Steel Scales
(V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS
5653 (Q4) , Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Black Lead
Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Carbon Papers as per IS
1551 (Q4) , Ball Point Pens (V2) as per IS 3705 (Q4) ,
Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Cleaning Duster (V2) (Q4) , Fabric
Pin Up Notice Boards (Q4) , Ring Binder - File Folder (Q4) ,
Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as
per IS 8499 (Q4)
Indian Army Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Closing Date15 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 7.3 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: CATEGORY: Sticky Notepad (Q3) , read only compact disc cd (Q3) , Plain
Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) , Rollerball
Pen (V3) (Q4) , Dak Pad (V2) (Q4) , Sketch Pen (V2) (Q4) ,
Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) ,
Drawing Exercise Book (Q4) , Poker or AWL as per IS 10375
(Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Gel Pen (V3) (Q4) , Metric Steel
Scales (V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as
per IS 1375 (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Paper
Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257
(Rev) (Q3) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Highlighter Pen
(Q4) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) ,
Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) ,
knife blades (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) ,
Cleaning Duster (V2) (Q4) , File Folder Cover (V2) (Q4) ,
Register (V2) (Q4) , Manual Pencil Sharpener (V2) (Q3) , Box
File (Q4) , Glass Cleaner, Liquid (V2) as per IS 8540 (Q4) ,
Air Freshener Liquid (Q4) , Paper weights (Q4) , Desktop
Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Correspondence Envelopes
(V2) (Q4) , read write compact disc cd (Q4) , Twine Thread
(Q3) , Eraser (Q4) , Flexible transparent sheet (Q3) , pin
cushions (Q4) , Photography Paper (V2) (Q4)
Indian Army Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Kota, Rajasthan
Closing Date10 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 14.2 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: CATEGORY: Almirah Medium Glazed , Bed Stead Iron Hospital , Board
Notice , Chair Revolving Executive Type I , Chair CBA Steel ,
Chair CBA Steel children size , Chair CB Steel , Chair Easy
steel , Chair Easy , Desk Stand Lecture , Display Board ,
Durget 2 x 3 Mtr , Index Card Shelves , Locker 4 Units ,
Pointer long , Rack Magazine , Receptical Small , Screen
Moveable 3 fold steel , Side Rack , Stool Steel , Stool
Revolving with back rest heavy base coaster , Table bed
side steel , Table Executive , Table office officer steel type II
, Table centre two tier , Table office clerk steel , Table
1670x760x750mm , Table 2100x900x760mm , Table
900x900x760mm Marble top , Table 900x600x760mm
without drawer , Table 900x680x450mm SS Top on coaster
type II , Almirah Large steel , Almirah Steel Med , Bath Mat
PVC , Bin Linen multipurpose , Book shelf , Bed Hard , Chair
computer , Chair Dining Long back , Chair Dinning , chair
Verandha , chair writing steel , chair school with Hand board
, Charpoy IP Folding , Charpoy IP with hard top , Hat stand
with mirror small , Ladder Aluminum , Peg Table , Rack
Shoe Steel , Receptacle PVC , Side Board , Sofa Set 5 Seater
, Stool dressing with cushion , Table bed side , Table centre
, Table computer , Table dining 6 person , Table dining 4 x 3
feet , table 3 x 2 feet with drawer , Dressing Mirror , Table
Dressing Ladies with Mirror , Table Writing , Teapoy wooden
, Teapoy Varandah , Trolley for TV , chair Easy , chair
Writing steel , Charpoy IP with Hard top without MNF set ,
Teapoy , Table 3 x 2 feet without drawer
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
Closing Date5 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: CATEGORY: M7190020216 - HEAD LIGHT LAMP 640237 BHEL ,
M7190020228 - AUX COMPRESSOR BHEL , M7190020181 -
VCB 640162 BHEL , M7190020227 - SURGE ARRESTOR
640219 BHEL , M7190020269 - PRIM VOLT XMER 640235
BHEL , M7190020263 - PRIM CUR XMER 640170 BHEL ,
M7190020261 - T SNSR OIL CIRC XMR 640168 BHEL ,
M7190020260 - RES-PRIM CUR XMER 640229 BHEL ,
M7190020259 - HV CBL W PLUG 640194 BHEL ,
M7190020257 - PANTO INSUL 700104 BHEL , M7190020256
- ROOF LINE INS 700107 BHEL , M7190020255 - OIL PUMP
640204 BHEL , M7190020213 - FLASHER LIGHT 640290
BHEL , M7190020214 - LED LIGHT 640240 BHEL ,
M7190020199 - PANTOGRAPH 640161 BHEL , M7190020212
- AC 640163 BHEL , M7190020209 - CIRCUIT BREAKER
640258 BHEL , M7190020208 - CAPACITOR 640238 BHEL ,
M7190020206 - CREW FAN 640174 BHEL , M7190020207 - F
I LAMP BHEL , M7190020205 - F L LAMP 640181 BHEL ,
M7190020204 - DESK ILLUMN 640182 BHEL , M7190020253
- SWITCH BHEL , M7190020203 - ROT SWITCH 640236 BHEL
, M7190020202 - LATCHING PB 640243 BHEL ,
M7190020197 - RES HARMONIC FILT BHEL , M7190020198 -
PRESSURE SENSOR OIL 640232 BHEL , M7190020196 -
EARTH RETURN BRUSH 640196 BHEL , M7190020195 -
PANTOGRAPH DISCONN 640205 BHEL , M7190020194 -
EARTH SWTCH 640158 BHEL , M7190020193 - LOAD
640202 BHEL , M7190020218 - ELASTIC RING 641139 BHEL
, M7190020249 - AIR DRYER 641123 BHEL , M7190020233 -
WIPER COMP ASSY 643072 BHEL , M7190020258 -
TRACTION MTR BLWR 640197 BHEL , M7190020232 - M C
ROOM BLWR 640222 BHEL , M7190020236 - SCVG BLWR TO
TRN OIL 640198 BHEL , M7190020231 - SCVG BLWR TO MR
BLWR 640233 BHEL , M7190020215 - VENT ASSY 640207
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited - MCL Tender
Publishing and Printing
Sambalpur, Odisha
Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 47.9 Lac
Details: CATEGORY: Alpin , Lever Arch File , Pasting File , Register 144 Pages ,
Register 192 Pages , Register 240 Pages , Register 288
Pages , Poker or Borrer , Dak Pad , Carobn Paper , Envelope
12 x 18 inch , Envelope 12 x10 inch , Envelope12 x 5 inch ,
Envelope10 x 4.5 inch , Envelope 9x4.5 inch , Spring File
with MCl Print , Fly-leaf with MCL print , Glue stick , Gum
Tube 20 ml , Gum bottle 300 ml , Pin Cushion , Paper Tray
Plastic , Paper punching Plier-Single hole , Punching Machine
-5.5mm Dia , Punching Machine - 7 mm Dia , Desk Pad - 50
pages , Plastic Scale-30 cm , Steel Scale -30 cm , Stapler
Machine -24 by 6 , Stapler Machine - 10 by 4 , Stapler Pin 24
by 6 , Stapler Pin 10 by 4 , Scissor Big Plastic handle , Short
hand note book -Steno , Self Adhesive note pad 100x75mm
, Self Adhesive note pad-50x75 mm , Self Stick Paper Flag ,
Tag File with MCL Print , Long Tag 175 mm , Short Tag 125
mm , Desk Pad - 80 pages , Dustbin , Pen Stand ,
Transparent Tape-12mm , Transparent Tape-24 mm ,
Transparent Tape-48 mm , Transparent Tape 72 mm , Erase
or Rubber , Paper Clip , Binder Clip -51mm , Binder Clip-
32mm , Binder Clip -19 mm , Gel Based Pen with Tungsten
Carbide tip , Highlighter Pen , Ball Pen - Blue , Ball Pen -
Black , Ball Pen - Red , L-Shaped Plastic Folder , Conference
Folde , Paper Weight , Pencil , Pencil cutter , Stamp Pad -
100 x 64 cm , Stamp Pad - 88x54 cm , Tea Coster-6 pcs in a
pkt , Sketch Pen packet , Correction Pen or Whitener Pen
Police Department Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir
Closing Date25 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 4.7 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: CATEGORY: Adjustment Rod Of Wheel Tata Sumo , Brake Cylinder Tata
Sumo , Brake Shoe Front Tata Sumo , Power Steering Motor
Tata Sumo , Front Door Rubber Set Tata Sumo , Wiper
Blade Tata Sumo , Regular Checking Tata Sumo , Fan Belt
Tata Sumo , Steering Oil Tata Sumo , Ball Joint Upper B P
Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Ball Joint Lower B P Scorpio Rakshak
Plus , Steering Arm B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , steering End
B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Front Brake Shoe B P Scorpio
Rakshak Plus , Rear Brake Shoe B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus ,
Brake Oil , Grease , Shaker Bush Front B P Scorpio Rakshak
Plus , Shaker Bush Rear B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Kanchi
Bush B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Balance Rod Front and Rear
B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Wheel Stunt Nut Bolt 21 No B P
Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Gear Oil , L S Front Shaker B P
Scorpio Rakshak Plus , R S Front Shaker B P Scorpio
Rakshak Plus , Clutch Plate TATA 407 , Pressure Plate TATA
407 , Clutch Bearing TATA 407 , Gas Kit Gypsy , Bond Tube
Gypsy , M Oil Filter Gypsy , Engine Foundation Gypsy ,
Brake shoe Rear Bolero , Shaker Rear Bolero , M oil Filter
Bolero , Diesel Filter Bolero , Air Filter Bolero , Seat Cover
ISUZU , Flooring Matt ISUZU , Arm Set ISUZU , Servo TATA
407 , Mass Cylinder TATA 407 , Yok and Teeth TATA 407 , U
J Cross TATA 407 , Gear Box Speed Meter Sensor TATA 407 ,
Desk Rooter B P Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Brake Shoes B P
Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Brake Clipper B P Scorpio Rakshak
Plus , Wiper Machine Complete Accessories Gypsy , Wiper
Blade Gypsy , Horn , Floor Matting Gypsy , Seat Cover
Gypsy , Kaman Bushing Full Gypsy , Tie Rod Gypsy , Rear
Kamaan Patta , R S Window Lock , U J Cross Gypsy , ECM
Repairing Gypsy , Coupler Gypsy , Relay Gypsy , Silent
Switch BP Bunker 407 , Self Bendix BP Bunker 407 , Bush BP
Bunker 407 , Self Cup BP Bunker 407 , Brush Set BP Bunker
407 , Terminal , Central Bearing With Rubber TATA 407 ,
Head Light BP Rakshak , Bulb For Head Light BP Rakshak ,
Kamani Pata Rear BP Rakshak , Central Bolt BP Rakshak ,
Kaman Clip BP Rakshak , Kaman Shim BP Rakshak , Brake
Servo Gypsy , Youg And Teeth BP Rakshak , Clutch And
Pressure Plate BP Rakshak , Fourth Gear Set BP Rakshak ,
Bearing 6307 BP Rakshak , Gear Box cartridge BP Rakshak ,
Gear Box Bearing BP Rakshak , Pin Set BP Rakshak , Lock
Set BP Rakshak , Synchronizer Ring Set BP Rakshak , Gear
Box Block BP Rakshak , Main Shift Couplets BP Rakshak ,
First And Second Gear Complete BP Rakshak , Rolling
Bearing BP Rakshak , Main Bearing Gypsy , CR Bearing
Gypsy , Ring Set Gypsy , Thrust Washer Gypsy , Head Valve
Gypsy , Full Gas Kit Gypsy , Valve Cap Gypsy , valve Giude
Gypsy , Seat Gypsy , Water Body Gypsy , Excel Bearing
Gypsy , Front Desk Rooter Gypsy , Speed Meter Cable
Gypsy , Right Side Front Shocker BP Scorpio Rakshak Plus ,
Front Balanced Rod Bush BP Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Rear
Shoes BP Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Rear Link BP Scorpio
Rakshak Plus , Shocker Bush Rear BP Scorpio Rakshak Plus ,
17 No Bolt BP Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Rear Balanced Rod BP
Scorpio Rakshak Plus , Welding Rod , Grinder Blade ,
Carburettor Welding , Air Filter TATA 407 , Diesel Filter TATA
407 , M Oil Filter , Front Oil Seal TATA 407 , Rear Oil Seal
TATA 407 , Dhoti , Gray Gola Complete , Right Side View
Mirror TATA 709 , Right Side Front Door Machine TATA 709 ,
Power Window Machine Right Side Scorpio , Power Window
Machine Left Side Scorpio , Yoke And Teeth , Silent Switch
TATA 709 , Starting Relay TATA 709
Indian Army Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: CATEGORY: Box File (Q4) , Pen or Pencil Holders (V2) (Q4) , Dak Pad
(V2) (Q4) , Tissue Papers (V2) (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing
(V2) (Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , Gift Pen (Q4) , Whiteboard
Duster (V2) (Q3) , Waste Containers and Accessories -
Domestic (V2) (Q3) , Wall Clocks as per IS 12510 (Q4) ,
Paper weights (Q4) , Metric Scales (Plastic) for General
Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) , Metric Steel Scales (V2) as
per IS 1481 (Q4) , Poker or AWL as per IS 10375 (Q4) ,
scissors (Q4) , Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Fabric Pin
Up Notice Boards (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS 5653
(Q4) , Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) ,
Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS
2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Stapler Pin / Staples
(V2) (Q4) , Carbon Papers as per IS 1551 (Q4) , knife blades
(Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) , Binder Clips
(V2) (Q3) , stamp pads (Q4) , Stamp - Pad Ink as per IS 393
(Q4) , Water Jugs (Q4) , binding punch machine (Q3) , Self
Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , self adhesive paper note (Q4) ,
File Folder Cover (V2) (Q4) , read only compact disc cd (Q3)
, Desktop Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils
(V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Gel Pen (V3) (Q4) , Sketch Pen
(V2) (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Permanent
Marker Pen (Q4) , Markers for White Board (V2) (Q4) , Exam
Pad (V2) (Q3)
South Central Railway - SCR Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Ms Fabricating Scrap : Actual Lot No. 03122412 0925. Pl No. 98050047 (15) (hsn Code 72044900--gst 18%-on Fcm Basis) Scrap Of Cond. & Unserviceable Ms Fabricating Scrap Of Different Types Of Location Boxes, Eolb Hinges, Molb Boom Pcs, Tljbs, Eolb Pedestal Stands, Eolb Meeting Posts, Ekts, Stop Boards, Iron Cots, Tables S Type Chairs Power Junction Boxes, Iron Stands Angles, Rods, Steel Racks, Iron Cart, Revolving Chair, Operator Seats, Guard Seats, Junction Boxes, Cls Panel, Ms Clamps, S Type Chairs Revolving Chairs, Conference Table, Lecturer Table, Duel Desks, Tool Cabinet, Eolb Pedestals, Ms Fencings, Tool Boxes, Operator Seats ,guard Seats Monkey Climber Devices Slab Rods Tie Bar Fencings Signal Ladders Ladder Trolleys Panel Boards, Ms Looping Boxes, Db/mdb Boxes, Dol Starters, Star & Delta Starters, And Other Misc. Items Of Wagon, S&t, Loco, Emu, Ttm And Electrical Full Or Broken With Or Without Attachments. This Material Available At Lot No.635a (gas Cutting Should Be Minimum Depends On Material Size And Weight, Maximum 6 Cuts Permitted Only) Location Road No. 4. And 3 (image Attached). (note: 1. If Any Ss/ Corten Steel & Non-ferrous Items Found During Cutting / Loading / Delivery Shall Be Return To The Railways By The Purchaser 2. In Case Of Clubbed Lots, Purchaser Has To Clear The Lots In The Sequence As Mentioned In The Lot Description And No Deviation Is Accepted. 3. No Picking And Choosing Of Material Is Permitted While Taking Delivery ).
Empowerment Of Persons With Disabilities Department Tender
Davangere, Karnataka
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: CATEGORY: REELS , Spirometer , Speech Software for
Diagnostic,therapeutic use with computer with necessary
accessories -Dr. Speech, Manometry and EGG , 3DLAT ,
CARS , LPT , Hindi test of articulation , Picture Articulation
Test -PAT-3 , BCSLD -Behavioral Checklist for Screening the
learning Disabled , Screening and Diagnostic Test for
Dyslexia , WAB -Western Aphasia Battery , FDA -Frenchay
Dysarthria Assessment , ABA,test batteries for childhood
apraxia of speech , LD Test Batteries , Speech Therapy
materials -Body parts puzzles , Vegetables- model , Fruits-
Model , Pre writing pattern , English alphabets tray- upper
case , English alphabets tray- lower case , Shapes board ,
Build a tower - big circle , Build a tower - big square , Build
tower - stacking cubes , Animal puzzles -wild, domestic ,
Kannada alphabets flash cards , English alphabets flash
cards , 3 pieces of puzzles , Wooden beads- large size ,
Beads- small size , Shape beads , Count, match insert
puzzles , Model clock , Tracing set- Kannada alphabets ,
Tracing set- English alphabets - upper case , Tracing set-
English alphabets - lower case , Buttoning frame , Good
habits flash card , Birds- puzzles , Birds- flash card , Vehicle-
puzzles , Vehicle- flash card , Fruits- puzzles , Fruits - flash
card , Flowers- puzzles , Flowers - flash card , Shape board ,
Sponge stamping , Hammer peg , Rainbow link , Numbers
puzzles , Numbers- flash card , Tongue Depressor. , Story
telling flash card , Geo board 49 geo pins , Lacing animal ,
shape skill set , Learn N count rings 1 to 10 , Spindle box ,
Jumbo crayons , Rolling pins , Movable number set , Jigsaw
day puzzle , Magnetic fish , Magic clay , Toys , Pre school
serires 1. My first book of birds, 2. My first book of animals,
3. My first book of vegetables, 4. My first book of numbers,
5. My first book of fruits , Books- Nursery -number book,
English, story, rhymes, workbooks , Alphabets English tree ,
Puppets , BOA material -Informal Assessment Hearing
Testing , Oto Acoustic Emission - Objective test Audiology
Equipment , Speech Trainer , ISL Teaching Learning
Material , Tuning Forks , OPM Kit , Flash cards-Bodyparts,
frutis, animal, birds, vehicle, food item , Picture books story
book , Foldable mirror with desk
791-800 of 809 archived Tenders