Desk Tenders
Desk Tenders
Department Of Defence Production Tender
Publishing and Printing
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Description: CATEGORY: Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) , Gel
Pen (V3) (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) , Pins,
Paper, Straight as per IS 5653 (Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) ,
Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) ,
Desktop Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Permanent Marker
Pen (Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2)
(Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Stapler
Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , scissors (Q4) ,
Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Markers for White Board (V2)
(Q4) , Eraser (Q4) , Metric Scales (Plastic) for General
Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) , Sketch Pen (V2) (Q4) , Paper
Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257
(Rev) (Q3) , knife blades (Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Clips,
Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Round Head Fasteners - Drawing
Board Pin as per IS 5205 (Q3)
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Defence Research And Development Organisation - DRDO Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
K.V.Rangareddy, Telangana
Description: CATEGORY: Printer Table as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Computer Table as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Computer Chair as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Sitting Table as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Sitting Chair as per specifications in the ATC documents and
all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Executive Chair as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Work Benches as per specifications in the ATC documents
and all complete as directed by the Engineer in chrage ,
Work Bench Chair as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Meeting Table as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Meeting Chair as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Center Table as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Sofa Sets as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Executive Sofa Sets as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Reception Desk as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
chrage , Executive Table as per specifications in the ATC
documents and all complete as directed by the Engineer in
Closing Date18 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2 Cr
Indian Army Tender
Firozpur, Punjab
Description: CATEGORY: Binder Clip 19mm , Binder Clip 25mm , Binder Clip 32mm ,
Binder Clip 41mm , File Binder , Calculator , Carbon Paper
Small , Carbon Paper Large , Cell Pencil Small , Cell Pencil
Large , Dak Folder , Dettol Liquid , Eraser , Envelope 6 x 3 ,
Envelope 9 x 4 , Envelope 10 x 12 , Envelope Brown yellow ,
File Cover White , File cover Brown for Candidates , Fevicol
200 Gms , Room Freshener , Gum Bottles , Harpic , Hand
Sanitizer , Ink for Stamp Pad Blue , Lock Pad , Measuring
Tape , Odonil , Pen Ball Point Red , Pen Ball Point Blue , Pen
Permt Marker Large , Pen Permt Marker Small , Pen CD
Marker , Pen Highlighter , Paper Pin , Chart Paper Packing
Paper , Scissor , Stamp Pad Blue , Stamp Pad Red , Scale
Steel 12 , Stapler Large , Stapler Small , Sketch Pen , Stick
Flags Colored , Stick Note Pad All types , Transparent Tape 2
, Tape Khaki 3 , Tape White 1 , Tag Large , Talck Sheet , U
Clips , Clip Board Desk Pads Writing , File cover coloured ,
Register 100 Pages , Register 200 pages , All type Blue Pen
for Dir Rtg , Fevi Glue Sticks , Drawing Sheet , Pencil , Colin
Spray , Fevicol 500 Gms , Stapler Pin Large , Stapler Pin
Small , Dusting Cloths , Paper A4 , Paper A5 FS size Legal ,
Paper A3 , Sharpener
Closing Date30 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 99.7 K
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Central Board Of Indirect Taxes And Customs - CBIC Tender
Belagavi, Karnataka
Description: CATEGORY: Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per
IS 1375 (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Highlighter
Pen (Q4) , Ball Point Pens (V2) as per IS 3705 (Q4) , Gel Pen
(V3) (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Tissue Papers
(V2) (Q4) , Tissue box (Q4) , Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum
and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Desktop
Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , rubber bands (Q4) , knife
blades (Q4) , Report Cover (Q4) , stamp pads (Q4) , Self
Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI
Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Stapler Pin /
Staples (V2) (Q4) , paper or eyelet punches (Q4) , Sketch
Pen (V2) (Q4) , Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) ,
Register (V2) (Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Metric Steel
Scales (V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , Metric Scales (Plastic) for
General Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) , Packaging Tape (Q4)
, scissors (Q4) , Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Tags for
Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4)
Closing Date17 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Public Health Engineering Department - PHED Tender
Birbhum, West Bengal
Details: Construction of Wooden Almirahs, Salves, Boxes and Computer Desks at RWS Assistant Engineer room & Sub Division General Section of Birbhum Division, PHE Dte. (Sl. No.7)
Closing Date7 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 8.2 Lac
Indian Army Tender
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Description: CATEGORY: Pen , Ball pen , Ball pen blue , Ball penRed , Pilot Pen V10 ,
Pilot Pen V5 , Poker , Sharpner , Stapler , Tracing Paper ,
Key board , Brown Pencil , Mat , CD Re- writable , Blank CD ,
Sketch Pen , Sutli , Scrabling Pad , Tag colour , Tag White ,
White Plain , Bright White , Towel , Hand Towel , Talk sheet
, Mouse Pad , Jum clips U , Drawing sheet , Calculator ,
Borosil Glass , Brown sheet , Packing Cloth , No dust broom
, Carbon , Cello Tape red , Cello Tape 1 , Cello Tape 2 , Cello
Brown , Colin , Duster , Duster table , Envelope Bown 12x6 ,
Envelope Bown 11x5 , Envelope Bown 7.5x4 , Envelope
Bown 16x12 , Envelope Bown 18x14 , Envelope cloth cover
14x10 , Envelope White 7.5x 4 , Eraser Non dust , Fevi Stick
, Fevicol , File cover plane , File Covers printed , Flag ,
Harpic , Napthelene , Pencil Apsara , cell Duro AA , Pencill
Duro AAA , Phenol 500 Ml , Punch machine , Room Freshner
, Ruled Register , Scale steel , Stapler machine , Stapler Pin
Mediam , Stapler Pin small , Kangaro Desk , Stick Pad
yellow , Paper A4 , Xerox Paper Legal , mouse , Paper cutter
, Scale Steel , Marker Pen , High lighter , Gum bottle small ,
Dak Folder , JK Excel Bond Paper size A4 , Binder file big
size , OHP Five Pen set , Scissor , Water Bottle , Clip , pen
Closing Date3 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 6.9 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Coast Guard - ICG Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
Description: CATEGORY: Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Eraser (Q4) ,
Manual Pencil Sharpener (V2) (Q3) , Ball Point Pens (V2) as
per IS 3705 (Q4) , Gel Pen (V3) (Q4) , Metric Scales (Plastic)
for General Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) , paper or eyelet
punches (Q4) , Photography Paper (V2) (Q4) , Carbon
Papers as per IS 1551 (Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Desktop
Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Ring Binder - File Folder (Q4) ,
Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) , self adhesive paper note
(Q4) , Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) ,
Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , stamp pads (Q4) , Fluid
Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Report Cover (Q4) , Markers for
White Board (V2) (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) ,
Display File (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) ,
Satin Ribbon (V2) (Q4) , Pen Stand (V2) (Q4) , Transparent
Tape (V2) (Q4) , read write compact disc cd (Q4) , Box File
(Q4) , Double sided tape (Q4) , Dak Pad (V2) (Q4) , Clips,
Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4)
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
AI Airport Services Limited Tender
Publishing and Printing
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Description: CATEGORY: Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) ,
Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , Markers for White Board (V2)
(Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) ,
stamp pads (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375
(Q4) , Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2)
(Q4) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Ball Point Pens (V2) as per IS
3705 (Q4) , Carbon Papers as per IS 1551 (Q4) , Stamp -
Pad Ink as per IS 393 (Q4) , Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
Tapes Plastic Base as per IS: 13262 (Q4) , scissors (Q4) ,
Metric Scales (Plastic) for General Purposes as per IS 1480
(Q4) , Register (V2) (Q4) , Lever Arch File (Q4) , Spring File
(Q3) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Desk Pads
- Writing (V2) (Q4) , Eraser (Q4) , Manual Pencil Sharpener
(V2) (Q3) , self adhesive paper note (Q4) , Self Adhesive
Flags (V2) (Q4) , paper or eyelet punches (Q4) , Clips, Paper
as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) ,
Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) , conference folder
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Army Tender
Publishing and Printing
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Description: CATEGORY: Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490 (Q4) , Metric
Steel Scales (V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , stamp pads (Q4) ,
Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Clips,
Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , knife blades (Q4) , Permanent
Marker Pen (Q4) , Sketch Pen (V2) (Q4) , Highlighter Pen
(Q4) , Eraser (Q4) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) , Staplers
(V2) (Q3) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as
per IS 1375 (Q4) , Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) ,
Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS
8499 (Q4) , scissors (Q4) , Poker or AWL as per IS 10375
(Q4) , Packaging Tape (Q4) , Dak Pad (V2) (Q4) , Paper
weights (Q4) , Desktop Calculator - Electronics (Q4) ,
Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Register (V2) (Q4) , Waste
Containers and Accessories - Domestic (V2) (Q3) , Desk
Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS
5653 (Q4) , Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste
Type as per IS 2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Pen Stand (V2) (Q4) ,
Fountain Pens (V2) (Q4)
Closing Soon6 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Army Tender
Ajmer, Rajasthan
Description: CATEGORY: Gel Pen (V3) (Q4) , Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Eraser (Q4) ,
Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Stapler Pin /
Staples (V2) (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS 5653 (Q4) ,
Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2)
(Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , scissors (Q4) , Metric Scales
(Plastic) for General Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) ,
Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Double sided tape (Q4) ,
Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Tape Dispensers (V2) (Q3) , knife blades
(Q4) , Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , Markers for White Board
(V2) (Q4) , Sticky Notepad (Q3) , Notepad Holders (Q4) ,
Scrub Pad (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) , Paper
Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257
(Rev) (Q3) , Carbon Papers as per IS 1551 (Q4) , Sketch Pen
(V2) (Q4) , stamp pads (Q4) , Stamp - Pad Ink as per IS 393
(Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) , Report Cover
(Q4) , conference folder (Q4) , Lever Arch File (Q4) , Geru /
Red ochre (Q4) , Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper (V2) (Q4)
Closing Date7 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2 Lac
991-1000 of 1037 archived Tenders