Computer Tenders
Computer Tenders
Medical Health And Family Welfare Department Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Description: CATEGORY: Hospital Bed Fowler ISI WITH I.V. stand , ICU Bed with I.V.
stand For NBSU SNCU , Eclampsia bed , Bed side locker SS ,
Bed side stool SS for attendent , Attendent bench 2 feet
wide , Bed side screen , Wash basin stand with SS Bowl ,
Instrument almirah , Bed Pan SS , Medicine almirah ,
Dressing trolley SS , Medicine trolley SS , Equipment trolley
SS , Food service trolley SS , Linen troley SS , Strecture with
trolley SS , Wheel chair SS , Oxygen Cylinder trolley SS , I.V.
Stand SS , Emergency Drug Cart , Syringe with needle
cutter , Delivery table with footstep , Anesthsia trolley ,
Suction appratus High Vaccuam , Suction appratus electical
, Mucus extractor with suction tube and foot operated
suction machine , Adult resuscitation kit , Neonatal
resuscitation kit , Feotal doopler , Stetheoscope , BP
instrument stand type , BP apparatus table top model ,
Infant BP apparatus , Multi para pulse oxymeter 3 Para ,
Nebulizer , Digital weighing machine adult , Digital weighing
machine infant , Phototherapy unit , Air curtain at entrance
for O.T. Labour room, ICU and SNCU , Dressing drums SS of
different sizes , Portable shadowless light for labour room ,
Instrument sterlizer , Gynaec electrical cautry , Refrigerator
300 lt. , Refrigerator 165 lt. , Oxygen cylinder B type ,
Nitrous oxide cylinder B type , Regulator and flow meter for
medical gas , ECG Machine , Water cooler 400 LPH with
online UV system , Examination table SS with footstep ,
Staff chairs for OPD and wards , Nursing station OPD Ward
table , Visitor chairs 5 seater for waiting area , Delivery
instrument setScissor, artery, forceps, cord clamp, sponge
holding forceps, urinary catheter, bowl for antiseptic lotion,
speculum, kidney tray , Episiontomy Instrument
setEpisiotomy scissor, kidney tray, artery forceps, allis
forceps, sponge holding forceps, needle holder, needle
round body and cutting, chromic catgur no. 0, thumb
forceps , MVA EVA Instruments setspeculum, anterior
vaginal wall retrator, posterior vaginal wall retrator, sponge
holding forceps, MVA syringe and cannulas, MTP cannulas,
small howl of antiseptic lotion , PPIUCD Instruments
setPPIUCD insertion forceps, Cu IUCD 380 Cu IUCD 375 in a
sterile package , Outlet forcep , Digital thermometer ,
Ventouse , MTP set with Karmon suction cannula and MVA
syringe , PN Sterilision , Suturing tray , Microscope binacular
, Semi Bio chemistry auto analyzer , Glucometer , Serum
billirubinometer , LCD 32 Inches in waiting area for IEC ,
DVD for the above , Computers with modem with UPS and
laser printer with internet connection for OPD IPD
registration and other hospital activities , 2 KVA sinewave
invertor with minimum 3 hours backup for O.T, labour room,
OBS, ICU, Pead ICU and SNCU , Fire extingusher dry
chemical type 5 kg , Fire extingusher CO2 type 5 kg , Height
measuring stand , Blood Storage Refrigerator
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 51.5 Lac
Kgepl Engineering Solutions Private Limited Tender
Pune, Maharashtra
Details: Block A :- Sale Of Corporate As Going Concern(including
all Its Assets And Liabilities But Excluding Cash And Bank
balance) As Per Regulation 32(e) Of Ibbi (liquidation
process) Regulations, 2016-(location: Regd Office S. No.
49, Industry House, Opposite Kalyani Steels Ltd.,
mundhwa, Pune- 411 036, Site Of Windmill:- At Np 6 Gut
no 886/1 Village Pemdarwadi,tal Junnar Dist 410502)
block B(as Per Regulation 32(c) Of Ibbi (liquidation
process) Regulations, 2016.):- Lot 1:- Computers, Printers,
airconditioners,etc:-located At Registered Office S. No. 49,
industry House, Opposite Kalyani Steels Ltd., Mundhwa,
pune- 411 036. Lot 2:- Windmill:-(location: At Np 6 Gut No
886/1 Village Pemdarwadi,tal Junnar Dist 410502) Block
c:- Sale Of Corporate As Going Concern(including All Its
assets And Liabilities But Excluding Cash And Bank Balance
and Assets Included In Block-b Above) As Per Regulation 32(e) Of Ibbi (liquidation Process) Regulations,
2016:-location: Regd Office S. No. 49, Industry House,
opposite Kalyani Steels Ltd., Mundhwa, Pune- 411 036
Closing Date25 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 4 Cr
Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons - DGH Tender
Publishing and Printing
Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Description: CATEGORY: Note Pad No 33 80 Sheets in 1Pad , Good quality gift
wrapping paper , Metal Paper Punching Machine small No.
480 , Slip 3 x 3 3M , Metallic Binder clips 19 MM , Parker
Classic Stainless Steel Refillable Ball Pen With Chrome Trim ,
Self-inking Stamps , Copier PaperA-3 , Executive diary ,
Metal Single Punch 4.5 mm , Cotton Table Duster , WIRO
notebook A5 , Metallic Binder clips 25 MM , DO Paper - 90
GSM Per Rim , Slip 3x5 3M , Pakcing Sutli cotton Per Roll ,
Wet Tissue Paper packet , Color Pencils in 12 colors ,
Calculator original 12 digit , Photo Paper glossy Per Pkt ,
Computer Addres Slip - 1x 3 100 sheet , Metallic Binder
clips 32 MM , Back rest Per Piece , Paper-A4 Size 75 GSM
Per Rim , Stainless Steel Thermosteel Bottle or tea pot 1Litre
, Glue Sticks 8gm , Large spiral notebook , Paper Colored
Separator , Metallic Binder clips 41 MM , Pencil , Stainless
Steel Waste paper basket Per Piece , Jute bag Medium ,
Writing spiral pad small , Legal Size Paper Per Rim , Metal
Scissors , Jute bag pouch carry sanitizer kit , Tissue Paper
Box , Metallic Gem Clips of OFICLIP , Gum Tube 30 ml per
Piece , Metal Meeting stand , N95 Mask , Attendance
Register side cloth 2 Qr. of 144 Pages Per Piece , Paper
Tape-2 inches , Steel Clutch Pencils , Wooden Tea Coaster 6
Per Set , Sealing Wax LION 400 gms std Per Piece , CARD
BOARD L PAPER folder 34cm H x 26 cm w , Pencil Carbon
paper 100 sheets , Jute folder with Flap , Register Dispatch
8 Qr. Per Piece , Paper Color separator , Metal Pencil
Sharpener , Wooden White Board 3x5 , Highlighter , Double
Sided Self Adhesive Tape - 1.5 inches Foam , All Pin , Metal
Pen Pencil holder , Wooden White Board 3x2 , Bottle
Sanitizer 50ml , File Board No. 51 Per Piece , Double Sided
Self Adhesive Tape - 1inches Foam Per Piece , Pin , Steel
Foot ruler , Wooden White Board Duster , Pencil Eraser Non-
dust , Register Ruled side cloth Bound-2 Qr 144 Per Piece ,
Double Sided Self Adhesive Tape Half inchesFoam Per Piece
, Index File Per Piece , Eraser Big Size Per Piece , White A4
size Envelope 120 GSM , Steel Stapler , PU Leather Clear ID
Card - Holder Per Piece , Metal Pin Remover , white Fluid ,
Cobra File Laminated Special Cobra File , Cup Plate set of 12
, Office tray Per Piece , Drawing Pins, Gold Tone Thumbtacks
120 Piece , Steel Stapler Pins , Paper Tape-0.5 inchesx72
yds Per Piece , Metal stapler , Paper Cutter , Permanent
marker , Water Glass set of 6 , Metal Meeting Name Plate ,
Paper Color Flags 1 x 3 inches , OHP and CD MARKER PEN ,
Bond Paper Pkt Executive bond paper 100 GSM , Paper
weight , Parker Aster roller pen Stainless Steel with box ,
Metallic Binder clips 15 MM , Paper Color Flags 0.5x3 inches
, Dam Pad , Metal Paper Punching Machine No. 600 Per
Piece 8 cm , Note Pad No.55 80 Sheets inPad , White Tag 20
tag per Bundle - Good Quality , Slip 3 x 3 inches 3M , White
Board Magnet Duster , Pilot pen V5 or V7 , Uniball pen 157 ,
White board marker , Reynolds pen 045 , Uniball Impact gel
pen 1.0 , A4 paper rim Colour JK , Punch less Folder
Executive Lether , Self ink stump Dater , Pin Board 5 X 3
feet , Officer Diary with Lether cover A4 , Orgnizer Dairy A4
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 37.6 Lac
Brij University Tender
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Bharatpur, Rajasthan
Description: CATEGORY: Stainless Steel Tactile Stud , Adhesive Caution Tape , P V C
Flo o rin g , C h a r c o al L o u v e r s , Student Lockers ,
Bench , Shoes Locker , D e e p Cle a nin g o f S t air c a s e ,
Lin e a r C eilin g , A u t o m a tic Gla s s D o o r s , Fir e E x
tin g uis h e r , P V C Pla n t e r s wit h M S F r a m e f o r Ve
r tic al G a r d e n , S t o n e M u r al , Installation of Log o wit
h Lig h tin g , Rajasthan Map , Cleaning of Ladies Gents
Toilets Waterproofing , Unisex Handicap Toilet , Janitor
Trolley with Equipment , P e rf o r a t e d L a s e r - C u t M e
t al Panel for Stair Window , Bulletin Board , Suggestion Box
, Linear Ceiling , Automatic Glass Doors , Reception Table
with back lo g o t o p p a n el lighting , R e c e p tio n C h air ,
Newspaper, Magazine, and New Arrival Books Rack , C o ff e
e Ta ble , W o o d e n Flo o rin g , Decorative Planters , Fir e
D o o r , E m e r g e n c y S t air c a s e , PVC Planters with
MS Frame for Emergency Staircase Vertical Garden With
lighting , Q u o t e s a n d sig n a g e , Compactors , Digital
Display Board for Library , Providing and Fixing Library
Wallpapers on Wall Panels , G y p s u m C eilin g , C a r p e t
, W o o d e n Blin d s , Book Rack Double Side , Book Rack
Single Side , Height Adjustable Table , Book trolley for
library , Step Ladder , Providing and Fixing of Workstation. ,
Study Chairs , Glass Door , Gypsum Ceiling , Charcoal
Louvers , Wooden Blinds , Workstation , G y p s u m B o a r
d P a r titio n Installation , Interactive Display , Dis c u s sio n
Ta ble , Dis c u s sio n C h air , D e c o r a tiv e Pla n t e r s ,
Gla s s D o o r , P r o vidin g a n d Fixin g o f W o r k s t a tio
n , Providing and Fixing of Workstation , W o r k S t a tio n C
h air , Electrical Works for Library , DUCTABLE UNITS , Air C
o n ditio n e r , R FID S t a ff S t a tio n , Tw o E A S P e d e s t
als R FID S e c u rit y G a t e , Self Check-In Out Kiosk Station
, RFID Book drop box Station , R FID E n a ble d S m a r t C a
r d P rin t e r , H a n d h eld R FID R e a d e r , Fully
Automatic Swing Gate with controller and Face cum card
reader , Computer , RFID Tags for Book , Smart Cards , Anti-
Theft Stickers customizable , Integration Module Middleware
Features , Pasting and programming of RFID Tags ,
Providing Manpower , R e m o v e a n d r e fix e d
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5.8 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Electronics Equipment...+2Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics
Bokaro, Jharkhand
Description: CATEGORY: Capacitor, Aluminum Electrolytic, Panel Mounted, Screw
Lead, 2200 uF, 450 Vdc , Capacitor, Metallized
Polypropylene Film, 0.68 uF, 1250 Vdc , Capacitor,
Aluminum Electrolytic, Panel Mounted, Screw Lead, 4700
uF, 350 Vdc , Capacitor, Metallized Polypropylene Film,
Panel Mounted, 0.22 uF, 2000 Vdc , SCR - Diode Module,
Heat Sink Mountable, Power, 55 Amp, 1600 V, RoHS , IGBT,
Heatsink Mounted, Dual Module, 100 Amp, 1200 V, RoHS ,
PCA - DC - DC Converter, 28 V to Multiple Supply, 1093DB-2
, PCA - Fuse Fail Card for 360 Vdc, 1170DB-2 , PCA - Static
Switch Control Card, 1 Phase, 1077DB-4 , PCA - Mains
Feedback and Sync Supply Tx Card, 3 Phase, 1022DB-3 ,
PCA - Input and Output Voltage Feedback Card, 240 Vdc,
1254DB-2 , PCA - DC-DC Converter Card, Input 120 V,
Output 30 V, 1130DB-1 by 4 , PCA - Driver Square Wave
Supply Card for Mitsubishi Driver, 1150DB-2 , PCA -
Potential Free Contact Card, 957DB-2 , PCA - Input and
Output Voltage Feedback Card, 230 Vac, 1255DB-3 , PCA -
Half Control Rectifier Driver Card, 3 Phase, 1200DB-1 , PCA -
IGBT Driver Card, One Way with Square Wave Supply,
1267DB-2 , PCA - MOV Card for 1 Phase, 933DB-1 by 1 , PCA
- Micro Proceessor Based SMD Buck Boost Control Card,
1333DB-3 , IGBT, Dual module, , 242 Amp, 1200 V , D56 ,
Capacitor, Metallized Polypropylene Film, 100 uF, 370 Vac ,
Capacitor, Panel Mounting, Polypropylene film, Radial, 4 uF,
450 Vac , EPCOS-36MFDby450V AC AL CAN B32332-I61 ,
CAP.PANEL MOUNTED AL 3300uF 450VDC plusby- 20
Percent, Make - Vertiv , Diode Diode, Module Heat Sink
Mountable, 90 Amp RMS, 45 Amp, 1600 V , Thyristor,
Heatsink Mounted, Dual, 95 Amp RMS, 55 Amp Average,
1600 V , PCA - MOV Card for Insta Switch, 1133DB-1 , PCA -
Snubber Card, 856DB-1 , PCA - RC Snubber Card, 964DB-1 ,
PCA - Temperature Sensor Card, 760DB-3 , PCA - Bought out
PCB BOM for Computer Interface Card, 932DB-4 , PCA - DC-
DC Converter Card with 4 IGBT Driver, 192 Vdc, 709DB-4 ,
PCA - Feedback Transformer Card, 10P206122001 , PCA -
PC Interface board for UPS system, IPRO 3100, 1185DB-
3,Make Vertiv, Part code 000000BP5364 , BP 1084DB-1,
Relay Card , IC, Display, 20 Characters X 2 Lines PLED
180-230Vby400MA 1193DB OR EUIVALENT , IGBT, Heatsink
Mounted, Dual Module, 75 Amp, 600 V, 2.1 V, 15 Ohm , BP
PCA - 866DB-4by1, Charger Card - Lxi - 2-4-6A , PCA -
Voltage Feedback card for I Pro Lxi , PCA - Data Logger
875DB-11 For 1Ph Systems, 1.6 mm Thick, 1Oz Base Cu 2
19224.00 , PCA - Inverter Control Card 1 Phase, Standalone,
859DB-5 , IGBT, Dual module, , 100 Amp, 600 V, 450 W, ,
D61, , PCA - Inverter Gate Driver Board, S400byS400D UPS ,
PCA - Communication Interface Board, S400byS400D UPS ,
UPS INTERFACE BOARD S400D UPS , Assembly, Control
Power Supply Assembly, S400D UPS , SCR MODULE
60A.1600V.TY SEMIK MD7LC5716byMCC56-16 , Capacitor,
EPCOS, 50 MFD, 500 Vac, , PCA- Static Switch Control Card,
1077BD-4 , PCA - PCA Soft-start OV OC Card
Closing Date5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Army Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Description: CATEGORY: connecting tube , PVC Overhead Shower Round 3 inches ,
PVC Pillar Cock 15 mm , PVC Pillar Cock 15 mm swan neck ,
PVC Rawl Plug 50 mm and 6mm dia , PVC Sheet white 8 feet
x4 feet x6mm , PVC Stop Cock 15 mm , PVC Toilet seat
cover for EWC , PVC waste coupling 32mm dia full threaded
, PVC Waste pipe 32 mm , Rubber beading 75mm wide
25mm , Sink without drainge board made of SS 1mm thick
for Kitchen size 915 x 460mm , Sink with drainage board
made of SS 1mm thick for kitchen with plugs overall size
915 x 460mm bowl size 410mm x 330x160mm , Sliding Bolt
Handle 300mm , SS Curtain Support Set , SS Handle 100mm
with machine screw , Tank connection nipple 25mm , Tank
nippe 20mm , Teflon Tape 20 to 40mm width 21 to 30M
long , Tower Bolt Aluminium 100 mm , Tower Bolt
Aluminium 150 mm , Wall putty powder Asian paints , Wash
Hand Basin 46 x 33 cm , Water storage tank 1000 ltr cap D
L , Water storage tank 500 ltr cap DL , White Cement ,
Almirah lock 6 lever , Anti Termite Treatment in 01 ltr pack ,
Caster wheel push type , Channel telescopic for drawer 12
inches , Cloth Cotton Green Blazer , Cloth Mal Mal White ,
Fevi Quick 20 ml pack , Fevicol SR in 1 ltr pack , Foam
Cushion with stiched cloth cover for chair dining size
16x17x4 inches , Foam Cushion with stiched cloth cover for
sofa size 21x22x4 Set of 10 , French polish , Haydrolic assy
for chair computer , Paint Brush 100mm , Paint Brush 25
mm , Paint Brush 50 mm , Paint Brush 75mm , Paint
synthetic enamel Black 1 ltr pack , Paint synthetic enamel
Hema tone grey 1 ltr pack , Paint Synthetic Enamel OG Olive
Green 1 ltr pack , Paint Synthetic Enamel Smoke Grey 1 ltr
pack , Prelaminated MDF board 18mm thick 8 feet x 4 feet ,
Tapestry cover for sofa Set of 10 size 21x22x4 inches ,
Thinner 1 ltr pack , Turpentine Oil 1 ltr pack , Varnish Best
Quality 1 ltr pack , Veneer plywood 4mm 8 x 4 feet , Yellow
colour Mitti , 2 x 2 feet Recess Ceiling light 36 watt , 2 x 2
feet Surface Ceiling light 36 watt , Building Security Light 25
W , Casing capping 20mm , Casing capping 25mm , Electric
Cable 1 point 5 Sqmm Rol of 180 mtr , Electric Cable 2 point
5 Sqmm Rol of 180 mtr , Electric plug Top 16 A , Electric
plug Top 6 Amp , Fan regulator Piano Type , Flexible wire
twin core copper 90 mtr , LED Bulb 10 Watt , LED Bulb 14 or
15 Watt , LED fitting 2 feet long 9 to 10 watt , LED fitting 4
feet long 18 to 20 watt , LED street light 60W , LED street
light fitting of 70 to 72 watt , MCB 2 pole 32A SPN , MCB 2
pole 40A SPN , MCB 32A 1 PP 240 V , MCCB 04 Pole 100
Amps 25 KA , MCCB 04 Pole 200 Amps 25 KA , MCCB 04
Pole 63 Amps 25 KA 415 Volts , MCCB 4 Pole 400 Amp 36
KA , MCCB 4 pole 63A 16 KA , Modular Plate Module 1 ,
Modular Plate Module 2 , Modular Plate Module 3 , Modular
Plate Module 4 , Modular Plate Module 6 , Modular Plate
Module 8 , Modular Plate Module 12 , Modular Socket 15 to
16 Amp as per sample , Modular Socket 5 to 6 Amp as per
sample , Modular Switch 15 to 16 Amp as per sample ,
Modular Switch 5 to 6 Amp as per sample , Multi Pendent
Holder with 2 pin plug , PVC Insulation Tape 25 mtr ,
Rechargeable Bulb 14 to 15 W , Socket 5 or 15A 6 Pin Multi ,
Socket 5A 3 and 5 pin , Sunmica Sheet 5 x 4 inches ,
Sunmica Sheet 7 x 4 inches , Switch 15 Amp , Switch 5 to 6
Amps , Switch Socket Combination 6 Amp , Switch Socket
Combination 6 to 16 Amps
Closing Date15 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 63.9 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Airports Authority Of India - AAI Tender
Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Supply of Cordless type bell of min 10 selectable tunes as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed Multi Core cable 3C x 1.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed Multi Core cable 3C x 2.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed Multi Core cable 3C x 4.0 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed Multi Core cable 2C x 1.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed Multi Core cable 2C x 2.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 2.5 MFD Capacitors as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Aluminium lugs for 16 sqmm cable as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Aluminium lugs for 25 sqmm cable as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 16A 3 Pin Plug Top as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 6A, 3 Pin Plug Top as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Surface Plastic Boxes of 12 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Inner and Outer Cover Plates 12 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Surface Plastic Boxes of 6 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Inner and Outer Cover Plates 6 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Surface Plastic Boxes of 3 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Inner and Outer Cover Plates 3 Module as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 6 to 10A Modular Uni Socket as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 16 to 20A Modular type Socket as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 16A 1Way Piano type Switch as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 6A 1Way Piano type Switch as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 16A Piano type Socket as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Piano type Fan step regulator Socket type as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 6 to 10A 1Way Switch Modular as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 16 to 20A 1Way Switch Modular as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of HT type self bounding electrical insulating tape as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed single Core cable 1.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed single Core cable 2.5 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC insulated and FRLSH Round Sheathed single Core cable 4.0 sqmm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of MCB 16A SP C Series as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of MCB 63A FP C Series as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED lamp 9W B22 TYPE as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED Indicating Lamp for Electrical Panel RED colour as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED Indicating Lamp for Electrical Panel YELLOW colour as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED Indicating Lamp for Electrical Panel BLUE colour as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED Indicating Lamp for Electrical Panel GREEN colour as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED tubelight 4ft 18W T5 TYPE as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of PVC suction pipe 37.5mm as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Automatic Voltage Regulator as per Gem Bid ATC, SUPPLY OF 33-36 W LED SLIM BACKLIT PANEL LIGHT 1 by 4 as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of LED tubelight 4ft 20W as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of min 18W LED round size as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 150 W LED 5700K high bay luminary as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 36 W LED CW 2 feet by 2 feet size as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 200 W LED CW Street Light luminary as per Gem Bid ATC, SUPPLY OF 30W WW Surface mounted LED Focus light as per Gem Bid ATC, SUPPLY OF 10W-12W WW Surface mounted LED Focus light as per Gem Bid ATC, SUPPLY OF 70W Welglass Dome Light with modern design as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of rolls of Baggage Tag as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Thermal Paper roll for receipt tag as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of UTP CAT6 Computer LAN cable as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 300mm Exhaust Fan ventilation fan with metal body suitable for wall mounted , Supply of Heavy duty 450 mm Exhaust Fan with metal body suitable for wall mounted , Supply of single phase wall mounted Air-circulator 600 as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of 1 phase Energy Meter Class 1 as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of Automatic Star Delta Starter as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of ELCB 63A FP as per Gem Bid ATC, Supply of min 18W LED false ceiling mounted as per Gem Bid ATC
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 20.2 Lac
Odisha Computer Application Center - OCAC Tender
Other Consultancy Services
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Purchaser Name: Odisha Computer Application Center | Request For Proposal For Selection Of Agency For Facility Management Services For Oswan Project
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Odisha Computer Application Center - OCAC Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Purchaser Name: Odisha Computer Application Center | Selection Of Service Provider For Providing Of D-sign Solution Integration With Dlm
Closing Date9 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Odisha Computer Application Center - OCAC Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Purchaser Name: Odisha Computer Application Center | Tender For Supply, Installation And Commissioning
of Memory (ram) Upgradation Of The
Closing Date15 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
7811-7820 of 7834 archived Tenders