Tender Results of The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited

Tender Results of The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Civil And Construction...+2Civil Works Others, Paints and Enamels
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.8 Lac 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
External Repair Work And Painting Of 75 M High Rcc Stack In Acid Plant At Fact Udyogamandal.

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.8 Lac 
Emergency Contract For Discharging And Recharging Of Adt Packing From Dcda Acid Plant In Fact Udyogamandal Complex

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.9 Lac 
Procurement Of Roller Back Assembly

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
3 years ago
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.9 Lac 
Additional Roofing Over Corporate Office In Fact Udyogamandal Township.

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14 Lac 
Fabrication, Dismantling And Erection Of Ducts In Dcda Acid Plant During Ata 2021.

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.1 Lac 
Procurement Of Shaft Assembly

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.1 Lac 
Instrumentation Branch Cable Tray Fabrication, Laying In Np Plants Fact Fert Uc

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.1 Lac 
Renewal Of Cable Tray/support In Petro Plants - 2021

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.1 Lac 

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender Result

Chemical Products
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ernakulam, Kerala
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.2 Lac 
Supply Of Industrial Gases In Returnable Cylinder
5271-5280 of 5916 active Tender Results