Tender Results of Central University Of Jammu in GEM
Tender Results of Central University Of Jammu in GEM
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Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Consultancy Services...+1Other Consultancy Services
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Integrated Electronics Analog and Digital Circuits and
Systems , Introduction to Electrodynamics , Data Mining ,
Corporate Socity Responsibility , Principles of Instrumental
Analysis , MATLAB for Machine Learning , Textbook of
Microbiology and Immunology , Mathematical Methods for
Physicists , Biochemistry , Basic Electronics Principles and
Applications , Statistical Mechanics 4th edition , Guyton and
Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology south asian edition ,
Risk Management In Indian Banks , Medical Biotechnology ,
Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice , Indian
Economy , Data Mining Concepts and Techniques , Remote
Sensing and Gis , Wireless Communications , Atkins
Physical Chemistry , Inorganic Chemistry , Organic
Chemistry , Control Systems Principles and Design , Tourism
Marketing , Language Education Teaching English in India ,
Indian Ocean and Maritime Security Competition
Cooperation and Threat , Indias Defence Economy Planning
Budgeting Industry and Procurement , Entrepreneurship
Development , Economic Botany , Selected Topics in
Inorganic Chemistry , Fundamentals of Biochemistry ,
Business Economics Microeconomic Analysis , Advanced
Economic Theory Microeconomic Analysis ,
MacroeconomicsTheory and Policy , Business and
Community The Story of Cooprate Social Responsibility ,
Group Dynamics for Teams , Doing Data Science Straight
Talk from the Frontline , Think Python , Electromagnetic
field theory , Fourier Analysis , Public Policy Formulation
Implementation and Evaluation , Development
Administration Trend towards Development Management ,
New Media in Journalism , Mathematical Physics Advance
Topics , Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms , Basic
Organometallic Chemistry Concepts Syntheses and
Applications , Classical Electrodynamics , Spectrometric
Identification of Organic Compounds , Cryptography And
Network Security Principles and Practices , Engineering
Thermodynamics , Genetic Engineering Replication
Expression Cloning Manipulation , Principles of Genetics ,
Semiconductor Physics and Devices , Cyber Security
Understanding Cyber Crimes Computer Forensics and Legal
Perspectives , Operating System Concepts , Statistical
Mechanics , Network Analysis , Principle of Genetics
Contract Date16 Jan 2025
Contract Amount₹ 15 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Consultancy Services...+1Other Consultancy Services
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Techniques and Classroom Teaching , Prolog Programming
for Artificial Intelligence , Education in Emerging Indian
Society , Sahitya ka Ithaas Darshan , Practical Mannual of
Pteridophytes , Value Education , Kautilya Arthasastra ,
Vermiculture and Vermicompost Earthworm with
Manufacturing Process , Socio-Philosophical Approach to
Education , Gandhian Philosophy of Social Work , Event
Management and Marketing Theory Practical Approaches
and Planning , An Introduction to Indian Aesthetics , MLA
Style sheet 10 th edition , Let Us C , Parasitology , The
Indian Imagination Colonial And Postcolonial Literature And
Culture , Vermiculture and Organic Farming , Social Work
Interventions and Managment , Educational Measurement
and Evaluation , Risk Hazards and Diasaster Management ,
Group Theory and Chemistry , Calculus of Variation , Group
Theory in Physics , Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics ,
Energy, Ecology and Environment , Retail Management Text
and Cases , Macroeconomics Theory and Policy , Learning
and Teaching , Textbook of Conservation Biology ,
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms , Dhumil Ak theth
Kavi , Textbook on Medical Diagnostics , Tourism Concepts
Theory and Practice , Social Work Philosopy and Methods ,
Introduction to Electrodynamics , Fundamentals of Plant
Biochemistry and Biotehnology , Adventure Tourism and
Sports Risks and Challenges , Atomic and Molecular Spectra
Laser , Non Conventional Energy Source , Bhasha Vgyan ,
Disaster Management An Appraisal of Institutional
Mechanism in India , Quantum Mechanics Theory and
Application , Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical
Mechanics , Banking Regulations and Business Laws , Green
Chemistry in 21st Century and Beyond , Handbook for Tour
Guides , Television Production , Principles of Molecular
Biology , Enzyme Technology , Animal Taxonomy Principles
and Practices , Fundamental of Statistical Mechanics ,
Concept of Electrodynamics , Foundations of
Electromagnetic Theory , Ecology And Sustainable
Development , Financial Management and Management
Accounting , Research Methodology Methods and
Techniques , Measure Theory and Integration , Food
Microbiology , Teachers and Education in Indian Society ,
Concise History of Indian Literature in English ,
Fundamentals of Data Structures , MATLAB Programming for
Engineers , Gender School and Society For BED Students , A
Practical Approach To The Study Of Indian Capital Markets ,
The Secret of Leadership , Godaan The Gift of a Cow A
Translation of the Classic Hindi Novel Godaan , Hindi Sahitya
ka Ithaas , Educational Administration Supervision Planning
and Financing , Principles and Methods of Teaching
Principles of Education , Bhasha Vgyan ki Bhumika , Modern
Textbook of Zoology Vertebrates , Animal Physiology and
Biochemistry , Ecology And Environment , Teacher
Education Emerging Trends and Challenges , World
Literature in Your Fist , Practical Botany Economic Botany
and Biotechnology , Fundamentals of Statistical and
Thermal Physics , Textbook of Disaster Management , Nav
Jagran Srijan Shilta Aur Dinkar ka Aalochna Sahitya ,
Compliance in Banks , Quantum Mechanics , Maritime
Security of India The Coastal Security Challenges and Policy
Options , Principles and Techniques of Guidance , A Course
in Abstract Algebra , Principles of Inorganic Chemistry ,
Principles Of Physical Chemistry , Andera Mei Ek
Punarvichar , Asdhya Vina ki Sadhna
Contract Date15 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 14.6 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Elements of X ray Diffraction , Concepts of Genetics ,
Microeconomics , Research Methods in Social Sciences ,
Data structures using C , Problem Solving and Program
Design in C , Cryptography and Network Security Principles
and Practice , Computer Networks , Modern Operating
Systems , Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and
Computation , Event Management , Basics of Event
Management , Communication Systems , Electronics Circuit
Analysis and Design , Principles of Electromagnetics ,
Computer System Architecture , Computer Organization and
Architecture , Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms ,
Python for Programmers , Fundamentals of Database
System , Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach ,
Introduction to Machine Learning , Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Structure and Reactivity , Postcolonial
Literature An Introduction , Contemporary Literary and
Cultural theory From Structuralism to Ecocriticism ,
Elements of the Theory of Computation , Modern Digital and
Analog Communication , Organic Chemistry , Electronic
Devices and Circuit Theory , Wireless Communication
Principles and Practice , Marketing Management , Material
Science and Engineering , Quantum Mechanics , Genetics ,
Digital Fundamentals , Learning and Teaching , Financial
Administration in India , Basic Accounting , Complex
Variables Theory and Applications , Communication System
Engineering , Engineering Circuit Analysis , Data
Communications and Networking , Digital Logic and
Computer Design
Contract Date2 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 16.7 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
BOQ ITEMS: As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications , As per specifications
Contract Date31 Dec 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 90.7 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
BOQ ITEMS: as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document, as per specification document
Contract Date31 Dec 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 80.1 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
Modular Prefabricated Hut
Contract Date12 Dec 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 23.4 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Chemical Products
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: PM2.5 High Volume Sampler
Contract Date20 Nov 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 13.1 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: 2 6 di Chloro phenol indophenol , 5 hydroymethyl furfural ,
Absolute Ethanol , Acetic acid , Sodium Alginate ,
Aminopropyltriethoxysilane APTES , Ammonium molybdate ,
Anhydrous KCl , Aqueous ammonia , LAscorbic acid , Bold
basal media , Bovine serum albumin , Bradford reagent ,
Calcium carbide , Canola oil , Carbon Electrodes Spare
Carbon Electrodes Pair , Cellulose nitrate filter size 0.45 ,
Cetrimide tetradocyl trimethyl ammonium bromide ,
Chloroform , Hydrochloric Acid , Nitric Acid , Cupric sulphate
, Water HPLC grade , Diphenylamine , Dipotassium
hydrogen phosphate , Disodium hydrogen phosphate , Dry
potassium nitrate , Ethyl alcohol , Ethylene glycol
monoethyl ether , Ferric chloride , Ferric chloride
hexahydrate , Ferric chloride tetrahydrate , Ferric nitrate ,
Ferrous ammonium sulphate , Ferrous chloride , Ferrous
sulphate , Furfural , Glass filtration assembly with vacuum
pump , Glutaraldehyde , Hoffmanns VoltamterHoffmans
Voltameter JSGW , Lugols iodine dye , Magnesium sulphate ,
Manganous sulphate , Masking Tape , M Endo Agar media ,
Monohydrate manganous sulphate , nButanol HPLC grade ,
Neodymium magnet bar 254mm x 635mm x 3175mm ,
Oxalic acid , Parafilm , Platinum Electrodes Spare , p
Nitrophenyl B D glucopyranoside , Polyethylene glycol ,
Potassium acetate , Potassium dihydrogen phosphate ,
Potassium fluoride solution , Potassium formate , Potassium
sulphate , Salicylic acid , Sedgewick Rafter Counting
Chamber , Sodium acetate , Sodium borate decahydrade ,
Sodium carbonate , Sodium citrate , Sodium
heteropolytungstate sol , Sodium hydroxide , Sodium iodide
, Sodium lauryl sulfate , Sodium metabisulfite , Sodium
nitrate , Sodium phosphate , Sodium phosphate dibasic ,
Sodium thiosulfate , Soxlet extractor glassware 500 ml ,
Stannous chloride , Sulphuric acid , Syringe filter 0.22 um
Sterile individually packed , Tertiary butyl alcohol ,
Tetracyclines , Glass Fiber Filters 06mm 47mm , Zinc
chloride , Zinc sulphate , Aluminum Foil , Beaker Brush ,
Beaker Glass , Beaker Plastic , Blotting Paper , Burettes with
PTFE stopcock , Conical Flask , Conical Flask Screw caps ,
Crucible Silica with lid , Eppendrof tubes2ml , Eye Protection
safety glasses , Glass Droppers , Glass Funnels , Incubation
BOD Bottles , Laboratory Tray , Macro Spatula , Measuring
Cylinder , Micro Spatula , Muslin Clothes , Oven Gloves ,
Petri plates pairs , Reagent Bottle Narrow mouth with Screw
Cap , Reagent Bottle wide mouth with Screw Cap , Reagent
bottle with Screw Cap , Screw Cap Vial plastic 15 ml ,
Storage Bottle wide mouth screw cap HDPA , Test tube
Brush , Test Tube with screw cap 25x150mm , Tissue roll
Paper , Tripod Stand , Volumetric Flask , Whatman Filter
paper No 1 , Sedwick Rafter SrCell Plate For Planktonic Cell
Plate , Planktonic Nets Nylon , Meter Scales Meter Rod
Contract Date6 Nov 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 5.9 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
Supply Of Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up To And Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (part 1)
Contract Date1 Nov 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 11.9 Lac
Central University Of Jammu Tender Result
Environmental Service
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitor System
Contract Date17 Oct 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 60.9 Lac
11-20 of 55 active Tender Results