Tender Results of Central University Of Jammu

Tender Results of Central University Of Jammu

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: 045um Cellulose acetate membrane Filter , Reagent bottle screw Cap , Reagent Bottle with stopper , Surgical Mask Pk of 500 , Laboratory Tray , Whatman Filter Paper No 1 , Beaker Glass , Beaker Plastic , Plastic Screw Cap Vial 15g , Eppendrof tubes 2ml , Centrifuge Tube 50ml , Centrifuge Tube 15ml , Conical Flask Screw caps , Incubation BOD Bottles , Micro Centrifuge tube , Nesler tube , Petri plates pairs , Syringe filters , Test Tube pack , Tissue Paper , Silica Crucible with Lid , Conical Flask , Clevenger Apparatus , Volumetric Flask , Vacuum Filtration Assembly Glass , Burette , Burette Stand with Clamp , Storage Bottle HDPA , Round bottom flask 24 by 29 , Measuring Cylinder , Polypropylene Funnels , Micro Spatula , Droppers , Acid Dispenser , Vortex Mixer , Wash Bottle , Aluminum Foil , Alginate Mortar Pastel , Mortar Pastel ceramics , Blotting Paper pkt , Chromatography paper pkt , Whatman Filter paper No 45 , Whatman Filter paper No 1 , Test tube Brush , Condenser 24 by 29 , Silicon Pipe , Muslin Clothes , Oven Tray , Oven gloves , Silica Crucible with lid , Plankton Net , Earth Shakers Earthquake Model , Soil Quality Kit Back Park , Model Of Volcano , Model of Sea Floor Spreading , Model of Plate Tectonics , Types of Soil samplers , Model of Fault , Model of Folds , Model of Drainage Basin , Mineral Test Kit
Contract Date27 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 6.2 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu - CUJ Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: HPLC system (Q3)
Contract Date19 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 32.6 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Finance And Insurance Sectors
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Effective Business Communication , Business Research Methods , Project Management Made Easy , International Business , Income Tax Law and Practice , Legal and Regulatory aspects of Banking , Financial Services , Double Entry Book Keeping , Principles and Practices of Management , Business Economics , Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management , Compliance in Banks , Bankers Handbook on Credit Management , Banking Theory and Practice , Plant Breeding Principles And Methods 12 ed. , The Fungi , An Introduction to Embryophyta Pteridophytes , Esaus Plant Anatomy Meristems, Cells And Tissues of the Plant Body their Structure, Function and Development, 3 e , Bhartiya Sadhana ki Dhara , Sarada and Takari Alphabets Origin and Development , Trika Shastra Rahasya Prakriya , Pratyabhijnahrdayam The Secret of SelfRecognition , Siva Sutras The yoga of supreme identity , Vedic Sahitya Ka Itihas , Sharada Lipi Manjusha , Introduction to Manuscriptology , Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds , Physical Chemistry Vol5 , Bioorganic, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry , Atkins Physical Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Principles of Inorganic Chemsitry , Principles of Inorganic Chemsitry, 33rd Edition , Physical Chemistry A Molecular Approach , Quantum Chemistry , Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition , Data Structure , Principles of Microeconomic , Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics , An Introduction to the Study of English Literature , Principles of Geomorphology 2nd edn , Introduction to the Constitution of India , An Introduction to Political Theory , Ancient India , Language Across the Curriculum , Modern Microeconomics , Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives on Educatin , Fundamentals of Yoga Education , Katha Sahitya Ki Samajik Bhumika , English Labguage Through Literature , Methodology of Educational Research , Higher Engineering Mathematics , Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C , History of English Literature , History of American Literature , Indian Writing in English , Fundamentals of Geology , Environemntal Science , Tamas , Ghananand Kavitt , Ek Aur Dronacharya , Agra Bazar , Anjo Didi , Human Resource Management , Business Environment , Quantitative Techniques in Management , Management Accounting , Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management , Digital Marketing , Employee Training and Development , Marketing Services , HR Analytics Essentials , Industrial relations and Labour laws , Financial Derivatives , Strategic Management , Industrial and Organizational Psychology , Inspired Leadership How You Can Achieve Extraordinary Results in Business , Applied and economic zoology , Wildlife conservation and management , Evolutionary Biology , Genetics , Plant Ecology and Phytogeography , Politics and Geopolitics Decoding Indias Neighbourhood Challenge , Botany For Degree Students Bryophyta , Textbook Of Algae , Botany For Degree Gymnosperm , Plant Physiology, 4 ed , Statistical Methods , Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry , Financial Services Banking and Insurance , Invertebrate Zoology 15 Edition , Immunology , Fundamentals of Biochemistry , Animal behaviour Ethology
Contract Date8 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 13.1 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Rfid Tags 1 , Rfid Tags 2 , Rfid Tags 3 , Rfid Tags 4 , Rfid Tags 5 , Institutional Labels
Contract Date7 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 2.7 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Chemical Products
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: 1 6 Anhydro D glucose , 2 6 dichlorophenol indophenol , 5 Hydroxymethyl furfural , Acetic Acid , Acetone , Acetonitrile , Alginate , Anhydrous KCL , BG 11 media , Bovine serum Albumin BSA , Bold basal Algae Growth media , Bradford reagent , Buffer tablets ph 4 , Buffer Tablets ph 9.5 , Carboxymethyl cellulose , Chloroform , Copper Nitrate , Citric acid monohydrate , Catalayse Enzyme powder , Chromium Nitrate , Conc HCL , Conc. Nitric acid , Conc. Sulphuric acid , Dinitrosalicylic acid , Dipotassium Hydrogen phosphate , Disodium Hydrogen phosphate , Dry potassium nitrate , Erichrome Black T , Ethanol anhydrous , Ethyl acetate , Ethyl alcohol , Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate , Ferric Chloride Tetrahydrate , Ferroin Indicator , Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate , Ferric Nitrate , Glycerol , Glycerol solution 50 percent , Guargum , Hypochlorite , Isopropyl Alcohol , Kings B media , Laboline , Methanol , Murexide Indicator , Methanol HPLC Grade , Monohydrate Manganous Sulphate , Mercuric Iodide , Mercuric suphate , Furfural , n Hexane , Oxalic acid , Phenol , Phenolphtalein Indicator , Potassium dihydrogen phosphate , Potassium Fluoride , Potassium Chloroplatinate , Potassium sulphate , Rochelle salt , Salicylic acid , Sodium Azide , Sodium Iodide , Sodium Phosphate , SPADNS , Starch powder , Sulphamic acid , Stannous Chloride , Teteracyline , Toluene , Yeast extract , Zinc Acetate Dihydrate , Zinc Nitrate hexahydrate , Zinc sulphate , Zirconyl Chloride octahydrate , Acian Blue Dye , Copper Sulphate , Trichloroacetic acid TCA , Osmium Tetraoxide , Uracil Acetate , Glutaraldehyde , Hexadecanoic Acid , Glass Fibre Filter 0.45um pore size , Chitosan , Glutathione , L Methionine , Zirconium Oxy chloride , Acid Blue , Ethyl orange , Thymol , Gallic Acid , Micropipette , High purity Nitric Acid HNO3 suprapure , High purity Hydrochloric Acid HCl suprapure 100318 , High purity Hydrochloric Acid HF suprapure 100318 , EPA 8270 Organophosphorus Pesticides Mix , EPA CLP Organochlorine Pesticide Mix , EPA 610 N PAH Kit , PAHs 16 standard , N O Bis trimethylsilyl trifluoroacetamide , Glass Volumetric flask , Multielement Ion Chromatography Anion Std Solution , Multielement Ion Chromatography Cation Std Solution , Sodium carbonate 64mm OR sodium Bicarbonate 20mm , Nitric acid or Dipicolinic acid , Sulfuric acid , PVDF Filter Pore Size 045mm and 47 mm , Membrane Filter 022 mm PVDF 25MM , Conical Flasks with Glass Cap 50 ml , Volumetric Flasks Class A 25 ml , Centrifuge Tube 50ml Sterile , Syringe Filter Sterile PVDF 25mm 0.2um , Syringe Filter Sterile PVDF 25mm 0.45um , Petrislides to store PM 2.5 filter samples , Widemouth Polypropylene Bottles , Trichoderma Powder , Centrifuge Vaccum Rubber , Vaccum Grease
Contract Date7 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 8.6 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Hiring of Vehicles
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Hiring of Hydraulic Excavator Backhoe loader and dump trucks for excavation and filling works
Contract Date2 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 29 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Laptop , WiFi Dongle , 1 KVA Offline UPS , 3 KVA Online UPS , Public Address Amplifier , Wireless Microphones , Public Address Speakers , Power Adapter for Camera , Power Adapter for Quadro , A2B Cable for Quadro , HDMI 1 to 4 Splitter , CAT 6 Cable , NVR 16 Channel , Dome Camera , Bullet Camera , PoE Switch 4 plus 2 , 2 U Rack , NVR 8 Channel , 2 TB Hard Disk , Monitor , Speaker , Printer
Contract Date29 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 9.8 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu Tender Result

Chemical Products
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Sulphuric Acid , Silver Nitrate , Hydrochloric acid , Bromine water , Sodium Nitrite , Fehling Solution A , Fehling Solution B , Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride , 1 Naphthol , 2 Naphthol , Phenol , Benzaldehyde , Metallic Tin , Soda Lime Calcium oxide , Barfoed x Reagent , Ethanol , Oxalic Acid , Ammonia Solution , Phenolphthalein , Triethylamine , Semi Carbazide Hydrochloride , Aniline Hydrochloride , Isopropyl Alcohol , Methanol , Methyl Acetate , Chloro acetic acid , Ammonium Hydroxide , DMSO , DMF , Dioxane , Benzene , AIBN , Potassium Nitrate , Buffer Capsules , Diethyl Ether , Phenyl Hydrazine , Anisic Acid , P Anisidine , Vitamin C Tablets , Sodium Sulphate , Sodium Chloride , Acetone , Aluminum Oxide Activated Acidic , Acetylacetonate acac , Ammonium Oxalate , Ammonium Phosphate , Ammonium sulphate , Barium Hydroxide octahydrate , Benzyl alcohol , Cadmium Acetate Dihydrate , Cadmium Carbonate , Calcium Acetate Hydrate , Calcium Chloride Dihydrate , 4 chloro 3 5 dimethylphenol , Chromium VI oxide , Cobalt II Acetate Tetrahydrate , Cobalt II Chloride Hexahydrate , Dimethylglyoxime DMG , Ethyl acetate , Ethylene Diamine , n hexane , Iodine Solution , Lead dioxide Lead Peroxide , Lithium Fluoride , Magnesium Acetate tetrahydrate , Mercuric acetate , Nickel II acetate tetrahydrate , Periodic Acid , Potassium Bromate , Potassium Bicarbonate , Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate , Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate , Potassium Iodide , Propionic Acid , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution , Silver Acetate , Soda Lime Indicator , Sodium Salicylate , Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate , Tetrahydrofuran , Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate , Zirconium Nitrate Hydrate , 4 Bromo aniline 98percent , Iodine Monochloride solution Wijs Solution , Para Formaldehyde , P Nitro Acetanilide , Acetyl Chloride , Sodium Chlorate , Ceric Ammonium Nitrate , Fuming Nitric Acid , Aluminium Potassium Sulphate , Ascorbic Acid , Calcium Hypochlorite , Carbon Dioxide , Chromic Acid , Chromic Potassium Sulphate , Copper Solution , Ethylene Glycol , Ferric Ferrocyanide , Hydrogen Cyanide , Lead VI Chromate , Lead Dioxide , Magnesium Hydroxide , Magnesium oxide , Mercurous Oxide , DCM , Nickel Ammonium Sulphate , Nirtous oxide , Phophoric acid , Potassium Aluminium sulphate , Potassium biartrate , Potassium Chlorate , Potassium Ferricyanide , Quinone , Sodium Ferrocyanide , Sodium Hypochlorite , Sodium Silicate
Contract Date29 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.8 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu - CUJ Tender Result

Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Digital Transmitters 50 Watt , 2 Bay Chain Vertically Polarized VHF FM Antenna , Low Loss RF cable , Change - Over Switch , Equipment Rack with mounting accessries , Dummy Load 100W , ON AIR LIGHT , Tower 30 Meters , 12Channel Analog Audio Mixer , Powered Monitor 95 Watts , Professional Microphone for host On-AIR , FlangeType Mic Stand , Professional dynamic vocal microphone , Studio headphone , Headphone disribution amplifier with 4 outputs , Phone in console , Equipment Mounting arrangement , Field Recorder Tascam , Mic Line Cables , Editing or Recording Professional Software , Logger Software Standard , Automation Software , Desktop i9 , Audio Interface Card external or USB inbuilt AIC , 5 KVA Online UPS including Battery and rack , Wall Panelling with perforated tiles area 640sqft , Wooden Panelling of height 3 foot , Door of size 4x7 Sq. Foot with acoustic panel , Window of size 4 x 3 with soundproof glass , Hardware like door closer, hinge,fitting and installation , Split Air Conditioning unit with 1.5 tonn and all accessories , Broadcast Semi round table with dia 4 foot and height 2.5 foot , Excecutive Chairs , Discussion round table 3.5 foot diameter. , side 9 ru rack size almirah
Contract Date25 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 26.8 Lac 

Central University Of Jammu - CUJ Tender Result

Transportation and Logistics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Samba, Jammu & Kashmir
CATEGORY: Campus Transportation Wagon (Q3)
Contract Date15 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 11.7 Lac 
51-60 of 69 active Tender Results