Tenders of Uranium Corporation Of India Limited in Jharkhand

Tenders of Uranium Corporation Of India Limited in Jharkhand

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Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: Nylon Cross braided PVC Hose Pipe, Wall thickness - 4.8 mm as per specification attached.

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Chemical Products
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Date1 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2.2 Cr 
CATEGORY: Hydrogen Peroxide Insustrial Grade Confirming to IS: 2080- 1980, Grade-I (50% W/W) as per specifica

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: HRC Fuse as per IS 13703 (Q3)

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: Lamp Ballast for HPSV Lamps as per IS 15882:2009, IS 15885 (Q3)

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Machinery and Tools
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 16.9 Lac 
CATEGORY: 1- Head Drive Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M- 1009-A,Item No.-1 Attached , 2- Head Drive Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1009-A,Item No.-2 Attached , 3- Head Drive Pulley for Conv, Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1009- A,Item No.-3 Attached , 4- Head Drive Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1009-A,Item No.-4 Attached , 5- Head Drive Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1009- A,Item No.-5 Attached , 6- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1010-A, Item No.-1 Attached , 7- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1010-A, Item No.-2 Attached , 8- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI- M-1010-A, Item No.-3 Attached , 9- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1010-A, Item No.-4 Attached , 10- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1010-A, Item No.- 5 Attached , 11- Tail Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1010-A, Item No.-6 Attached , 12- Bend Pulley for C3- B Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1052-A,Item No.-1 Attached , 13- Snub and Tension Pulley for C3-B Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1053-A, Item No.-1 Attached , 14- Gravity Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1034-A, Item No.-1 Attached , 15- Gravity Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1034-A, Item No.-2 Attached , 16- Gravity Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1034-A, Item No.-3 Attached , 17- Tail Pulley for C3-B and C3-C Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1051-A, Item No.-2 Attached , 18- Snub Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1033-A, Item No.-5 Attached , 19- Snub Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1033-A, Item No.-6 Attached , 20- Snub Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1033-A, Item No.- 7 Attached , 21- Bend Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1035-A, Item No.-1 Attached , 22- Bend Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1035-A, Item No.-2 Attached , 23- Bend Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1035-A, Item No.-3 Attached , 24- Bend Pulley for Conv. Belt as per Drg. No. UCI-M-1035-A, Item No.-4 Attached , 25- Head Drive Pulley for C3-B and C3-C Conv. Belt as per Drg. No.UCI-M-1050-A, Item No.-2 Attached

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Manpower Supply
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon28 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 1.7 Cr 
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Not Required; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Not Required; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not Required; Others

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Machinery and Tools
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon22 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: General Purpose Ball Valves (V2) (Q4)

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Machinery and Tools
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: High Chrome Steel Grinding Ball Size: 40mm Dia as per Annexure-A attached. , High Chrome Steel Grinding Ball Size: 100mm Dia as per Annexure-A attached.

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon27 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 47.2 Lac 
BOQ ITEMS: Earth work in excavation by mechanicalin means manul means including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 150m in all kind of soil., Earth rock filling including transporting laying spreadding rolling filling of voids with smaller particles etc as directed by E.I.C from west disposal yard of BND , Providing laying spreading and compacting stone aggregate size range 53mm to .075 mm to wet mix macadam WMM specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in for all leads and lifts laying in uniform layers with mechanical paverfinisher in sub base base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achive the desired density complete as per specifition and direction of EIC, Scarifying metalled water-bond road surface inculiding disposal of rubbish led up to 50m and consolidation of aggregate receved from scarifying with power road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity. , Providing and applying prime coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS 8887 using emulsion pressure distributer including preparing the surface & cleaning with mechanical broom. With rapid setting bitumen emulsion On WBM or WMM AT RATE OF 0.4kg per sqm, Providing and aplying tack coat Bitumen will be provided by UCIL free of cost , Providing and laying premix bituminous macadam base course with stone aggregate of quality size and grading as specified in CPWD specifaction and straight run bitumen of grade 80-100 at rate of 4 percentage by weight of total mix including hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in hot mix plant transporting mixed material and laying mixed material with paver finisher to the required level and grade rolling with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve the required compaction and density. 75 mm compacted thickness Bitumen will be provided by UCIL free of cost , Providing and laying sand seal coat of premixed fine aggregate passing 2.36 mm and retained on 180 micron sieve with bitumen using 128 kg of bitumen of grade 80 100 bitumen per cum of fine aggregate and 0.60 cum of fine aggregate per 100 sqm of road surface including rolling and finishing with road roller all complete .Bitumen will be provided by UCIL free of cost

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Machinery and Tools
East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
Closing Soon27 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: Cyl Pin Lower for ST 3.5 Part No. 5558735800 , Cyl Pin Upper for ST 3.5 Part No. 5564051600 , Strg Cyl Pin for ST 3.5 Part No. 5565123000 , BKT Arm Pin for ST 3.5 Part No. 558721400 , BKT Arm Pin for ST 3.5 Part No. 5562059100 , Push Plate for ST 3.5 Part No. 5562712300 , Push Plate for ST 3.5 Part No. 5571680500 , Stablizer Link Pin for ST 3.5 Part No. 555874700 , Stablizer Link Pin for ST 3.5 Part No. 5552573600
51-60 of 106 active Tenders