Wood Tenders

Wood Tenders

Municipality Of Gen Luna, Quezon Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 733.4 K (USD 12.5 K)
Details: Description Invitation To Bid The Municipality Of General Luna, Quezon, Through Its Bids And Awards Committee (bac), Invites Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors To Apply For Eligibility And To Bid For The Hereunder Project: Name Of Contract : Supply & Delivery Of Materials For The Improvement Of School Building At Colegio De General Luna Location : Brgy. San Isidro Ilaya-general Luna, Quezon Brief Description : Material Listed Below: Item No. Qty. Articles/supplies/materials/descriptions/etc. Unit 1 2.00 Glass And Aluminum Partition Lot 2 9.00 Wooden Flush Door W/ Jamb Set 3 124.00 Hardiflex 3/16 Pcs 4 300.00 Good Lumber 2x2x12 Pcs 5 90.00 Expansion Bolts 1/2 Pcs 6 10.00 Cwn #1 Kg 7 20.00 Cwn #3 Kg 8 4.00 Flat Latex Tin 9 4.00 Semi-gloss Latex Tin 10 4.00 Baby Roller Pcs 11 4.00 Brush #3 Pcs 12 4.00 Skim Coat Bags 13 6.00 Plastic Nolding 1/2 Pcs 14 30.00 Thhn Wire #12 M 15 6.00 Amco Box Pcs 16 6.00 Convenience Outlet W/ Cover Plate Pcs 17 50.00 Black Screw Pcs 18 40.00 5c Brazilian Wallnut (155mmx9mx2.9m) Pcs 19 22.00 L Angle Pcs 20 12.00 M Furrings Pcs 21 2.00 Rivets/b.screw/metal Clip/sealant Set 22 44.00 5c Natural Elm Pcs 23 46.00 5c Honey Oak Pcs 24 2.00 Rivets/m-clip/nomore Nail Set 25 25.00 4.5mm Thk Marine Plywood Pcs 26 70.00 Metal Furrings Pcs 27 25.00 Carrying Channels Pcs 28 60.00 Hanger Bars/rod Pcs 29 350.00 Channel Clip Pcs 30 15.00 Wall Angle Pcs 31 800.00 Rivets Pcs 32 265.00 1” Metal Screw Pcs 33 312.00 Coco Lumber 2x3x12 Bd.ft 34 200.00 Arm Chair Pcs 35 2.00 Receiving/conference Table Set 36 1.00 Lobby Counter Set Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) : Php733,400.00 Prospective Bidders Should Have Experience In Undertaking A Similar Project With An Amount Of At Least 25% Of The Proposed Project For Bidding. The Eligibility Check/screening As Well As The Preliminary Examination Of Bids Shall Use Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criteria. Post-qualification Of The Lowest Calculated Bid Shall Be Conducted. All Particulars Relative To Eligibility Statement And Screening, Bid Security, Performance Security, Pre-bidding Conference(s), Evaluation Of Bids, Post-qualification And Award Of Contract Shall Be Governed By The Pertinent Provisions Of R.a. 9184 And Its Implementing Rules And Regulation (irr) The Complete Schedule Of Activities Is Listed, As Follows: Bac Activities Schedule 1. Submission Of Loi And Issuance Of Bid Documents January 10, 2025 2. Submission Of Bids January 17, 2025 @ 10am 3. Bid Evaluation January 17, 2025 @ 2pm 4. Post Qualification January 20, 2025 5. Notice Of Award January 21, 2025 Bid Document Will Be Available Only To Prospective Bidders Upon Payment Of Non-refundable Amount Of One Thousand Pesos (php1,000.00) To The Municipal Treasurer’s Office/cashier. The Municipality Of General Luna And The Bac Assumes No Responsibility Whatsoever To Compensate Or Indemnify Bidders For Any Expenses Incurred In The Preparation Of The Bid. Date Of Posting: January 10, 2025 (sgd)redemcion M. De Leon Bac Chairperson

Province Of Surigao Del Sur Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Paints and Enamels, Civil Works Others
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
Tender AmountPHP 479.7 K (USD 8.2 K)
Details: Description Pr # 2025-01-0211 1. 71 Sq.m Ridge/hip Rolls/flashings/valley Roll/counter Flashing (0.60mm) 2. 1,270 Piece/s Blind Rivets 3. 1 Piece/s Glove 4. 4 Gallon/s Glazing Putty 5. 3 Gallon/s Flat Wall Enamel 6. 3 Gallon/s Enamel Quick Dry 7. 18 Liter/s Paint Thinner 8. 1 Gallon/s Tinting Color 9. 7 Piece/s Putty Plate 10. 8 Piece/s Paint Brush #3 11. 4 Piece/s Paint Brush #1-1 1/2 12. 4 Piece/s Paint Tray 13. 8 Piece/s Paint Roller 14. 3 Gallon/s Concrete Neutralizer 15. 6 Gallon/s Concrete Sealer/primer 16. 8 Gallon/s Patching Compound 17. 12 Gallon/s Semi Gloss Latex (two Coat Only) 18. 4 Dozen/s Sand Paper 19. 121 Sq.m Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Short Span/long Span, Below 0.427/above 0.427 Thk) 20. 1,148 Piece/s Tek Screw/j-bolt With Washers 21. 2 Pieces/s Riveter 22. 42 Pieces/s 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board/4.5mm Marine Plywood/6mm Ordinary Plywood On Metal Frame Ceiling 23. 41 Kilo/s Assorted Nails 24. 15 Length/s 50mm Dia. Pvc Pipe, Series 1000 25. 18 Length/s 100mm Dia. Pvc Pipe, Series 600/series 1000 26. 10 Pint/s Pvc Solvent 27. 25 Pieces/s Pvc Coupler 50mm Dia. 28. 17 Pieces/s Pvc Wye 50mm Dia. 29. 16 Pieces/s Pvc Tee 50mm Dia. 30. 20 Pieces/s Pvc Elbow 50mm Dia. X 90 Degrees 31. 20 Pieces/s Pvc Elbow 50mm Dia. X 45 Degrees 32. 6 Pieces/s Pvc P-trap 50mm Dia. 33. 20 Pieces/s Pvc Coupler 100mm Dia. 34. 10 Pieces/s Pvc Wye 100mm Dia. 35. 4 Pieces/s Pvc Tee 100mm Dia. 36. 10 Pieces/s Pvc Elbow 100mm Dia. X 90 Degrees 37. 10 Pieces/s Pvc Elbow 100mm Dia. X 45 Degrees 38. 4 Pieces/s Pvc Wye Reducer 50mm Dia. X 100mm Dia. 39. 5 Pieces/s Pvc Clean - Out 50mm Dia. 40. 7 Pieces/s Pvc Clean - Out 100mm Dia. 41. 2 Set/s Water Closet Including Fittings And Accessories 42. 2 Set/s Lavatory Including Fittings And Accessories 43. 2 Piece/s S.s Floor Drain (4x4) 44. 2 Piece/s Faucet (12.7mm Dia.) 45. 2 Set/s S.s Grab Bar 46. 2 Piece/s Soap Holder 47. 2 Piece/s Tissue Holder 48. 3 Set/s Inverter Split Type Air Conditioning Unit 3hp 49. 5 Set/s Doors, 45mm Thk Solid Panel On Wooden Yakal Jamb (complete Set & Accessories) 50. 18 Sq.m Windows, 1/4 Inch Thk. Reflected Glass On Analok Aluminum Frame (sliding Glass Window)

City Of Cape Town Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
South Africa
Closing Date4 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Details: Rfq Type Goods Goods Electrical Equipment & Components Reference Number Gh12500592 Title Pole Box 8-way Grp Electrif 60a Description 11 Each X Pole Box 8-way Grp Electrif 60a Specification* Pole Mounted Sdb - Type 8-way Pole Mounted Service Distribution Box (grp) Material Uv Stabilised Grp Sheet Moulded Compound (smc) Typical Application Electrification Areas Mcb Ratings 60a, 1-pole, 240v, 5ka, Main 3 Phase Breaker 100a, 3-pole, 415v, 5ka Mcb Characteristic Hydraulic Magnetic, Curve 1 / Curve D Description Pre-wired Sdb Complete With Pole Mounting Brackets,door Shall Be Padlockable, Openning By Rotating Upwards In The Vertical Direction And Shall Be Held Open Using The Door Stays And/or Hinge Pivoting Assembly And Shall Overlap The Top, Left And Right Side Of The Base. Wooden 19mm Thick Equipment Mounting Panel, Neutral Bar, 35mm High X 15mm Deep Din Rail For Meters, Suitably For 155mm(h) X 110mm(d) X 65mm(w) Mcu, 4 X 2m X 25 Sq Mm Cu Single Core Uv Stabilised Pvc Insulated Incoming Cables,14 X No 0 Bottom Fitted Pvc Glands With Glands Plugs And Other Components As Required In Terms Of Cct Specification, And Generally In Accordance With The Layout Detailed In The Drawings Colour G29 Light Grey Dimmensions Door Opening To Fit Panel Mounting Board Size 450 (h) X 615 (w) Mm Drawings Dr 3326 Sheets 1 And 2 Rev 4 And Dr 3164 Sht 1 Rev 8, Sk 5213 Sht 1 Rev 2 Standards Nrs 032, Vc 8036 Cct Specification Cee 44. ************************* Clause - 2.14.1 & 2.15 Provide, On Request By The Cct, Any Other Material That Has A Bearing On The Quotation Offer, The Supplier's Commercial Position (including Joint Venture Agreements), Preferencing Arrangements, Or Samples Of Materials, Considered Necessary By The Cct For The Purpose Of The Evaluation Of The Quotation. If The Specifications Require The Supplier To Provide Samples/technical Data Sheets, These Shall Be Provided Strictly In Accordance With The Instructions Set Out In The Specification. If Such Samples /technical Data Sheets Are Not Submitted As Required In The Bid Documents Or Within Any Further Time Stipulated By The Cct In Writing, Then The Bid Concerned May Be Declared Non-responsive. Please Submit Technical Data Information With Your Quote Submission. ************************** Nb The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (mbd 6.1) Is Attached, In Order To Be Eligible For Preference Points Bidders Are Required To Submit A Duly Completed, Current Dated Mbd 6.1 Document With Supporting Documents With Each And Every Rfq Submission, Failure To Submit Will Result In Zero Point Allocation. Delivery Date2025/03/24 Delivery Toelectricity - Ndabeni Red1 Plant / Ph 511 0410 Delivery Address01 Melck Street, Ndabeni Contact Personthembani Geza Telephone Number0214449986 Cell Number Closing Date2025/03/04 Closing Time12 00 Pm Rfq Submission Fax0000000000 Rfq Submission Fax 2 Buyer Email Addressmonja.davids@capetown.gov.za Buyer Detailsm.thorpe Buyer Phone0214006752 Attachments No Attachments Note On 3 April 2018 The City Of Cape Town Went Live With E-procurement Which Was Piloted With 3 Commodities Civil, Hardware, Electrical. No Manual Submissions Will Be Accepted For These Commodities And Suppliers Must Log In To E-services Portal To Access Rfqs. Bids Must Be Compliant With The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 Including But Not Limited To Local Content, Functionality, Price And Preference, Eligibility Criteria And Relevant Statutory Criteria. The Details Of This Are Contained In The Rfq Document And/or The Specification Advertised Via E-procurement. Only Locally Produced Goods Or Locally Manufactured Goods, Meeting The Stipulated Minimum Threshold For Local Production And Content, Will Be Considered, Where Applicable.


Machinery and Tools...+1Furnitures and Fixtures
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 111.4 K (USD 1.9 K)
Details: Description 1 63 Bags Portland Cement 2 863 Pcs 4" Chb 3 5.5 Cu.m. Sand 4 3 Cu.m. Gravel 5 9 Shts 0.35mmx10' Corr. Galvalume 6 2 Shts 0.35mmx8' Plain Galvalume (end Flasing) 7 130 Pcs 2" Tekscrew W/ Neoprene Washer 8 2 Pcs Roof Sealant 70ml 9 10 Length 1.5mmx2"x3" C-purlins 10 8 Length 3/16"x1"x1"x6m Angle Bar 11 2 Length 3/16"x1"x1"x6m Flat Bar 12 6 Length 10mmø Plain Round Bar Sag Rod 13 3 Kgs Fuji No. 12 Welding Rod 14 4 Pcs Cutting Disc 15 1 Gal Red Lead Prime 16 2 Pcs 3" Paint Brush 17 2 Pcs 3" Paint Brush 18 1 Set Siungle Tub Stainless Kitchen Sink W/ Compplete Accessories 19 1 Length 2"øx3.0 Pvc Pipe S1000 (drain/vent) 20 1 Pc 2"øx90° Pvc Bend Elbow S1000 21 1 Pc 2"øx45° Pvc Bend Elbow S1000 22 1 Pc 2"ø Pvc Tee 23 1 Pint Solvent Cement (400cc) 24 2 Length ½"øx3.0m Upvc Pipe Series 8 25 1 Pc ½"øx3.0m Gate/ball Valve 26 2 Pcs ½" Coupling 27 2 Pcs ½" 90° Bend Elbow 28 3 Pcs ½" Female Threaded Adaptor 29 3 Pcs ½" Faucet 30 2 Rolls Teflon Tape 1" 31 1 Unit 0.70mx2.10m Panel Type, Wooden Door 32 1 Unit 0.70mx2.10m Door James 33 1 Unit Heavy Duty Door Knob 34 1 Pair 3x3 Loose Pin Hinges 35 4 Frames Plastic Frame (13-blader) Comp. W/ Screw 36 52 Blades (3/16"x4"x24" Smoke Glass Jalousie Blade) 13 Bladers 37 18 Length Double Metal Furring 38 3 Pcs Drill Bet Metla 1/8 39 1 Pc Dril Bet Concrete 1/8 40 1 Box Blind Rivets 1/8 X 3/4 41 10 Shts ¼"x4'x8' Marine Plywood 42 30 Length 10mm Dia. X 6m Rsb 43 20 Length 12mm Dia. X 6m Rsb 44 30 Length 9mm Dia. X 6m Rsb 45 5 Kgs #16 G.i. Tie Wire 46 1 Pc Hacksaw Handle 47 2 Pcs Hacksaw Blade 48 120 Bd.ft. 30-2"x2"x12' Form Lumber 49 3 Shts ¼ Thk. 4'x8' Marine Plywood 50 2 Kgs 1½" Cw Nails 51 1 Kgs 1" Cw Nails 52 3 Kgs 4" Cw Nails 53 3 Kgs 3" Cw Nails Purpose: For The Const. Of Multipurpose Bldg. Kitchen The Complete Schedule Of Activities Is Listed, As Follows: Activities Schedule 1. Issuance Of Bid Documents: 1/06/2025 To 1/13/2025 2. Opening Of Bids: 1/13/2025 3 Bid Evaluation: 1/14/2025 4. Post-qualification 1/15/2025 5. Notice Of Award: 1/16/2025 6. Issuance Of Notice To Proceed: January 17, 2025


Agriculture or Forestry Works
Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 516.7 K (USD 8.8 K)
Details: Description Please Quote Your Lowest Price On The Items / Listed Below, Subject To The General Condition On The Last Page, Stating The Shortest Time Of Delivery And Submit Your Quotation Duly Signed By Your Representative Not Later Than ________________ In The Address Stated In The Last Page. Ciedelle Piol-salazar, Ph.d. Bac Chairperson Note: 1. All Entries Must Be Typewritten. 2. Delivery Period Within ___ Calendar Days. 3. Warranty Shall Be For A Period Of Six (6) Months For Supplies And Materials, One (1) Year For Equipment, From Date Of Acceptance By The Procuring Entity. 4. Price Validity Shall Be A Period Of 30 Calendar Days. 5. G-eps Registration Certificate Shall Be Attached Upon Submission Of The Quotation. 6. Bidders Shall Submit Original Brochures Showing Certification Of The Product Being Offered (optional). 7. Mode Of Delivery: [ ] Pick-up (schedule) [ ] Door To Door Delivery Item No. Unit Item And Description Qty. Unit Price Total Amount Lot 1 - Fertilizers, Pesticides & Herbicide 1 Kg Fungicide Mz 68 Wg 5 2 Bot Fungicide 25 Sc (azoxystrobin) 250ml 10 3 L Insecticide (500ec, Profenofos) 15 4 Sachet Insecticide 75 Wp (zyromacine), 50g 10 5 Gal Herbicide, Glyphosate 480 Sl 20 6 Bags Complete Fertlizer, 14-14-14 15 7 Bags Urea, 46-0-0 10 8 Bags Ammonium Sulfate, 21-0-0 S 10 9 Bags Muriate Of Potash, 0-0-60 10 Sub-total Lot 1 Lot 2- Seeds 1 Sachet Eggplant, Long Green 40 2 Sachet Tomato 20 3 Cans Ampalya, Opv, 100g 20 4 Kg Pole Sitao, Opv 10 5 Cans Okra Smooth Green, 100g 10 6 Sachet Upo, Tambuli, 10 Seeds 35 7 Sachet Winged Bean 20 8 Sachet Upland Kangkong 40 9 Bags Hybrid Corn Seeds, 10kg/bag 6 Sub-total Lot 2 Lot 3- Farm Supplies 1 Roll Barbed Wire 2.2mm, 150m 5 2 Roll Hdpe Pipe 1/2", Sdr 11 2 3 Pcs Pe Compression Coupling, 1/2" 3 4 Pcs Ppr Ball Faucet, 1/2" 2 5 Pcs Gi Coupling 1/2", Hd 2 6 Bundle Gi Wire #14, 25kg 5 7 Bundle Blue Twine, 100 Ply, 4.5k/bundle 10 8 Bundle Peb 9x9x16x0.005, 100 Pcs 5 9 Bundle Peb 12x12x19x0.005, 100 Pcs 3 10 Rolls Plastic Mulch 5 11 Bundle Banana Bunch Fruit Bag Class A, 5kg/bundle 1 12 Pairs Raincoat Xl, Hd 5 Sub-total Lot 3 Lot 4- Farm Tools 1 Unit Pulling Cart 2 2 Unit Weighing Scale Hd, 100 Kg Capcity 5 3 Unit Weighing Scale, 20kg Capcity, Good Brand 5 4 Pcs Budding Knife 15 5 Pcs Budding/ Grafting Tape, 5cmx200m 20 6 Pcs Sharpening Stone, 10000 Grit, 10x50x150mm 5 7 Packs Flexible Plastic 9x14x.0008, 100pcs 20 8 Pcs Shovel Hd 15 9 Pcs Rake Hd, 4ft Long, All Steel 10 10 Pcs Hoe With Wooden Handle 10 11 Pcs Large Water Sprinkler, 10l 10 12 Pcs Scythe (kawit), Smithened Hd 25 Sub-total Lot 4 Xvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxvx

Department Of Education Division Of Sta Rosa City Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 101 K (USD 1.7 K)
Details: Description Sdo Clinic Medicine, Medical And Dental Supplies Disposable Dental Bibs, 100s Per Pack Pack 20 Dental Lidocaine Topical Gel 30 Grams (benzocaine 20%, Cherry Flavored) Pc. 5 Lidocaine Epinephrine Solution For Injection Local Anesthetic 1:100,000(1.8 Ml) Box 5 Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2% Solution Antiseptic Wound Spray 60ml Bottle 5 Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.12% Oral Rinse 380 Ml (alcohol Free) Bottle 2 Povidone Iodine 10% Paint, 10ml Bottle 2 Povidone Iodine Gargle 1% Oral Solution Antiseptic 500ml Bottle 2 Surgical Face Mask 50s (disposable, 3-ply With Earloop, Fda Approved) Box 20 Ethyl Alcohol 70% Solution 1 Gallon Gallon 5 Disinfectant Spray (with Ethyl And Alkyl) 510g Bottle 5 Domperidone 10mg Tablet Tablet 100 Cetirizine Dihydrochloride 10 Mg Film-coated Tablets 20s Tablet 100 Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride 50 Mg Capsule Capsule 100 Mefenamic Acid 500 Mg Elliptical Film-coated Tablet 4s Tablet 200 Ibuprofen 200 Mg Softgel Capsule Capsule 200 Aluminum Hydroxide 178 Mg + Magnesium Hydroxide 233 Mg + Simethicone 30 Mg Chewable Tablet Tablet 100 Omeprazole 40 Mg Capsule Capsule 100 Paracetamol 325 Mg + Phenylephrine 25mg + Dextromethorphan Hbr 10 Mg Tablet 200 Phenylephrine Hcl 10 Mg + Chlorphenamine Maleate 2 Mg + Paracetamol 500 Mg Tablet 200 Lagundi 600mg Capsule Capsule 100 Co-amoxiclav 625mg Tablet Tablet 100 Ciprofloxacin 500mg Tablet Tablet 50 Amoxicillin 500mg Capsule Capsule 200 Acetylcysteine 600 Mg Effervescent Tablet Tablet 100 Tetanus Toxoid 40 I.u /0.5 Ml Ampoule 10 Mupirocin Ointment 20 Mg/g 5 G Tube Tube 15 Oral Rehydration Salts 4.1g Apple Flavor (100 Sachets/box) Box 1 Hypromellose Ophthalmic Solution 3mg/ml 7.5ml Pc. 5 Sodium Hyaluronate Ophthalmic Solution 0.1% 5ml Pc. 3 First Aid Bag/rescue Bag- Medium (l33 X W20 X H20) With Sling And Side Pockets, Preferably With Reflective Sides Pc. 8 Aneroid Sphygmomanometer (luminous Gauge, Adult Inflation System, Cotton Cuff, And Zipper Case) Pc. 3 Digital Thermometer, Fda Approved Pc. 7 Nebulizing Kit Set ( Compressor, Nebulizer Kit, 2 Pcs. Nebulizing Mask Adult And Pedia, Extra Filters) Kit 1 Nebulizing Kit With Mask Adult Pc. 10 Salbutamol + Ipratropium Nebulizing Solution 2.5ml Vial 20 Pulse Oximeter (portable, Battery Operated, Pulse Waveform Display, Low Battery Warning, Low Power Consumption, Automatic Shut-off When Not In Use), Fda Approved Pc. 5 Sharp Container/safety Box 5 Liter Box 10 Electric Instant Needle Burner And Cutter Syringe Destroyer Machine Pc. 1 Paper Surgical Tape 1 Inch X 10 Yards (2.5cm X 9.1m)/roll, White (12 Rolls/box) Box 2 Band-aid Washproof Adhesive Bandages (50 Pieces/box) Box 10 Cotton Balls 100 Balls/pack Pack 5 Sterile Wooden Tongue Depressor Individually Packed (100 Pcs/box) Box 2 Sterilized Gauze Pad 8 Ply 4"x4" (100 Sterile Pads/box) Box 3 One Touch Glucose Select Plus Strips 25s Box 6

Capiz Provincial Government Tender

Textile, Apparel and Footwear
Closing Date25 Feb 2025
Tender AmountPHP 199.9 K (USD 3.4 K)
Details: Description Air Freshener (320ml Lemon) Alcohol, Isopropyl 70% 500ml Broom, Soft (tambo), Weight: 200g Minimum Tiger Grass Broom Cobweb W/ Long Handle Brush (laundry) Brush (toilet Bowl) Chlorine Powder 40 Kg (plastic Container) Detergent Powder 65gm/sachet With Fabric Conditioner Dishwashing Liquid 250ml/bottle Disinfectant, Bleaching Solution (3,785ml/1gallon, For White Fabric) Door Mat, Braided Dust Pan W/ Long Handle, Non-rigid Plastic (large) Fabric Softener 27ml/sachet Anti-bac Flourescent Lamp 40 Watts (long) Garbage Bag Medium 11x11x24 20's/roll Black Garbage Bag Large 13x13x32 20's/roll Black Garbage Bag Extra Large 15x15x37 20's/roll Black Garbage Bag 2x Large 18.5x18.5x40 20's/roll Black Hand Soap Liquid Disinfectant (225ml) Hand Soap, Bar 90gm/bar Individual Wrap, Pure White Bar Soap Hydrochloric Acid 1000ml White Plastic Container, 14%-16% Hydrochloric Acid Content Muriatic 1 Liter Laundry Gloves Rubber, Pair, Large Size Led Bulb 5 Watts Daylight/white Mop With Mop Head Sacks, (50kls Capacity Min.) Bathroom Deodorizer, Solid Air Freshener 8-ounce Toilet Pump, Rubber Pump, Plastic Handle (heavy Duty) Medium Size (wooden Handle) Toilet Tissue Paper 2-plys Sheets Water Pail, Plastic (15 Liters Min.) Mop Head, Size 400 Chlorine Powder 70% Fujichlon 45 Kg Drum (for Pool) Lye Powder Pool Muriatic Acid (20ltrs) Instruction To Suppliers: Small Valaue Procurement 1. Bidders Must Submit Current And Valid Documentary Legal Requirements Upon Sending The Filed – Out Quotation: A. [ ] Mayor’s / Business Permit; B. [ ] Philgeps Registration Number : _______ Membership : [ ] Platinum [ ] Red; C. [ ] Income / Business Tax Return; D. [ ] Omnibus Sworn Statement; & E. [ ] Pcab License (for Infrastructure) 2. Additional Requirements For Procurement Of Drugs And Medicines As Per Coa Circular 2023-004 Dated June 14, 2023 A. Certificate Of Product Registration From Food And Drug Administration (fda) B. Certificate Of Good Manufacturing Practices From Fda C. Batch Release Certificate From Fda D. If The Supplier Is Not The Manufacturer, Certification From The Manufacturer That The Supplier Is An Authorized Distributor/dealer Of The Product/items E. License To Operate From Fda With List Of Sources (whether It Is A Manufacturer, Importer, Seller, Or Distributor) F. Delivery Receipt / Prescribing Invoice Bearing Lot Nos. And Expiry Dates Of The Drugs And Medicines 3. Suppliers Who Have Previously Submitted The Above Legal Requirements To The Provincial Procurement Management Division (ppmd) May No Longer Require Its Re – Submission. 4. All Prices Quoted Are Inclusive Of All Applicable Duties, Government Permits, Fees, And Other Charges Relative To The Acquisition And Delivery Of Items To Provincial Government Of Capiz 5. In Case Of Price Discrepancy Over The Amounts In Words And In Figures, The Amount In Words Will Prevail. 6. The End-user Shall Have The Right To Inspect And/or To Test The Goods If The Same In In Accordance With The Technical Specifications. 7. In Case Of Delay In The Delivery, The Supplier Shall Pay A Penalty Of One-tenth Of One Percent (1/10 Of 1%) Of The Corresponding Contract Price For Each Day Of Delay, Including Non-working Days (i.e. Saturday And Sunday), Legal Holidays Or Special Non-working Holidays. 8. Accomplished This Rfq Correctly And Accurately 9. Do Not Alter The Contents Of This Form In Any Way 10. Technical Specifications Are Mandatory. Failure To Comply With Any Of Requirements Will Disqualify Your Quotation 11. Failure To Follow These Instructions Will Disqualify Your Entire Quotation 12. Other Terms And Conditions Shall Be Applied In Accordance With The Irr Of Ra 9184

Offizielle Bezeichnung Gemeindevorstand Der Gemeinde Haina Kloster Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Others
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: Restricted invitation to tender with public participation competition Vob/a scaffolding work 1. The construction project involves the new extension of the fire station with 4 vehicle parking spaces and the necessary social rooms. The existing building will be partially demolished and rebuilt. For the vehicle hall, the additional base including foundations and upstands will be built using solid construction. The social wing on the ground floor and the building dividing wall to the hall will be newly built using solid construction. The upper floor of the social wing and the roof and walls of the vehicle hall will be made of wood. The "sports center" part of the existing building will be retained and in use during the construction period. Fire service access roads, the access to the construction yard (fire service location during construction) and escape and rescue routes must be kept clear throughout the entire construction phase, see appendix. Everything else must be agreed upon with the construction management, particularly exceptions. 2. During the project, some work may be carried out by construction yard employees and fire service members on their own. This may result in various items being omitted altogether or quantities in certain areas of various items being reduced. The omission or reduction in quantities of these items does not entitle the contractor to make claims for lost profits or claims for an increase in unit prices. The price inquiry or requirement items must be filled out without fail, as it is possible that these items will also be implemented. The bidder acknowledges these preliminary remarks by signing the list of services. 3. The construction site toilet and break rooms must be provided by each contractor themselves. Energy, water and electricity are provided free of charge. 4. There is a weekly construction meeting with all contractors in the community center/construction site. Company representatives who are currently working on the construction site and who will begin work in the next three weeks are required to attend and coordinate construction progress. Any costs must be included in the EPs. 5. When accepting the order, the contractor recognizes the dates stated in the preliminary remarks and the construction schedule as binding and will, if necessary, carry out necessary work outside of working hours at no extra cost so as not to jeopardize the deadlines for subsequent work. The contractor undertakes to provide the appropriate number of workers based on the amount of work and the number of working days. 6. The contractually binding partial deadlines are set out in the attached construction schedule. 7. The work advertised must be carried out in installments in accordance with the construction progress. This does not give the contractor any right to make additional demands. 8. Garbage and rubble disposal must be carried out every two days at most, in accordance with the work steps. Each contractor is responsible for this themselves. 9. All further details can be found in the list of services. 10. Services that exceed the contract amount require prior written approval; otherwise no payment will be made! Accordingly, supplementary offers must be approved in good time (at least three weeks) before execution. 11. Depending on the trade, the following documents must be enclosed with the final invoice in paper form and digitally (copied onto a CD or data carrier). These can be different documents depending on the trade. 12. Acceptance is carried out by the local construction management and the safety and health coordinator (sigeko). 13. The work is scheduled to proceed as follows: See construction schedule in the appendix - technical description of scaffolding work - assembly, modification and dismantling General The contractor responsible for the scaffolding work must ensure - that the scaffolding is assembled, modified and dismantled safely and - that the scaffolding is constructed in accordance with recognized technical standards. Scaffolding work must be led by technically qualified superiors. They must ensure that the scaffolding work is carried out in accordance with the regulations. Scaffolding work must be supervised by supervisors (sigeko). The supervisor is the person who is responsible for monitoring the execution of scaffolding work and ensuring that it is carried out safely. He must have sufficient knowledge and experience for this and be authorized to give instructions. Measures before work begins: Before scaffolding work begins, the contractor must determine whether there are any systems in the planned work area that could endanger insured persons. If the contractor accepts orders that are to be carried out at the same time and place as orders from other contractors, he is obliged to coordinate with the other contractors to the extent that this is necessary to avoid mutual danger. Electrical systems and equipment: If electrical equipment with a mains connection is used for scaffolding work, it must be operated via a special feed point in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-704. Electrical equipment includes, for example, electrically operated construction hoists and drilling machines. A special feed point is a construction power distributor in accordance with DIN VDE 0660-501 or a small construction power distributor in accordance with the "Information sheet for the construction and operation of small construction power distributors". Carrying out the work: Scaffolding components must be visually inspected for damage before installation. Damaged scaffolding components must not be installed. Scaffolding work must be carried out in such a way that the time period for activities that involve a risk of falling is as short as possible. - Scaffolding components must not be dropped. - Scaffolding components must be stored properly. Use - General: Every contractor who uses scaffolding is responsible for - using it as intended and - maintaining the operational safety of the scaffolding. He must ensure that it is not used before it is finally completed. Proof of final completion can be, for example, a handover protocol. Use: Workstations on scaffolding may only be entered and exited via safe access or access routes. Jumping off scaffolding decks or throwing anything onto them is not permitted. Putting down and storing materials and equipment is not permitted on scaffolding that is used as safety scaffolds and protective roofs. Structural changes to scaffolding may only be made by the scaffolding manufacturer. Marking: The scaffold erector must mark the scaffolding clearly after completion and for the duration of use with the following information: - DIN 4420 - Scaffolding group and working weight - Scaffold erector. Inspection - Inspection by the scaffold erector: The contractor responsible for the scaffolding work must ensure that the scaffolding is inspected - before handover to the user and - after design changes, in particular for - the perfect condition of the scaffolding components, - compliance with the standard design or - compliance with the proof of usability. Inspection by the scaffolding user: Every contractor who uses the scaffolding must ensure that the scaffolding is inspected for obvious defects before use. If defects are discovered during the inspection, the scaffolding must not be used in the areas with defects until they have been remedied. The attached "special contract conditions" are binding for the submission of offers, awarding of contracts, execution and invoicing of the work. The unit prices of the items are to be calculated as net prices, i.e. without sales tax. Sales tax is to be added after the subtotal. Alternative items are to be calculated carefully; they may be decisive for the execution and award of the order. Additional technical regulations and ancillary services Safety regulations: All work in the area of existing neighboring buildings must be carried out with the utmost care and in compliance with the relevant regulations. Components at risk must be supported as required. All work is to be carried out correctly and professionally, observing the building regulations for the protection of people working on construction sites, in conjunction with the relevant accident prevention regulations. Measurement and invoicing: All invoices submitted by the entrepreneur / contractor to the construction management must be supplemented or presented with attachments, i.e. drawings, otherwise the payment order will be delayed until the required documents have been provided. Additional services: Safety measures for the protection of buildings and for personal protection are not remunerated separately; they must be included in the unit prices.

City Of Cape Town Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
South Africa
Closing Date24 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Details: Rfq Type Goods Goods Electrical Equipment & Components Reference Number Gh12500583 Title Pole Box 5-way Grp Electrif 60a Description 5 Each X Pole Box 5-way Grp Electrif 60a Specification* Pole Mounted Sdb - Type 5-way Pole Mounted Service Distribution Box (grp) Material Uv Stabilised Grp Sheet Moulded Compound (smc) Typical Application Electrification Areas Mcb Ratings 60a, 1-pole, 240v, 5ka, Curve 1. Main 3 Phase Breaker 100a, 3-pole, 415v, 5ka Mcb Characteristic Hydraulic- Magnetic, Curve1 / Curve D Description Pre-wired Sdb Complete With Pole Mounting Brackets,door Shall Be Padlockable, Openning By Rotating Upwards In The Vertical Direction And Shall Be Held Open Using The Door Stays And/or Hinge Pivoting Assembly And Shall Overlap The Top, Left And Right Side Of The Base. Wooden 19mm Thick Equipment Mounting Panel, Neutral Bar, 35mm High X15mm Deep Din Rail For Meters,suitable For 155mm (h) X110mm (d) X 65mm(w) Mcu , 4x 2m X 25 Sq Mm Cu Single Core Uv Stabilised Pvc Insulated Incoming Cables,11 X No 0 Bottom Fitted Pvc Glands With Glands Plugs And Other Components As Required Interms Of Cct Specification, And Generally In Accordance With The Layout Detailed In The Drawings Colour G29 Light Grey Dimmensions Min Door Opening And Mounting Board Size 450 (h) X 420 (w) Mm Drawings Dr 3326 Sheets 1 And 2 Rev 4 And Dr 3367 Sht 1 Rev 2, Sk 5213 Sht 1 Rev 2 Standards Nrs 032, Vc 8036 Cct Specification Cee 44. ********************* Clause - 2.14.1 <(>&<)> 2.15 Provide, On Request By The Cct, Any Other Material That Has A Bearing On The Quotation Offer, The Supplier#s Commercial Position (including Joint Venture Agreements), Preferencing Arrangements, Or Samples Of Materials, Considered Necessary By The Cct For The Purpose Of The Evaluation Of The Quotation. If The Specifications Require The Supplier To Provide Samples/technical Data Sheets, These Shall Be Provided Strictly In Accordance With The Instructions Set Out In The Specification. If Such Samples /technical Data Sheets Are Not Submitted As Required In The Bid Documents Or Within Any Further Time Stipulated By The Cct In Writing, Then The Bid Concerned May Be Declared Non-responsive. Please Submit Technical Data Information With Your Quote Submission. ********************** Nb The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (mbd 6.1) Is Attached, In Order To Be Eligible For Preference Points Bidders Are Required To Submit A Duly Completed, Current Dated Mbd 6.1 Document With Supporting Documents With Each And Every Rfq Submission, Failure To Submit Will Result In Zero Point Allocation Delivery Date2025/04/07 Delivery Toelectricity - Ndabeni Red1 Plant / Ph 511 0410 Delivery Address01 Melck Street, Ndabeni Contact Personthembani Geza Telephone Number0214449986 Cell Number Closing Date2025/02/24 Closing Time12 00 Pm Rfq Submission Fax0000000000 Rfq Submission Fax 2 Buyer Email Addressmonja.davids@capetown.gov.za Buyer Detailsm.thorpe Buyer Phone0214006752 Attachments No Attachments Note On 3 April 2018 The City Of Cape Town Went Live With E-procurement Which Was Piloted With 3 Commodities Civil, Hardware, Electrical. No Manual Submissions Will Be Accepted For These Commodities And Suppliers Must Log In To E-services Portal To Access Rfqs. Bids Must Be Compliant With The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 Including But Not Limited To Local Content, Functionality, Price And Preference, Eligibility Criteria And Relevant Statutory Criteria. The Details Of This Are Contained In The Rfq Document And/or The Specification Advertised Via E-procurement. Only Locally Produced Goods Or Locally Manufactured Goods, Meeting The Stipulated Minimum Threshold For Local Production And Content, Will Be Considered, Where Applicable.

Opol National Secondary Technical School Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Closing Date4 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 118 K (USD 2 K)
Details: Description 1 . 1 Piece Bain Marie, Table (electric Bain Marie Food Warmer), 33x18x15cm/69.5x62x23cm 2 . 3 Piece Electric Blender (heavy Duty), 2.0l 3 . 1 Piece Double Boiler (satainless), 33x33x28cm, 2kg 4 . 5 Piece Braising Pan (m), 34cm 5 . 4 Piece Casserole (m), 5.8l 6 . 4 Piece Casserole(s), 3.6l 7 . 5 Piece Electric Fan (stand Fan) 8 . 2 Piece Fire Extinguisher (with Contents) 9 . 2 Piece Fish Poacher (m) (stainless) 10 . 6 Piece Frying Pan (l) (non-stick), 18cm 11 . 6 Piece Frying Pan (m) (non-stick), 16cm 12 . 6 Piece Frying Pan (s) (non-stick), 14cm 13 . 4 Piece Funnel (m) (stainless), 13cm 14 . 4 Piece Funnel (s) (stainless), 11cm 15 . 5 Piece Garbage Bin (heavy Duty Plastic Bin), 30l, Yellow/blue/red 16 . 6 Piece Glass Rack, 24 Pieces 17 . 5 Piece Ice Cream Scooper, 5cm 18 . 5 Piece Knife Boning, 6inch 19 . 5 Piece Knife Chef, 8inch 20 . 2 Piece Knife Cleaver (heavy Duty), 825kg 21 . 4 Piece Knife Oyster, 15.5cm 22 . 1 Piece Light Emergency, 120w 23 . 6 Piece Peeler (y-type) (stainless), 14.5x6cm 24 . 4 Piece Pepper And Salt Mill (acrylic), 5x13.7cm 25 . 6 Piece Piping Bag, 40x35x24cm 26 . 4 Piece Plate Rack (3 Layers With Cover), 58x45x28cm 27 . 1 Piece Pressure Cooker (aluminum), 24cm 28 . 2 Piece Roasting Pan (stainless), 40x30.5x2.5cm 29 . 6 Piece Siever (s) (stainless) (circle), 25cm 30 . 6 Piece Skimmer (fine) 31 . 5 Piece Skimmer (spider) (stainless), 16x6.29cm/44x17.32in 32 . 6 Piece Soup Cup Rack 33 . 8 Piece Kitchen Spoon (stainless) 34 . 8 Piece Kitchen Spoon (slotted) 35 . 8 Piece Spoon Parisienne, 30mm 36 . 15 Piece Serving Spoon, 21cm 37 . 5 Piece Wooden Spoon, 160mm 38 . 3 Piece Stock Pot (l), 7.5l 39 . 3 Piece Strainer Chinois (s), 16cm 40 . 2 Piece Strainer Chinois (m), 18cm 41 . 8 Piece Strainer Fine (m), 36cm 42 . 8 Piece Strainer Fine (s), 24cm 43 . 5 Piece Tenderizer (m) (aluminum), 24cm 44 . 8 Piece Tong (12inch), 12inch 45 . 8 Piece Tong (8inch), 8inch 46 . 8 Piece Baking Tray (s), 14x18inch 47 . 10 Piece Utility Tray (plastic/poly), 21inch 48 . 5 Piece Utility Cart, Plastic, Large 49 . 4 Piece Weighing Scale 1kg (digital), Digital 50 . 2 Piece Weighing Scale (5kg), Mini Kitchen 51 . 4 Piece Wok (m), 36cm 52 . 4 Piece Wok (s), 32cm 53 . 4 Piece Working Table, 2 Layers 54 . 8 Piece Zester, Microplane Classic
7401-7410 of 7771 archived Tenders