Tenders of Wohn Und Pflegezentrum Havelland Gmbh
Tenders of Wohn Und Pflegezentrum Havelland Gmbh
Wohn und Pflegezentrum Havelland GmbH Tender
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Construction work is being put out to tender for the conversion of a nursing home into a psychiatric-psychosomatic specialist clinic of Havelland Kliniken GmbH. A four-storey, partially basemented solid building with a flat roof is being converted for clinical use by three nursing stations, a day clinic and a psychiatric outpatient clinic Pia. The construction work affects the interior of the building, the outer shell remains unchanged. The subject of this tender is the construction of a fence to separate off a secure garden area for patients, consisting of - 45 linear metres of double-rod mesh fence with posts and foundations, 3.10 m high, angled on one side as climbing protection and embedded protection against digging under - 2 pieces of fence corner formations with bracing as an additional charge - 2 pieces of doors as an additional charge