Tenders of University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E

Tenders of University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 95 (USD 99)
1-2.0144/22 - Acquisition of Ventricular Left Deployable Assistance System In the Sick, For The Chulc, Epe

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 26.94636 (USD 28)
Bacterial filters For Washing Machines Endoscopes

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 168 (USD 175)
1-2.0160/22 - Acquisition of Detacher Descartavel Wall, Biopsy Needle Dermatologica 6 Mm-hmm. Mm (biotome), Anesthesia Needles, Biopsy Needles, Dufour Algálias, and Other Medical Devices.

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 137 (USD 143)
1-2.0166/22 - Acquisition of Anti-Trombotic Stocks, Marquesa Paper, Pulp Role And Other Clinical Consumption Material

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 178 (USD 185)
1-2.0154/22 - Po Hemostatico 1gr, Ponta Agulha de Bisturi Electrico Recta 10cm, Ponta Agulha de Bisturi Electrico Recta 15cm, Ponta Pipeta Esteril C/ Filter 0 - 10 Micl, Prolongador Cateter Dialise Pe.

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 190 (USD 198)
1-2.0155/22 - Acquisition of Expiratory Positive Pressing, P/Treine Inspired Bodybuilding, Luer-lock Syringe Adapter, Detacher In Plastico 14x14 Approx. Elastico P/ Afast.

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 104 (USD 108)
1-1.0017/22 - Raw materials_infectants_alcool

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 103 (USD 107)
1-2.0167/22 - Acquisition of Thinking, Soda, Fittings And Other Clinical Consumption Articles

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 75.16485 (USD 78)
Provision Services Transport Of Patients In Ambulance Home At the University Hospital Center of Lisbon Central, E.p.e, For The Period From 16 August 2022 At 31 December 2022

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 122 (USD 127)
1-2.0138/22 - Acquisition of Drainage Systems, Expansion Chambers, Sensors, and Other Medical Devices For Chulc, Epe
1-10 of 11 active Tenders