All Tenders
All Tenders
Indian Army Tender
Food Products
Closing Date1 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Arvi , Beans French , Brinjal , Cauliflower , Cucumber , Lady
Finger , Peas Green , Pumpkin , Tinda , Snake Gourd , Bitter
Gourd , Cabbage , Carrots Country , Rap Sag , Spinach
Country , Tomato Ripe , Chillies Green , Coconut Whole wo
fibre , Corriander Green , Ginger Green , Amaramthus ,
Fresh Lime , Bottle Gourd , Capsicum , Parwal , Radish
Country , Tori Jinga , Turnips , Apple Red Golden Delicious ,
Apple Red Chief Himachali Khuru Kashmiri , Bananas ,
Guavas , Mangoes , Mussambies , Orange , Kinnow Maltas ,
Papaya Ripe , Pears , Pomegranate , Grapes Sweet and
Seedless , Musk Melon , Water Melon Sugar Baby , Potato ,
Onion , Egg Fresh , Ice MM , White Bread , Limequick ,
Broiler Alive
IREL India Limited Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Closing Date1 Mar 2025
Tender AmountINR 9.1 Million (USD 104.6 K)
CATEGORY: Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Industrial;
Replacement of structural supports and other damaged
structures at REEP; Consumables to be provided by service
provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Indian Army Tender
Civil And Construction
Closing Date1 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Mild Steel structure shed size 10 ft x 10ft with drain in four
side for honeybee keeping with 10 boxes with 2000-2500
bee colony , Bee box apis cerena , Apis cerena colony , Bee
box stand , Bee veil , Bee Gloves , Extractor , Uncapping
Knife , Planting Material for Honeybee keeping , Queen
excluder , Honey filtration unit with tank , Evaporating tank ,
Bottling tank , Processing unit , Training for 2 days ,
Demonstration for 01 day , Exposure visit , Marketing for
Honeybee keeping 12 Months , Packing material for
Honeybee keeping , Miscellaneous items for Honeybee
keeping , Bamboo shed size 10ft x 8ft , Manpower for
Mushroom farming , Consumable raw material for
Mushroom Farming , Miscellaneous items for Mushroom
farming , Equipment for Mushroom Farming , Marketing for
Mushroom Farming , Packing material for Mushroom
Woman Welfare Department Tender
Closing Date1 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Large bowl Badi PARAT can hold 3 kg of dough , Steel
Bucket , Peeler , Plate with 3 or 4 sections for children aged
3 to 6 years , Glasses for children aged 3 to 6 years ,
Spoons for children aged 3 to 6 years , Branded Pressure
Cooker , Pan with Lid , Big griddle , Tongs CHIMTA , CHAKLA
, Rolling pin BELAN , Large Ladle , Large Tablespoons , Knife
, Airtight container for wheat flour rice , Airtight container
for dal soya bean badi , Airtight container for salt sugar etc ,
airtight containers for spices etc , Gas Lighter , Fire safety
equipment Sand Bucket , Branded Double Burner Gas Stove
, Branded Gas Regulators for cylinder , Gas Pipes , Sieve for
sifting flour AATA CHALNI
111-120 of 10000 active Tenders