Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Leicestershire County Council Tender

United Kingdom
Description: Large Vehicle Passenger Transport Services (bb4)
Closing Date20 Jul 2030
Tender AmountEUR 40 Million (USD 43.1 Million)

Lancashire County Council Tender

United Kingdom
Description: Provision Of Passenger Transport Services - Dynamic Purchasing System
Closing Date30 Jun 2029
Tender AmountEUR 140 Million (USD 151 Million)

Slough Borough Council Tender

United Kingdom
Description: Ojeu Notice For Dynamic Purchasing System (dps) - Home To School, Special Educational Needs And Vulnerable Adult Passenger Transport Services Version 2
Closing Date26 Jul 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

North Lincolnshire Council Tender

Transportation and Logistics...+1Automobiles and Auto Parts
United Kingdom
Description: Dynamic Purchasing System For Local And Home To School Transport
Closing Date20 Jun 2026
Tender AmountEUR 42 Million (USD 45.3 Million)

Southampton City Council Tender

United Kingdom
Description: Dps For Home To School Transport
Closing Date23 Aug 2028
Tender AmountEUR 25 Million (USD 26.9 Million)

Gloucestershire County Council Tender

United Kingdom
Description: Gloucestershire County Council Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System (dps)
Closing Date1 Mar 2030
Tender AmountEUR 210 Million (USD 226.5 Million)


Transportation and Logistics
Description: Dynamic Purchasing Scheme - Plan And Engineering Services For Transport
Closing Date7 Jan 2027
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Rakkestad Kommune Tender

Automobiles and Auto Parts
Details: Announcement of competition: Vehicles - dynamic purchasing scheme Rakkestad municipality intends to enter into a dynamic purchasing scheme for the purchase of company cars for the municipality. The client wants a scheme that will cover the need for own transport, As well as reduce climate and environmental impact. The client wants the future car fleet to be turned towards becoming significantly more climate- and environment-friendly. It is a requirement that the tenderer has the delivery of the car and workshop in the clients immediate area. The immediate area is defined as the municipalities of rakkestad, Inner østfold, Skiftvedt, Marker, Aremark, Halden, Fredrikstad and sarpsborg. A complete description of the procurement will be announced in the individual competitions under the scheme. Information about subcontracts This procurement is divided into subcontracts: No Languages such as offers or requests for participation can be submitted to Norsk Eligibility Criteria : qualification requirements suitability to perform the professional activities, including requirements for registration in a business register, professional register or a trade register overview and brief description of terms: the supplier shall have orderly conditions with regard to payment of tax, employers contribution and value added tax. or trade register in the state in which the supplier is established. economic and financial capacity overview and brief description of qualification requirements: the supplier must have sufficient economic and financial capacity to be able to fulfill the contract. the supplier must have sufficient sufficient economic and financial capacity to be able to fulfill the contract. related to the execution of the contract
Closing Date1 Dec 2030
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Tender

Civil And Construction
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for Short breaks dynamic purchase system (dps) Barnsley metropolitan borough council (the council), Is looking to establish a light touch dynamic purchasing system (dps) to procure provision of short break activites for disabled children and young people.a dps offers a flexible and responsive approach to commissioning and purchasing which we believe would improve the existing arrangements for short breaks. The dps is a live list of approved operators. The dps will be advertised via yortender system, And providers can complete a simple on-line application process using the yortender portal.all providers who meet and pass the exclusion and selection criteria will be admitted to the dps. Successful operators will be advised that they are on the dps. Short breaks providers will collectively offer a range of provision for children from 5 to 17 years of age with a disability who would benefit from targeted group based activities. Activities must be adaptable to suit a range of ages, Abilities, Needs and interests. Delivery must be within barnsley and where possible centrally located to support children to attend independently if they wish. Venues and premises used for delivery must be fully accessible. Families are encouraged to provide transport to and from activities, However, Where this is not possible transport may be required.please read all supporting documentation prior to completing the online selection questionnaire and dcoumentation. bmbc require the following completing and returning :categories 1 & 2online yortender selection questionnaire – stage one part four - quality criteria response document – stage twopart six –short breaks dps agreementcategory 2 onlypart 5 – price response document please be aware that when a new dps round opens you will be automatically notified even if you have already submitted your response/successful. There is no way to stop alerting dps members of each monthly round. Estimated value: £600,000.00 Estimated contract dates: 01/12/2020 end date 30/11/2023
Closing Date30 Nov 2025
Tender AmountGBP 600 K (USD 772.9 K)

Stockholms Stad Tender

Transportation and Logistics
Description: Nds T-314 Sea Transport
Closing Date31 Dec 2029
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
9871-9880 of 9937 active Tenders