Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Gmina Lubianka Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: "O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Budowa Drog dla Rozwinąć Zbiorowego Public Transport I Poprawy Jakości Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia Życia

Specialist Hospital Dr L In Inovroclavia Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: "Operation of the Progress of Retribution, Transport I Unieszkodliwianie Odpadów Medowe I Weterynarnych dla Hospitala Wielospecjalistyczny Im. Dr. Louis Błaż Wowrocławiuchiu Wowrocławiuchiuchu Wowrocławiuchiuchu Wowrocławiuchu Wowrocławiuchiuchu Wowrocławiuynaracji dla Hospitala Wielospecjalistyczna Im

Central Purchasing Office For Public Transport Tender

Closing Date20 Sep 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Central Purchasing Office For Public Transport | Boamp - Supply Electricity

Central Purchasing Office For Public Transport Tender

Closing Date20 Sep 2028
Tender AmountEUR 200 K (USD 215.7 K)
Purchaser Name: Central Purchasing Office For Public Transport | Description: The object of the Sad Is The Next: Selection of a Panel Of Suppliers In View Supplying Electricity Beneficiaries Wishing to Go through the Public Transport Purchasing Plant To Reply To Their Needs. This Sad is Concluded by the Public Transport Purchasing Station (catp), In The Framework Of Its Centralized Purchasing Activity Concerning the Acquisition of Services Destined to Buyers, Such as Expected to Article L2113-2 1° Du Ccp. He is Destinated to the Adjudicator Powers, Members of the Catp. The Procurement Is Related To A Project And/or Programme Financed By European Union Funds: No

Municipality of work in Krakow Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of the Progress of the Kurs Truth". C+e Wraz Z Kwalifikacja Przyspieszon w Kierowiec Wykonniczy Z Egzaminami

Wiltshire Council Tender

Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Closing Date30 Nov 2027
Tender AmountEUR 500 Million (USD 539.3 Million)
Description: Pt1331 2022 Passenger Transport - Dynamic Purchasing System

State Forest Transport Centre Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Purchaser Name: State Forest Transport Centre | As a result of the Progress of the Protection of Mienia from the Chapter of Na part of the Protection of Mienia

The city of the teeth Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: As a result of the Progress of Meriting Services of the Children of Niepełnosprawłów W Zakresie Transport of the Children of the Year of the 2022/2023

Independent Public Healthcare Facility Wojewodzka Emergency Rescue And Sanitary Transport Station In Plock Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Purchaser Name: Independent Public Healthcare Facility Wojewodzka Emergency Rescue And Sanitary Transport Station In | As a result of O Wyniku Proępowanie Dostawy Zakup Leków W Roku 2022 Więcy.

The city of the teeth Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: As a result of the Progress of Meriting Services of the Children of Niepełnosprawłów W Zakresie Transport of the Children of the Year of the 2022/2023
9691-9700 of 9996 active Tenders