Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Local Service Centre In Radomiu Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progressing of Dostawa Owoców I Warzyw along with Z Transport for the Social Helps of W Radomiu W Period of 01.09.2022 of the Year for 31.2022.

Community Fund in the Isle of MAZOVIECKY SOCIETY with Limited Responsibility Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the reporting of the Resolution, Transport I Zagospodaring of Biodegradation (2002 01). - 2 Progression

Inspectorate Of Road Transport In Gorzova Wielkopolski Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Inspectorate Of Road Transport In Gorzova Wielkopolski | Description: Remont Elewacji Ściany West Zabytkowego Budynku, the Bureau of Construction of the Warsaw Inspektorate of Transport of the Gorzowie Greater Poland Voivodeship

Public Fund Of The Specialist Hospital No And In The Household Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progress of Transport of the Sanitar Hospital No. 1 W Bytomiu: Transport Sanit. Transport Sanit.bez Opieki Med. Transport Sanit. Bariatryczny Z Opieką Med.

Municipality of Kolbudy Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progress of the People's Service of W Zakresie Transport of Children I of the Young Children's Children's Witnesses, Z Miejsca Zamieszkania Doół I Placówka Kształcenia Specjalis (W Roku Szkolny 2022/232020/232020)

Institute of Car Transport Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Institute of Car Transport | Description: The reporting of the Elektra Nuclear Power Administration of the Energy Administration of the Elektra Nuclear Energy Research Institute in the Institute of Transport of the Automotive Energy

Independent Public Ambulance And Sanitary Transport Station In Zamo Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Independent Public Ambulance And Sanitary Transport Station In Zamo | "Operation of Dostawa, Wdrożytkowanie I Serwisowanie Oprogramowanie Komputerowej Finansowo- Bookowy, I Kadrovo-pLatin magazine for Spsprits Wościu".

Centre Of Joint Services In Dobiegnev Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: In the Ix-xii 2022 R. W Zakresie Public Transport of Zbiorowego includes the M. Dowos/Oczniów Do/zów O/zówka

Institute of Car Transport Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Institute of Car Transport | As a result of the Progress of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Information System, Simple.erp

Hospital Praski P V Transition Of Mr Sp Z O O Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progress of Transport of the Medium I Specjalisical Hospital of Prague Pw
9341-9350 of 9725 active Tenders