Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Lodz City Hall Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of O Wyniku Postępowanie Usługi Przygot. Zabudowy,transport,montaż, I Bież. Stoiska Wystaw.-prom. O Pow. 24m2 Na Internationale Targi Tech. Web 2022 Response 1-4.11.2022 R. In Lisbon, Portugal

Gmina Rain Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: Demontaż, Zbieranie, Transport I Unieszkodliwianie Wyrobów contains Azbest Z Terenu Gminy Pniewywywywywywianieów

Roads, Greenery And Transport Authority In Olsztyn Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Roads, Greenery And Transport Authority In Olsztyn | Administrated by the Office of Robotic Construction Station Remonty Bieging the Naverzchni Ulic I Chodnik W Zakresie Robót Brukarskich Na Terenach Administred Board of Dróg, Zieleni I Transportu W Olsztynie W Latach 2022-2023-2023

Route And Transport Committee In Fishing Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Route And Transport Committee In Fishing | "Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Constructionlane "modernization of the Do Gruntów Rolnych – Modernization of the Powiatowa Route No 2738 E Odc. Oszkowice – Wola Gosławska""

Municipal Transport in Lublin Tender

Closing DateNA
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Purchaser Name: Municipal Transport in Lublin | Description: Municipal Transport Board of Lublin

Hospitals With Limited Responsibility Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: "Operation of the Progress of Transport of Sanitarny, Specjalistical I of the Way of Na 3 Zadanie dla Hospitala Specjalistyczny W Prabutach Sp. From O. O. For Period 24 Miesięcycycycy

Gmina Gromnik Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progress of Transport Services. In Zakresie Przewozów Szkonych Uczniów na Terenie Gminy Gromnik W Roku Szkolny 2022/2023232023/202323. "Orazowanie Opieki Nad Uczniami w Przewozuwiz"

Competition and Consumer Protection Agency Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: Conservation of Instalation, Ciepłej I Zimnej Wody, Kanalization I Centralnego Ogrzewanya, Drobne Naprawy Budowlanej, Drobne Naprawy Budowlanej,. A little work of the Economics of the I Transports W Budynku Uokikikikikek

The Old Wild Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: The announcement of the Office of the Robotic Construction Authority, the construction of the Naverzchni Drog of the Transport of the Role of the Role of the Role of the Roboty Building

University of Stuttgart Tender

Closing DateNA
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Description: "Operation of the Progress of Transport of Autokary for the Priests of the Priests of the I Middle Ages"
9321-9330 of 9724 active Tenders